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Last active December 12, 2015 07:03
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Idiomatic text processing. Inverting reduce: instead of running one function on a list of values, run a list of functions on one value.
from functools import reduce
def pipeline(steps, initial=None):
def apply(result, step):
yield from step(result)
yield from reduce(apply, steps, initial)
if __name__ == '__main__':
before = notify(write(modify(sanitize(concat(read(FILES))))))
process = read, concat, sanitize, modify, write, notify
after = pipeline(process, FILES)
# alternate, BEFORE
opened_files = read(FILES)
meaningless_variable_name = concat(opened_files)
etc = sanitize(meaningless_variable_name)
step4 = modify(etc)
step5 = write(step4)
before = notify(step5)
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python 2 conversion, convert yield from to a for loop:


yield from reduce(apply, steps, initial)


for item in reduce(apply, steps, initial):
    yield item

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