You can post a json file with curl
like so:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @FILENAME DESTINATION
so for example:
Timestamp | I am a software developer working in the industry professionally for: | I work/worked for projects in the following countries (list provided by | I write/wrote code professionally in the following languages (programming languages listed are from | How many years of experience do you have doing Testing? | I am familiar with testing tools such as Junit, Jest, PHPUnit or any other framework that provides a common ground to write tests. | I learned TDD at work | I learned TDD myself, through books, videos courses or tutorials. | People that I work/worked with already knew TDD | The people I work with practice TDD as part of daily work | I practice TDD as part of my daily workflow. | I feel that TDD makes me go slower than if I wasn't doing it | I am not allowed to push code for review without a test case with it | The companies I work/worked at, required TDD to join them as part of the job description. | Companies I work/worked at do not pract |
Timestamp | I am a software developer working in the industry professionally for: | I work/worked for projects in the following countries (list provided by | I write/wrote code professionally in the following languages (programming languages listed are from | I am familiar with testing tools such as Junit, Jest, PHPUnit or any other framework that provides a common ground to write tests. | I learned TDD at work | I learned TDD myself, through books, videos courses or tutorials. | People that I work/worked with already knew TDD | The people I work with practice TDD as part of daily work | I practice TDD as part of my daily workflow. | I feel that TDD makes me go slower than if I wasn't doing it | I am not allowed to push code for review without a test case with it | The companies I work/worked at, required TDD to join them as part of the job description. | Companies I work/worked at do not practice TDD | Companies I work/worked at argued that TDD requi |
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; | |
export const withRouter = Component => { | |
const Wrapper = (props) => { | |
const history = useNavigate(); | |
return ( | |
<Component | |
history={history} | |
{...props} |
Inspired by: |
1) Create a branch with the tag | |
git branch {tagname}-branch {tagname} | |
git checkout {tagname}-branch | |
2) Include the fix manually if it's just a change .... | |
git add . | |
git ci -m "Fix included" | |
or cherry-pick the commit, whatever is easier | |
git cherry-pick {num_commit} | |
/** | |
* | |
*/ | |
#include <Wire.h> | |
#include <MPU6050.h> | |
MPU6050 mpu; | |
void setup() | |
{ |
de,a,o,que,e,do,da,em,um,para,é,com,não,uma,os,no,se,na,por,mais,as,dos,como,mas,foi,ao,ele,das,tem,à,seu,sua,o,u,ser,quando,muito,há,nos,já,está,eu,também,só,pelo,pela,até,isso,ela,entre,era,depois,sem,mesmo,aos,ter,seus,quem,nas,me,esse,eles,estão,você,tinha,foram,essa,num,nem,suas,meu,às,minha,têm,numa,pelos,elas,havia,seja,qual,será,nós,tenho,lhe,deles,essas,esses,pelas,este,fosse,dele,tu,te,vocês,vos,lhes,meus,minhas,teu,tua,teus,tuas,nosso,nossa,nossos,nossas,dela,delas,esta,estes,estas,aquele,aquela,aqueles,aquelas,isto,aquilo,estou,está,estamos,estão,estive,esteve,estivemos,estiveram,estava,estávamos,estavam,estivera,estivéramos,esteja,estejamos,estejam,estivesse,estivéssemos,estivessem,estiver,estivermos,estiverem,hei,há,havemos,hão,houve,houvemos,houveram,houvera,houvéramos,haja,hajamos,hajam,houvesse,houvéssemos,houvessem,houver,houvermos,houverem,houverei,houverá,houveremos,houverão,houveria,houveríamos,houveriam,sou,somos,são,era,éramos,eram,fui,foi,fomos,foram,fora,fôramos,seja,sejamos,sejam,fos |
import os | |
from gps import * | |
from time import * | |
g = gps(mode=WATCH_ENABLE) | |
while 1: | |
os.system('clear') | |
g.poll() | |
if PACKET_SET: | | |