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Created September 26, 2010 15:24
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from twitterauth.models import User
import base64
import httplib
import urllib
def send_msg(userkey,tp):
url = ''
form_fields = {
"botkey": "CODE", # Your bot key goes here.
"apimethod": "send", # the API method to call.
"userkey": str(userkey), # User Key to lookup with getuser.
"msg": tp,
'network' : 'Jabber'
# Build the Basic Authentication string. Don't forget the [:-1] at the end!
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('email', 'senha'))[:-1]
authString = 'Basic %s' % base64string
# Build the request post data.
form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields)
# Make the call to the service using httplib command.
con = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url)
con.request('POST','/api/bot', form_data,{'AUTHORIZATION': authString})
response = con.getresponse()
if response.status == 200:
return HttpResponse(tp)
return HttpResponse(response.reason)
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