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Last active May 6, 2018 08:54
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Installing Sircel on MARCC
# this module is specific to MARCC
module load anaconda-python/3.6
# create anaconda environment and use it
conda create -y -n sircel python
source activate sircel
# install kallisto, redis
conda install -y -c bioconda kallisto
conda install -y redis
# install sircel to same conda environment
git clone
cd sircel
python3 install --kallisto $(command -v kallisto) --prefix "$HOME"/.conda/envs/"$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
cd ..
# get to the example
cd sircel/example
# set up tmpdir to relative tmp (should be in scratch), otherwise it will try to use /tmp and there's not enough space
mkdir -p tmp
export TMPDIR="$PWD"/tmp
# launch redis-server on port 6379 in the background
redis-server &
redis-cli ping # should emit PONG
# run sircel
sircel --threads 10 --dropseq --output_dir sircel_test --reads "$READFQ" --barcodes "$BARCFQ"
# shutdown redis
redis-cli shutdown
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Updated to include launching redis-server

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Updated to 10 threads. This script should be running on a compute node.

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Added snippet to shut down redis

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