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Created February 11, 2014 14:34
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My Default Fab Commands
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import cyan, green
print(cyan(' _,-""`""-~`)'))
print(cyan('(`~ \\'))
print(cyan(' | a a \\'))
print(cyan(' ; o ; ___ _,,,,_ _.-~\'.'))
print(cyan(' \ `^` /`_.-"~ `~-;` \\'))
print(cyan(' \_ _ .\' `, |'))
print(cyan(' |`- \\\'__/'))
print(cyan(' / ,_ \ `\'-.'))
print(cyan(' / .-""~~--. `"-, ;_ /'))
print(cyan(' | \ \ | `""`'))
print(cyan(' \__.--\'`"-. /_ \|\''))
print(cyan(' `"` `~~~---.., |'))
print(cyan(' \'SUP, SIR ! \ _.-\'`-.'))
print(cyan(' \ \\'))
print(cyan(' \'. /'))
print(cyan(' `"~"`'))
def totoro():
""" Totoro VM Details """
env.hosts = ['totoro@totoro', '']
env.vbox = 'Totoro'
def prod():
""" Ballball Prod Details """
env.hosts = ['', '']
def staging():
""" Ballball Staging Details """
env.hosts = ['', '']
def stop():
""" Stops the named VM """
require('vbox', provided_by=[totoro, ])
print(cyan('Powering down %s' % (env.vbox,)))
local('VBoxManage controlvm "%s" poweroff' % (env.vbox,))
print(cyan('Done ...?'))
def start():
""" Starts the named VM """
require('vbox', provided_by=[totoro, ])
print(cyan('Starting up %s' % (env.vbox,)))
local('VBoxHeadless --startvm "%s" --vrde off &' % (env.vbox,))
print(cyan('Done ...?'))
def allvms():
""" List all VMs on this computer """
print(cyan('All VMs registered on this computer: -'))
local('VBoxManage list vms')
print(cyan('Done ...?'))
def runningvms():
""" List all VMs currently running on this computer """
print(cyan('All VMs currently running on this computer: -'))
local('VBoxManage list runningvms')
print(cyan('Done ...?'))
def bootandroid():
""" Boots AVD API level 18 """
print(cyan('Launching the AVD Smartphone, API version 18'))
local('emulator -avd Smartphone18')
def add_key():
""" This will add a key file to the authorized_keys file of the specified server """
require('hosts', provided_by=[totoro, prod, staging, ])
print(cyan('Adding key to host'))
run('echo "YOUR_KEY_HERE" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
run('echo "" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
print(green('Done ...?'))
def check_key():
""" Cats the authorized_keys file on the specified server """
require('hosts', provided_by=[totoro, prod, staging, ])
print(cyan('Checking authorized_keys on host'))
run('cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
print(green('Done ...?'))
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