I hereby claim:
- I am marc-guenther on github.
- I am kirothius (https://keybase.io/kirothius) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASC-hzkoTjEdJ1rC76O4X9l6l76loCRGshPC1U35d7uVIwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Bulk-Detach option for Recurring-Events | |
// @namespace https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/events-manager/ | |
// @version 0.1 | |
// @description allow bulk-detach of recurring events for Wordpress Events-Manager plugin | |
// @author Marc Günther | |
// @match *://*/*wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event&scope=all&recurrence_id=* | |
// @grant none | |
// ==/UserScript== |
# This runs the tests, but fails to record video in the end | |
marcs-macbook-touch:~/cypress-test % DEBUG=cypress:* npx cypress run --browser chromium --headless | |
cypress:cli:cli cli starts with arguments ["/usr/local/bin/node","/Users/biffy/cypress-test/node_modules/.bin/cypress","run","--browser","chromium","--headless"] +0ms | |
cypress:cli NODE_OPTIONS is not set +0ms | |
cypress:cli:cli program parsing arguments +1ms | |
cypress:cli:cli running Cypress with args [ Command { commands: [], options: [ [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option] ], _execs: Set {}, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], _name: 'run', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'output usage information', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _noHelp: false, _exitCallback: undefined, _ |
# This fails to run the tests completely | |
marcs-macbook-touch:~/cypress-test % DEBUG=cypress:* npx cypress run | |
cypress:cli:cli cli starts with arguments ["/usr/local/bin/node","/Users/biffy/cypress-test/node_modules/.bin/cypress","run"] +0ms | |
cypress:cli NODE_OPTIONS is not set +0ms | |
cypress:cli:cli program parsing arguments +8ms | |
cypress:cli:cli running Cypress with args [ Command { commands: [], options: [ [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option], [Option] ], _execs: Set {}, _allowUnknownOption: false, _args: [], _name: 'run', _optionValues: {}, _storeOptionsAsProperties: true, _passCommandToAction: true, _actionResults: [], _helpFlags: '-h, --help', _helpDescription: 'output usage information', _helpShortFlag: '-h', _helpLongFlag: '--help', _noHelp: false, _exitCallback: undefined, _executableFile: undefined, parent: Command { commands: [Array], options: [Array], _e |
##### running step: 01_initialize_customer.spec.js (1-st_5_5_0_28-836321e8e94b07873260ef21422f5f71f6f86d1b) | |
Running Cypress on 01_initialize_customer.spec.js | |
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. | |
(Run Starting) | |
┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
marcs-macbook-touch:/tmp/vagrant-bug % uname -a | |
Darwin marcs-macbook-touch.local 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Sun Jun 2 20:26:31 PDT 2019; root:xnu-3789.73.50~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 | |
marcs-macbook-touch:/tmp/vagrant-bug % vagrant --version | |
Vagrant 2.2.7 | |
marcs-macbook-touch:/tmp/vagrant-bug % VBoxManage --version | |
6.1.4r136177 | |
marcs-macbook-touch:/tmp/vagrant-bug % vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 | |
A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now | |
ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read | |
the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on |
Process: ruby [31714] | |
Path: /opt/vagrant/*/ruby | |
Identifier: ruby | |
Version: ??? | |
Code Type: X86-64 (Native) | |
Parent Process: ??? [31713] | |
Responsible: ruby [31714] | |
User ID: 506 | |
Date/Time: 2020-04-19 18:59:46.213 +0200 |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/bin/bash | |
ECLIPSE_URL=http://mirror.cc.vt.edu/pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6.1-201009090800/eclipse-SDK-3.6.1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz | |
P2_URL=http://gist.github.com/raw/609891/p2 | |
WORKSPACE_MECHANIC_URL=http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/download/attachments/8225785/WorkspaceMechanicExamples.zip | |
WORKSPACE_MECHANIC_FOLDER=~/.eclipse/mechanic | |
VERSION=`date +%s` | |
if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then | |
echo "usage: $0 [install folder]" | |
exit |