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Created March 7, 2011 14:01
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Exemple de functions.php comme une étape entre le controlleur et la view
* Methods used to build the theme's templates. These methods encapsulate the
* verifications and fallbacks that account for the availability of plugins,
* configuration options, or PHP/WordPress features.
class Theme
* Displays alternative search results, if available.
public static function alternative_search_results()
if (class_exists(Search))
* Displays the profile of the current idea's author, if available.
public static function author_profile()
if (method_exists(Profile, get_control))
echo '
class="author user_profile">
' . Profile::get_control() . '
* Displays a class attribute for the body tag, appending the navigation
* mode to the list of classes.
public static function body_class_nav_mode()
global $ma14_nav_mode;
* Displays the comments control, if available.
public static function comments_control()
global $wp_query;
if (function_exists(ma14_comments_template))
// If there is only one post, we force comments on it.
$force = 1 === $wp_query->post_count;
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    id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>"
    <?php post_class() ?>>
        if( 'idee' == $post->post_type):
     <div class="recherche"><?php Theme:: alternative_search_results ?></div>

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