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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Copying your MySQL Database from Bluehost using SSH

I retrieved this information from Bluehost and from StackExchange.

#####1. First, SSH to your domain:


#####2. Next, execute this command:

mysqldump -p -u username database_name > dbname.sql

Note that you need to use the username/password combination for MySQL, not your SSH credentials. Keep in mind that this will dump your database to the file 'dbname.sql' in your current directory.

#####3. Now, exit out of the SSH session.

#####4. Execute this command:

scp /path/to/destination

This will copy your mysqldump file using SSH protocol to the path you specify onto your local machine.

#####5. Next, create the corresponding datbase in your local MySQL if it isn't already there.

#####6. Finally, import the file into your MySQL using this command:

mysql -p -u username database_name < dbname.sql

You will use your local MySQL credentials for this. These will likely be different from those of your Bluehost MySQL.

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