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Last active April 29, 2021 19:32
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FileUpload.vue and FileUploadCompress.vue
<div class="tw-flex tw-content-between tw-flex-wrap">
<v-card class="tw-rounded-lg c-bg-gray tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-flex-wrap" :flat="true">
<div class="image-preview tw-px-8 md:tw-px-12 tw-py-2" v-if="imageData.length > 0">
<div v-if="allowDelete" class="tw-w-full tw-flex tw-justify-end tw-absolute tw--ml-20 tw--mt-3">
<v-icon class="tw-bg-red-700 tw-rounded-full tw-p-1 tw-cursor-pointer" title="remove image" size="17" color="#fff" @click="deleteImage">mdi-close</v-icon>
<img class="preview" :src="imageData" alt="img" />
<label v-else class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-px-8 md:tw-px-12 tw-py-4 md:tw-py-8 tw-cursor-pointer">
<v-icon class="c-bg-blue tw-rounded-full tw-w-6 tw-h-6" color="#fff">mdi-plus</v-icon>
<p class="c-blue-text tw-mt-3 tw-px-3">Attach Image</p>
<input type="file" :id="name" class="tw-hidden" @change="previewImage" accept="image/*" />
<v-text-field class="tw-hidden" v-model="image" :rules="rules"></v-text-field>
<small class="tw-w-full tw-p-2">maximum of 2 MB</small>
import helpers from '@/utils/helpers';
export default {
name: 'FileUploads',
props: {
rules: {
type: Array,
required: false,
name: String,
addedImage: {
type: Object,
required: false,
data() {
return {
imageData: '',
image: '',
allowDelete: true,
watch: {
image(val) {
this.$emit('input', val);
mounted() {
// console.log('here1', this.addedImage);
if (!helpers.objIsEmpty(this.addedImage)) {
this.image = this.addedImage;
this.imageData = atob(this.addedImage.base64String);
methods: {
previewImage(event) {
const input =;
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
if (/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.test(input.files[0].name)) {
const FileSize = input.files[0].size / 1024 / 1024;
if (FileSize > 2) {
this.$toast.error('Image greater than 2 MB', 'Image Error');
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
this.imageData =;
this.image = {
base64String: btoa(,
documentId: -1,
} else {
this.$toast.error('Not Valid Image', 'Image Error');
deleteImage() {
this.imageData = '';
this.image = '';
<style scoped>
img.preview {
width: 200px;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
padding: 5px;
<div class="tw-flex tw-content-between tw-flex-wrap">
<v-card class="tw-rounded-lg c-bg-gray tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-flex-wrap" :flat="true">
<div class="image-preview tw-px-8 md:tw-px-12 tw-py-2" v-if="imageData.length > 0">
<div v-if="allowDelete" class="tw-w-full tw-flex tw-justify-end tw-absolute tw--ml-20 tw--mt-3">
<v-icon class="tw-bg-red-700 tw-rounded-full tw-p-1 tw-cursor-pointer" title="remove image" size="17" color="#fff" @click="deleteImage">mdi-close</v-icon>
<img class="preview" :src="imageData" alt="img" />
<label v-else class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-px-8 md:tw-px-12 tw-py-4 md:tw-py-8 tw-cursor-pointer">
<v-icon class="c-bg-blue tw-rounded-full tw-w-6 tw-h-6" color="#fff">mdi-plus</v-icon>
<p class="c-blue-text tw-mt-3 tw-px-3">Attach Image</p>
<input type="file" :id="name" class="tw-hidden" @change="previewImage" accept="image/*" />
<v-text-field class="tw-hidden" v-model="image" :rules="rules"></v-text-field>
<small class="tw-w-full tw-p-2">maximum of 2 MB</small>
import helpers from '@/utils/helpers';
export default {
name: 'FileUploads',
props: {
rules: {
type: Array,
required: false,
name: String,
addedImage: {
type: Object,
required: false,
data() {
return {
imageData: '',
image: '',
allowDelete: true,
file: {},
result: {},
reader: {},
scale: 100,
quality: 20,
watch: {
image(val) {
this.$emit('input', val);
mounted() {
// console.log('here1', this.addedImage);
if (!helpers.objIsEmpty(this.addedImage)) {
this.image = this.addedImage;
this.imageData = atob(this.addedImage.base64String);
methods: {
previewImage(event) {
const input =;
// get the file
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
this.file = input.files[0];
// console.log(this.file);
if (input.files && this.file) {
if (/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.test( {
const FileSize = this.file.size / 1024 / 1024;
if (FileSize > 5) {
this.$toast.error('Image greater than 2 MB', 'Image Error');
// Make new FileReader
this.reader = new FileReader();
// Convert the file to base64 text
// on reader load something...
this.reader.onload = this.fileOnLoad;
} else {
this.$toast.error('Not Valid Image', 'Image Error');
Draw And Compress The Image
@params {String} imgUrl
drawImage(imgUrl, type) {
// Recreate Canvas Element
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// Set Canvas Context
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Create New Image
const img = new Image();
img.src = imgUrl;
img.onload = () => {
// Image Size After Scaling
const scale = this.scale / 100;
const width = img.width * scale;
const height = img.height * scale;
// Set Canvas Height And Width According to Image Size And Scale
canvas.setAttribute('width', width);
canvas.setAttribute('height', height);
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
// Quality Of Image
const quality = this.quality ? (this.quality / 100) : 1;
// If all files have been proceed
const base64 = canvas.toDataURL(type, quality);
const fileName =;
const objToPass = {
original: this.result,
compressed: {
name: fileName,
file: this.buildFile(base64, fileName),
objToPass.compressed.size = `${Math.round(objToPass.compressed.file.size / 1000)} kB`;
objToPass.compressed.type = type;
this.imageData = objToPass.compressed.base64;
this.image = {
base64String: btoa(this.imageData),
documentId: -1,
When The File in loaded
fileOnLoad() {
// The File
const { file } = this;
// Make a fileInfo Object
const fileInfo = {
type: file.type,
size: `${Math.round(file.size / 1000)} kB`,
base64: this.reader.result,
// Push it to the state
this.result = fileInfo;
// DrawImage
this.drawImage(this.result.base64, file.type);
// Convert Blob To File
buildFile(blob, name) {
return new File([blob], name);
deleteImage() {
this.imageData = '';
this.image = '';
this.file = {};
this.result = {};
this.reader = {};
<style scoped>
img.preview {
width: 200px;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
padding: 5px;
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