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Created June 10, 2020 14:42
Fetch Crystal dependencies on the lfy
{ pkgs ? import ./nix { } }:
inherit (builtins) fromJSON readFile toFile elemAt split mapAttrs;
inherit (pkgs)
crystal runCommand stdenv lib coreutils inclusive pkgconfig openssl;
inherit (pkgs.lib) makeBinPath;
shardLock2JSON = shardLockFile:
runCommand "yaml2json" { buildInputs = [ crystal ]; } ''
crystal eval <<-EOF > $out
require "json"
require "yaml"
puts YAML.parse("${shardLockFile}")).to_json
fetchShards = shardLockFile:
mapAttrs (name: value:
parts = split "\\+git\\.commit\\." value.version;
version = elemAt parts 0;
rev = elemAt parts 2;
in fetchGit {
url = value.git;
rev = rev;
}) (fromJSON (readFile (shardLock2JSON shardLockFile))).shards;
shardsDir = shardLockFile:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "shard-libs";
__structuredAttrs = true;
preferLocalBuild = true;
PATH = lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils ];
shards = fetchShards shardLockFile;
builder = toFile "builder" ''
mkdir $out
for name in "''${!shards[@]}"; do
echo "Linking shard $name ..."
ln -s "''${shards[$name]}" "$out/$name"
in crystal.buildCrystalPackage {
pname = "example";
version = "0.1.0";
format = "crystal";
buildInputs = [ pkgconfig openssl ];
src = inclusive ./. [ ./src ];
preConfigure = ''
ln -s ${shardsDir ./shard.lock} lib
crystalBinaries.example.src = "src/";
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