I recently got myself a Yubikey and wanted to set up the Yubico Authenticator with all the OTPs I had in Google Authenticator. Unfortunately Yubico Authenticator doesn't support scanning the QR-code that the Google Authenticator generates when you export the OTP-keys, and it seemed like quite the daunting task to log in to every service to generate new OTP-keys. So I decided to have a look at the contents of the QR code, to see if I could import the keys into Yubico Authenticator in one go. Luckily I found a blog post by Alex Bakker that describes the data format.
Unfortunately, but likely for the best, the security policy of Google Authenticator won't allow you to take a screenshot of the generated export-all QR-code. Since my phone is also the only device I own with a decent camera, I had to resign to snap a picture of QR-code on the phone screen using the built-in webcam of my laptop. If you also use a low quality camera you might run into the same issue that I did, namely that the picture will have too much noice for QR-code readers to interpret the QR-code. The easiest way around it was split the export into multiple QR-codes, which for me meant two codes instead of twenty. I used the Linux desktop app Kamoso to snap the pictures.
To extract the OTP-keys from the Google Authenticator QR-code is a four-step procedure:
- Extract data-URL from the QR-code
- Base64 Decode the query parameter
- Decode the protobuf message
- For each OTP-key; base32 decode the secret field
- nodejs
- zbar-tools
The zbar-tools
package includes a tool to extract URLs from QR-codes. I did try to use jimp
and qrcode-reader
in the
javascript, but it didn't work straight out the box so I didn't bother spending more time to get it to work.
- Download the files
to an empty directory - Make
executable:chmod +x otp-codes.sh
- Extract codes
./otp-codes.sh <path to qr-code image>
I'm trying to run through these steps manually, and when I decode the protobuf message, it looks like my secrets are still encoded or encrypted in different ways. For example I have some output that looks like:
otp_parameters {
secret: "\123\456\789\012"
while others look like:
otp_parameters {
secret: "ABC12E2F33GH4"
while still others look like:
otp_parameters {
secret: "RwX&pUe*QLn#9BPWGRQUmHP#T"
None of the secrets can be base32 decoded so I'm stuck. Any idea what's happened?