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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Save maravedi/2a68ccee910e6c5119a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows Batch File to Initialize Development Environment
rem I use this batch to make it easier to get going on my development.
rem Dump this script in your projects folder and then type 'dev myproject'
rem to start up an artisan serve on the myproject folder and to open up that
rem same folder in sublime.
rem Also, if you have mysql installed as a windows service and you will need that,
rem you can use the -m switch to fire up mysql (or -s to stop mysql).
rem This script is very basic, so there are probably many bugs in it.
@echo off
IF "%1"=="-s" goto STOPMYSQL
IF "%1"=="-m" goto START_MYSQL_1
IF "%2"=="-m" goto START_MYSQL_2
IF "%1"=="" got START
@echo off
dir | findstr /I /e /C:"%1"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto OPEN_PROJ_1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto EXIT
set status=
for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('sc query mysql ^| findstr STATE') do set status=%%b
if /i "%status:~0,1%"=="1" GOTO A
if /i "%status:~0,1%"=="4" GOTO B
rem if [%status%]==[4 RUNNING] GOTO B
rem if [%status%]==[1 STOPPED] GOTO A
echo #################################Projects####################################
dir /a:d /b
echo #############################################################################
echo (Type "exit" to quit or "cancel" to go back)
set /p dirName=Which project do you want to work on?
if /I [%dirName%]==[Exit] goto EXIT
if /I [%dirName%]==[Cancel] goto START
if /I NOT [%dirName%]==[Cancel] goto CHECK
if /I NOT [%dirName%]==[Exit] goto CHECK
@echo off
dir | findstr /I /e /C:"%dirName%"
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto DEV
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" echo That is not a valid project.
goto A
set /p startMysql=Do you need mysqld? [Yes or No]
if /I [%startMysql%]==[Yes] net start mysql
start /max sublime_text %dirName%
cd %dirName%
php artisan serve
echo mysqld is already running.
set /p terminateNow=Do you want to stop mysqld? [Yes or No]
if /I [%terminateNow%]==[Yes] goto X
if /I [%terminateNow%]==[No] goto Z
if /I [%terminateNow%]==[Exit] goto EXIT
if /I [%terminateNow%]==[Cancel] goto START
echo This is X
net stop mysql
goto A
net start mysql
IF "%2"=="" echo "You didn't supply a project" & goto EXIT
@echo off
dir | findstr /I /e /C:"%2"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto OPEN_PROJ_2
goto EXIT
net start mysql
IF "%1"=="" echo "You didn't supply a project" & goto EXIT
@echo off
dir | findstr /I /e /C:"%1"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto OPEN_PROJ_1
goto EXIT
net stop mysql
goto EXIT
start /max sublime_text %1
cd %1
php artisan serve
start /max sublime_text %2
cd %2
php artisan serve
quit>nul 2>&1
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maravedi commented Jan 8, 2015

I wrote this before I began using Homestead. This was back when I was just using php artisan serve and SublimeText for development.

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