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Created April 26, 2010 18:52
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A simple game of Pong written in Go.
package main
import (
A simple game of Pong.
Run `pong -h` for the available options.
Keyboard controls are:
j: paddle down
k: paddle up
p: pause
q: quit
On i686 you can build this with:
$ 8g pong.go && 8l pong.8
On x86_64, it's:
$ 6g pong.go && 6l pong.6
var worldHeight *int = flag.Int("height", 200, "Height of Game")
var worldWidth *int = flag.Int("width", 200, "Width of Game")
var paddleSpeed *int = flag.Int("player-speed", 4, "Speed of player paddle")
var enemySpeed *int = flag.Int("enemy-speed", 4, "Speed of enemy paddle")
var ballSpeed *int = flag.Int("ball-speed", 4, "Speed of the ball")
var showUsage *bool = flag.Bool("help", false, "Show help")
func main() {
sdl.WM_SetCaption("PonGo", "")
if *showUsage {
world := NewWorld(*worldHeight, *worldWidth)
go world.Run()
defer Quit(world)
type Ball struct {
vector *Vector2
velocity *Vector2
radius float64
speed float64
color uint32
func NewBall(x, y float64) (ball *Ball) {
ball = &Ball{
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
speed: float64(*ballSpeed),
radius: 2.0,
color: 0xffffff,
velocity := Vector2{X: float64(1 + rand.Intn(5)), Y: float64(rand.Intn(5))}
ball.velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(ball.speed)
func (self *Ball) Update(world *World) {
velocity := self.velocity
future := self.vector.Plus(velocity)
radius := self.radius
if velocity.Y < 0 && future.Y <= radius {
velocity.Y = -velocity.Y
if velocity.Y > 0 && future.Y >= (float64(world.Height)-radius) {
velocity.Y = -velocity.Y
if velocity.X < 0 {
paddle := world.Paddle
hit, _ := paddle.Hit(self.vector, future)
if hit {
velocity.X = -velocity.X
velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} else if future.X <= radius {
fmt.Println("Enemy scores")
velocity.X = -velocity.X
if velocity.X > 0 {
enemy := world.Enemy
hit, _ := enemy.Hit(self.vector, future)
if hit {
velocity.X = -velocity.X
velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} else if future.X >= float64(world.Width) {
fmt.Println("Player scores")
velocity.X = -velocity.X
self.velocity = velocity
self.vector = self.vector.Plus(velocity)
func (self *Ball) Draw(world *World) {
world.Screen.FillRect(self.Rect(), self.color)
func (self *Ball) Rect() *sdl.Rect {
size := uint16(self.radius * 2)
x := self.vector.X - self.radius
y := self.vector.Y - self.radius
return &sdl.Rect{X: int16(x), Y: int16(y), W: size, H: size}
type Paddle struct {
vector *Vector2
target *Vector2
height, width, speed float64
color uint32
func NewPaddle(x, y, w, h float64) *Paddle {
return &Paddle{
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
target: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
height: h,
width: w,
color: 0x6666ff,
speed: float64(*paddleSpeed),
func (self *Paddle) Go(x, y float64) { = &Vector2{X: self.vector.X, Y: y}
func (self *Paddle) Update(world *World) {
goal :=
if goal.Length() > self.speed {
goal = goal.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
future := self.vector.Plus(goal)
if future.Y < (self.height / 2) {
if (future.Y + (self.height / 2)) > float64(world.Height) {
self.vector = future
func (self *Paddle) Draw(world *World) {
world.Screen.FillRect(self.Rect(), self.color)
func (self *Paddle) Rect() *sdl.Rect {
h := self.height
w := self.width
x := self.vector.X - float64(w/2)
y := self.vector.Y - float64(h/2)
return &sdl.Rect{X: int16(x), Y: int16(y), W: uint16(w), H: uint16(h)}
func (self *Paddle) Hit(past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// our front line
halfHeight := self.height / 2
halfWidth := self.width / 2
x0, y0 := (self.vector.X + halfWidth), (self.vector.Y - halfHeight)
x1, y1 := (self.vector.X + halfWidth), (self.vector.Y + halfHeight)
return self.hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1, past, future)
type Enemy struct {
func NewEnemy(x, y, w, h float64) *Enemy {
return &Enemy{
Paddle: Paddle{
width: w,
height: h,
color: 0xff6666,
speed: float64(*enemySpeed),
target: &Vector2{X: 0, Y: 0},
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
func (self *Enemy) Hit(past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// our front line
halfHeight := self.height / 2
halfWidth := self.width / 2
x0, y0 := (self.vector.X - halfWidth), (self.vector.Y - halfHeight)
x1, y1 := (self.vector.X - halfWidth), (self.vector.Y + halfHeight)
return self.hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1, past, future)
func (self *Paddle) hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1 float64, past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// line between past and future
x2, y2 := past.X, past.Y
x3, y3 := future.X, future.Y
d := (x1-x0)*(y3-y2) - (y1-y0)*(x3-x2)
if math.Fabs(d) < 0.001 {
} // never hit since parallel
ab := ((y0-y2)*(x3-x2) - (x0-x2)*(y3-y2)) / d
if ab > 0.0 && ab < 1.0 {
cd := ((y0-y2)*(x1-x0) - (x0-x2)*(y1-y0)) / d
if cd > 0.0 && cd < 1.0 {
linx := x0 + ab*(x1-x0)
liny := y0 + ab*(y1-y0)
hit = true
place = &Vector2{X: linx, Y: liny}
// no hit
func (self *Enemy) Update(world *World) {
if world.Ball.velocity.X > 0 {
targetY := world.Ball.vector.Y
targetX := self.vector.X
goal := (&Vector2{X: targetX, Y: targetY}).Minus(self.vector)
if goal.Length() > self.speed {
goal = goal.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} = goal
future := self.vector.Plus(
if future.Y < (self.height / 2) {
if (future.Y + (self.height / 2)) > float64(world.Height) {
self.vector = future
type World struct {
running bool
pause bool
Height, Width int
Screen *sdl.Surface
Ball *Ball
Paddle *Paddle
Enemy *Enemy
Score *Score
func NewWorld(height, width int) *World {
return &World{
Height: height,
Width: width,
Screen: NewSurface(width, height),
Ball: NewBall(float64(width)/2, float64(height)/2),
Paddle: NewPaddle(5, float64(height)/2, 5, 30),
Enemy: NewEnemy(float64(width-5), float64(height)/2, 5, 30),
Score: NewScore(),
running: true,
pause: false,
func (self *World) HandleEvents() {
for self.running {
e := &sdl.Event{}
for e.Poll() {
switch e.Type {
case sdl.QUIT:
self.running = false
case sdl.KEYDOWN:
switch sdl.GetKeyName(sdl.Key(e.Keyboard().Keysym.Sym)) {
case "p":
self.pause = !self.pause
case "j":
self.Paddle.Go(0, self.Paddle.vector.Y+self.Paddle.speed)
case "k":
self.Paddle.Go(0, self.Paddle.vector.Y-self.Paddle.speed)
case "q":
self.running = false
motion := e.MouseMotion()
self.Paddle.Go(float64(motion.X), float64(motion.Y))
func (self *World) Run() {
for self.running {
if !self.pause {
func (self *World) Update() {
func (self *World) Draw() {
self.Screen.FillRect(nil, 0x0)
center := &sdl.Rect{X: int16(self.Width/2) - 1, Y: 0, H: 200, W: 2}
self.Screen.FillRect(center, 0x333333)
type Score struct {
Enemy int
Paddle int
color *sdl.Color
func NewScore() (score *Score) {
score = &Score{
color: &sdl.Color{255, 255, 255, 0},
Enemy: 0,
Paddle: 0,
return score
func (self *Score) Draw(world *World) {
pRect := &sdl.Rect{
X: int16(world.Paddle.width + world.Paddle.vector.X),
Y: 3, W: 3, H: 3,
for p := self.Paddle; p > 0; p-- {
pRect.X += 6
world.Screen.FillRect(pRect, 0x6666ff)
if int(pRect.X) > world.Width {
fmt.Println("You Win!")
world.running = false
eRect := &sdl.Rect{
X: int16(world.Enemy.vector.X - world.Enemy.width),
Y: int16(world.Height - 6), W: 3, H: 3,
for e := self.Enemy; e >= 0; e-- {
eRect.X -= 6
world.Screen.FillRect(eRect, 0xff6666)
if eRect.X <= 0 {
fmt.Println("You Lose!")
world.running = false
type Vector2 struct {
X, Y float64
func (self *Vector2) Normalize() *Vector2 {
length := self.Length()
return &Vector2{X: (self.X / length), Y: (self.Y / length)}
func (self *Vector2) MultiplyNum(other float64) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X * other), Y: (self.Y * other)}
func (self *Vector2) Plus(other *Vector2) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X + other.X), Y: (self.Y + other.Y)}
func (self *Vector2) Minus(other *Vector2) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X - other.X), Y: (self.Y - other.Y)}
func (self *Vector2) Length() float64 {
return math.Sqrt((self.X * self.X) + (self.Y * self.Y))
func NewSurface(height int, width int) (surface *sdl.Surface) {
surface = sdl.SetVideoMode(height, width, 32, 0)
if surface == nil {
func sdlSetup() (world *World) {
if sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0 {
sdl.EnableKeyRepeat(25, 25)
func Quit(world *World) {
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How do you add packages to go? I don't have rand or SDL in my gopath

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How do you add packages to go? I don't have rand or SDL in my gopath

maybe you solved but I write this comment for other who start with go and don't know how to add packages, you have to add them with the command go get, usually you find the way to install a package in the repo's readme.

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