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Last active April 29, 2019 09:18
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  • Save marc1706/d91b79db619be5080e61a0ed6864730a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marc1706/d91b79db619be5080e61a0ed6864730a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Releasing 3.2.6

Todo List for 3.2.6


  • Make sure phpBB/docs/CREDTIS.txt is up to date

  • Make sure Contributors have their ranks

  • Make sure all reports in the security tracker are closed or invalid

  • Go through Issues fixed in 3.2.6 and correct any unreadable descriptions

  • Check the feature hightlights wiki page for completeness

  • Branch of prep-release-3.2.6 from 3.2.x:

    git checkout 3.2.x
    git checkout -b prep-release-3.2.6

RC 1

Before Packaging

  • Update version number in prep-release-3.2.6 to 3.2.6-RC1 in these files:

    • build/build.xml
    • phpBB/includes/constants.php
    • phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
    • phpBB/install/phpbbcli.php
  • Update version number in prep-release-3.2.6 to 3.2.6 in these files:

    • phpBB/install/convertors/convert_phpbb20.php
    • phpBB/styles/prosilver/style.cfg
  • Generate the schema.json file

    php phpBB/develop/create_schema_files.php
  • Update language help files

    cd phpBB/develop/; php lang_migrate_help_lang.php; cd ../../
  • Create Migration v326RC1 depending on all migrations added after v325

    php phpBB/bin/phpbbcli.php dev:migration-tips
  • Commit Changelog generated from Tracker: phpBB/docs/CHANGELOG.html

    php build/build_changelog.php 3.2.6-RC1
  • Update list of events in the Wiki:

    php phpBB/develop/export_events_for_wiki.php all
  • Update list of changed events in the release highlights:

    php phpBB/develop/export_events_for_wiki.php diff 3.2.6-RC1


  • Build packages

    cd build

After packaging

  • Test install of 3.2.6-RC1 package

  • Test install of 3.2.6-RC1 package using CLI

  • Test update from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6-RC1

  • Test update from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6-RC1 using CLI

  • Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.6-RC1

  • Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.6-RC1 using CLI

  • Test convert from 2.x to 3.2.6-RC1

  • Tag prep-release-3.2.6 as release-3.2.6-RC1

    git tag -a release-3.2.6-RC1 -m "Tagging the 3.2.6-RC1 release."
  • Upload packages

  • Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading

  • Update area51 downloads page: src/Phpbb/Area51Bundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

  • Set release date for version 3.2.6-RC1 on the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers

  • Move all bug reports assigned to fix version "3.2.6-RC1" to "3.2.7-RC1" in the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers

  • Post language changes for translators

    git diff release-3.2.5 release-3.2.6-RC1 phpBB/language/ > language_changes_3.2.5_to_3.2.6-RC1.diff
  • Post style changes for style authors

    git diff release-3.2.5..release-3.2.6-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/*.css > prosilver_changes_3.2.5_to_3.2.6-RC1-css.diff
    git diff release-3.2.5..release-3.2.6-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/*.html > prosilver_changes_3.2.5_to_3.2.6-RC1-html.diff
    git diff release-3.2.5..release-3.2.6-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/*.js > prosilver_changes_3.2.5_to_3.2.6-RC1-js.diff
    git diff release-3.2.5..release-3.2.6-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/images/ > prosilver_changes_3.2.5_to_3.2.6-RC1-imgs.diff
  • Post announcement on Area51 and Teams forum: including the language and style changes

  • Update versioncheck unstable version

  • Merge prep-release-3.2.6 into 3.2.x

    git checkout 3.2.x
    git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.2.6
  • Update version number in 3.2.x to 3.2.7-dev in these files:

    • build/build.xml
    • phpBB/includes/constants.php
    • phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
  • Merge 3.2.x into master

    git checkout master
    git merge --no-ff 3.2.x
  • Push changes

    git push upstream prep-release-3.2.6
    git push upstream release-3.2.6-RC1
    git push upstream 3.2.x
    git push upstream master

Final Packaging

Before Packaging

  • Update version number in prep-release-3.2.6 to 3.2.6 in these files:

    • build/build.xml
    • phpBB/includes/constants.php
    • phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
    • phpBB/install/phpbbcli.php
  • Create Migration v326 depending on all migrations added after v326rc1 and v326 itself

    php phpBB/bin/phpbbcli.php dev:migration-tips


  • Build packages

    cd build

After Packaging

  • Test install of 3.2.6 package

  • Test update from 3.2.6-RC1 to 3.2.6

  • Test update from 3.2.6-RC1 to 3.2.6 using CLI

  • Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.6

  • Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.6 using CLI

  • Test update from 3.0.14 to 3.2.6

  • Test update from 3.0.0 to 3.2.6

  • Test conversion from 2.0.x to 3.2.6

  • Tag prep-release-3.2.6 as release-3.2.6

    git tag -a release-3.2.6 -m "Tagging the 3.2.6 release."
  • Upload packages

  • Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading

  • Set release date for version 3.2.6 on the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers

  • Make sure the version "3.2.6" is in the version constraint of the issue filter

  • Close the milestone on the github repository

  • Post language changes for translators No changes, see above

  • Post style changes for style authors No changes, see above

  • Merge prep-release-3.2.6 into 3.2.x

    git checkout 3.2.x
    git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.2.6
  • Merge 3.2.x into master

    git checkout master
    git merge --no-ff 3.2.x
  • Push changes

    git push phpbb release-3.2.6
    git push phpbb prep-release-3.2.6
    git push phpbb 3.2.x master
  • Update website downloads page

  • Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form:

    git shortlog -sn release-3.2.5...release-3.2.6
    git diff --stat release-3.2.5...release-3.2.6
  • Post announcement on

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