- Presentation about Haskell
- Sources: https://github.com/google/haskell-trainings
FULL LANGUAGE DOCS: at Hoogle https://hoogle.haskell.org/ Allows searching for types https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=Maybe%20Int%20-%3E%20Int%20-%3E%20Int
If you are coming from Imperative Languages (Java, C++), use https://github.com/pvorb/learn-you-a-haskell
Real World Haskell: http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/
- Small projects in every chapter
Created by Haskell Curry
Cabal? Cabal Hell?
Stackage? Stack?
- Functors
- Monards
- Monard Transforms
- GHCI: types, codes, debug, test
- strongly statically typed
- purely functional
- Lazily evaluated
- General purpose
- A silver bullet
- Only for matematitians
- Hard?
- Data structures
- Functions
- Structs
Math | Haskell |
f : Z -> Z | f :: Int -> Int |
f(x) = x + 1 | f x = x + 1 |
- Evaluation can't be done
- Can't mutaate anything in place
- Transform data only by creating new
let a = 3 in
a := a + 1 ---compile error
- No loops
- No statements
- No control flow
- Expression is everyhing (if, can be assigned because it's an expression)
- The body is an expression
let a = if somebBool then 1 else 0 in
a + 1
- Expanding the pressions too
is an expression on itself and can be changed
let a = if somebBool then 1 else 0 in
a + (let b = 2 in b)
- Switch statements as well is an expression
let offset = case color of
Red -> 0
Green -> 8
Blue -> 16
in baseValue + offset
- Can't read/write from databases, IO, etc
- Testing the code is trivial
- Input produces the same output
- But we need to access
-- foo :: Int -> String
- If we need to talk to external world
- Side effects are in IO
- Functions not in IO are deemed
- Functions in IO are deemed
method is impure, Dependency Injection is impure, Utility methods are pure
-- readFile :: String -> IO String
- Everything pure vs impure
- f :: a -> IO a (from pure to impure)
- f :: IO a -> a (impure to pure)
does not exist, no side effects
C++ const functions IO corrupts
- Regular languages: evaluated right away
a = expensive (is stored in memory)
Everything is evaluated and only evaluated when needed
- such as a print function
- delayed and deferred
Same as other languages:
- Second part is only evaluated when obj is not null, deferred and lazely evaluated
if (obj != NULL && obj-> value > 0)
- Strict evaluation: inner to outer
- Lazy evaluation: outer to inner
add( 12 + 8, 20 + 2)
12+8 + 20 + 2
Delayed computations (but escape hatches)
- Accumulators are lazy and will grow,
- becomes a gigantic expression that is growing in memory and
- end up with a stack overflow
- Beginners see this at least once, but can be overcome
Haskell is lazy by default, but not purely lazy
- We can instruct it to be strict, overridding the behavior
- We can make things strict at precise points to avoid memory pitfalls if we know what we are doing (do things non-lazy)
- 10 threads (making them evaluated non-lazy)
- Imagine writing solutions and joing their results to print
- But we can't forget that the whole thing is lazy
- When you do print is when the computations actually happens
spawn 10 threads
join them at B
print B
- We can use the hatches we have in the language to say
- I want to be strict here in the thread to make sure it happens when you want it to happen
- By default, it just waits until the last possible moment
Those were the weird, non-intuitive and pitfalls for beginners
Equation reduction and short-circuiting
No strong guarantee, the compiler will wait until the very last expression to evaluate it
- it does a better judgement in what to do based on the expression
- In eager language, it evaluates and writes it
- The compiler re-arranges the code to make the computation happen whereever it's efficient because it doesn't need to compute it immediately
For example, given a gigantic
and you need to make a change to it,- you need to make a copy of it because we never mutate anything in place, right?
- In eager languages, it's horrible because it makes lots of copies of a struct, which would have to be committed in memory because computations have to happen immediately.
- If we have a struct, then modifies it, 10 times, by the end of the function only returns a field of the struct and that function is pure and has no side effect
Why it is efficient? The only thing that matters is:
- since the compiler is not required, the compiler inlines all your code,
- removes everything
- never commits the struct in memory,
- and generates the equation that generates the fields that you want
- it then removes everything else
That is, the compiler has a lot of freedom thanks to laziness
- because it removes most of the constraints associated with computations in other languages.
Purity and laziness work together
- Laziness gives the compiler a lot of freedom
- Purity informs the compiler to know what it is doing
First chapters of parallel programs in Hashell
- Spread multiple threads, several thousands of threads
- Forget about laziness
- compute sudokus, and at the end of the funciotns, to print the length of the list of results
- The compiler realizes that the length of the list of results is the same length of inputs, it removes the entire code that does all tparallel computations, prints the correct result, without spawning a single thread, optimizing all your code away because the compiler is able to verify that the reasult you want only requires that small comutation and non of all what you've written. The compiler will tear through your code.
Haskell is as fast as C, C++, rather being close to Python
- Generating expressions that are infinite
- However, because it's lazily-evaluated, it won't compute all the values, but only the 5 first elements
let naturalNumbers = [0, 1..]
let squreNumbers = map (2^) naturalNumbers
take 5 squareNumbers
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
- Named after Haskell Curry
- What's on the left has the type that's on the right
-- f :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
- Interpretations in differnet ways
- A function that takes a function and returns a list
- A function that takes two arguments that returns a list
- In math, a function with multiple arguments can be represented by a chain of functions of one argument
- Under the hood, every function takes one argument, which is why the arrow for functions is take one thing output one thing
-- f :: Int -> ( Int -> [Int] )
-- f :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
- The compiler does not distinguishes these lines as they mean the same
- Although it takes 2, the compiler can only call f with one
-- f :: Int -> ( Int -> [Int] )
-- f :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
-- f 1 :: Int -> [Int]
-- f 1 2 :: [Int]
-- (f 1) 2 :: [Int]
- Here, the same function can be called with any arrangement of parameters because it is as generic as it gets
- Lowercase Letter: type parameter
- It expects any type name, you can depend on properties of a
- Here, there are no preconditions whatsoever
- This works for absolutely any type
-- ??? :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
(a -> b)
- It's a function from type A to type B
- This is how you would take a function as a first argument: surround the function in these parenthesis
- Surrounds the arrow function with parenthesis
: list of values of type A[b]
: list of values of type B- End result
What it turns out is that this is just a function map
- By applying the transformation function on everyu single element
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
- We can express level constraints on the types, not on the values, by default
- "I require type A to have such methods"
- The list must have this given size which has a constant value, NOT BY DEFAULT
- These are language extensions, non-standards, that give the ability to express such conditions at the type level
- mostly comment level like in java constraints in the beginning
- the compiler checks them
- Liquid Haskell that allows you to prove assertions on the vaues themselves instead of proving assertions on these types, but it is completely non-standards (RECOMMENDED)
-- ??????? :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
-- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- Developer can create their own operators
- You can create and reuse code
- But when horrobly written, it just is hard
- Lots of operators in Haskell in the wild
- 2 operators commonly used in Haskell and that will be seen in any code
Main difference: the name
Operators: as just functions
- The compiler treats them as funcitons if they contain letters
- the compiler treats them as operators if they contain symbols
You can use an operator as argument to another function, just surruond it with parenthesis
- That's the case when you declare its type
Example: Operator
(it already exists)- We would have to surround it with parenthesis
- Based on its type
-- ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
- You can see it as a function of two arguments,
- takes a function from A to B
(a -> b)
- It takes a value from type A
-> a
- returns a value of type B
-> b
- Since we know nothing about the aguments, the only thing the compiler can do is to apply the function to the value.
- takes a function from A to B
-- [ (a -> b) -> a ] -> b
- If you see it as function with one argument that returns a function
- It takes a function from A to B
(a -> b)
- and returns a function from A to B
- It takes a function from A to B
-- [ (a -> b) ] -> [a -> b ]
- We don't need the $ function to apply to values
- It is just syntatic sugar
- Function of sum
let a = fun (x + y)
- Since function application has the highest priority and binds first
- If I were to remove the parenthesis in this example, it would be fun x + y
- Instead of being what I want, which is fun x + y, which is why we have to surround the argument with parenthesis to make sure it is computed first
- However, haskell doesn't like parenthesis that much, "this is Haskell not List"
- We can use the $ operator, because it simply is function application, but with the lowest priority
let a = fun $ x + y
- Everything in the right will be computed as an argument [x + y]
- Everything in the left will be computed as a function
- And then the function on the left is going to be applied to the argument on the right
- Syntatic sugar for functional applcations without parenthesis =
- It is used absolutely everywhere in Haskell code, which is what you need to know about it.
- It has a very nice property:
- If you are calling several functions, if you have parenthesis, you will have five to six parernthesis
- closing parenthesis at the end of the line
- If you use dollars, you just need a chain of proper functions from right to left, but still
- We can remove most of the parenthesis, not all of them, but most
- It's not related to the dot operator in imperative OOP programming languages
- It is used for composition
- Combining functions without using lambda functions or declare new functions explicitly
-- (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
- Thsi is mostly applied in filters
- why dot? This was inspired by the circle operator in math
-- (f * g)(x) = f(g(x))
- Function
takes Stuff and returns string - Function length takes a String and returns Int
- Composition will take stuff and return Int
-- show :: Stuff -> String
-- length :: String -> Int
-- length . show :: Stuff -> Int
We build pipelines of functions
- Apply this transformation
- Then apply this transformation
Compining the . and $ sign
- You can evaluate everything on the left side of the dollar operator
- Have the dollar, apply the value of the function
This is already what we do in real world
cat input | grep token | sed stuff | tee output
- What does this function type mean?
--foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
This is a reduce function that combines accumulator and value
- like in reduce
(a -> b -> a)
: Combines accumulator and value -
: initial accumulator -
: list of values -
: result
type Point = (Int, Int) -- tuple
type Polygon = [Point]. -- list
Type Map k v = [(k, v)] -- type parameters
- We don't have member functions because we have no inheritance, no classes
- No modifiers: No differentiation or anything
- We have no setters because we never mutate a thing
- We have no private members versus public members, because we dont have no objects
What we have is the following: Constructors
- Naming convention, Constructors on how to create values
- The compiler has the complete freedom as to how the thing is presented in memory
- The way we declare data types is by listing the constructors are either constants or functions that create an expression of our type.
None :: None
- Only possible argument to the expression None is None itself
- It's a convention
- It can be used to represent lack of information, because if a function returns None value
- You know it'sonly going to be none because it cannot be anything else
- Similar implementation of the None type in Python, which is a constant
You can only call None expression by using it as a value that is itself
data None = None
- If we want to create values of type Minutes
- It's to call its only constructor, which is also named minutes
- Constructor that takes arguments
-- Data type minutes of type Int
data Minutes = Minutes Int
-- Constructor Minutes, which is a function that takes int and returns and expression of type Minutes
Minutes :: Int -> Minutes
-- Minutes 42 would be a valid expression of type Minutes
-- This kind of tpe could be used if you have a datetime library, or seconds or hours
-- better abstraction instead of taking int and people making mistakes using it
-- It says no layout in memory, easy valid expression
Minutes 42 :: Minutes
- boolean values cannot be Null
-- Data type
data Bool
-- Constructor of true
-- True :: Bool
-- Constructor of false
-- False :: Bool
- How do we represent the fact that we might not have a value?
- C++ used to have boost optional until it's c++ 14 they introduced sdt optional intestead
- Inspired by Optional
- May or may not contain a value of a type
- It's a maybe of A
- A can be of any type like strings, lists, lists of lists of ints
-- Nothing :: Maybe A
-- Just :: a -> Maybe A
-- Just 42 :: Maybe Int
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
- Just stores the list
- Linked list
data List = a Nil | Cell a (List a)
--- Nil :: List a
--- Cell :: a -> List a -> List a
--- Cell 0 (Cell 1 (Nil)) :: List Int
- default
data [a] = [] | (a:[a])
[] :: [a]
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
[0:1] :: [Int]
- With the simple syntax, we don't know the types of String and Int
data User = User String Int
User :: String -> Int -> User
- The regular value, it creates 2 functions
- Good to prefix the properties as they are represented as functions
- Works similar to getters
- Created on the same namespace and not overloaded the name and the age names
data User = User {
userName :: String,
userAge :: Int
User :: String -> Int -> User
userName :: User -> String
userAge :: User -> Int
- It's good to add the name and type of the function, implemented using regular functions
not :: Bool -> Bool
not x = if x then False else True
- We can use Pattern Matching to implement the method
not :: Bool -> Bool
not True = False
not False = True
- Say we want to implement the AND expression
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
---x && y = ????
--- Implementation with function
x && y = if x
then (if y then True else False)
else False
-- Verbose, but also valid with Pattern Matching
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
False && False = False
False && True = False
True && False = False
True && True = True
- We don't need to list every single pattern
- Patterns are tested in order
- Deferring the value of the matching can
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True && True = True
x && y = False
- Patterns are tested in order
- Deferring the value of the matching can
-- An even shorter version, we reduce the function for equality
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True && y = y
x && y = False
Declaring the names and not being used
- In python, we can declare then prefixed with
to indicate our intent (of not using them, don't care linter) - In Haskell, we can do the same to indicate the same
- In python, we can declare then prefixed with
Since the compiler interprets from top-down, then the evaluation occurs in the first declaration
- Then, the next ones we don't care much
-- An even shorter version, we reduce the function for equality
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True && y = y
_ && _ = False
- Pattern matching allows us to resolve functions and deconstruct the arguments
- And access fields inside them
data Minutes = Minutes Int
add :: Minutes -> Minutes - Minutes
-- Regular pattern matching
add (Minutes x) (Minutes y) = Minutes (x + y)
-- Using the dollar $ to remote the parenthesis
add (Minutes x) (Minutes y) = Minutes $ x + y
More on lists: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
- Length implementation: Lists are either
- empty list, empty brackets
- or a cell
, which is a value column and the rest of the list:[a]
- empty list, empty brackets
Implememting it with patterns we would do as follows (using recursion)
data [a] = [] | (a:[a])
length :: [a] -> Int
-- length l = ??? how's the implementation?
length [] = 0
length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs
- Using the replacement of the functitions to write like math
-- Define the add function
let add x y = x + y :: Int
-- Show the type add
:t add
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
-- Use the function
add 4 8
-- Define a new function add5
let add5 = add 5
-- view the type
:t add5
add5 :: Int -> Int
-- View the result
add5 6
- Under the hood, the compiler reduces the syntax to a function of one argument as follows
- Using a lambda function, when using a
- This is the declaration that takes one argument and returns a function
- That way, the compiler sees no difference
- Using a lambda function, when using a
let add x = \y -> x + y :: Int
add 4 5
Deriving Show:
:t show
shows the type
data FailableDouble ->
safedDivision :: Double -> Double -> FailableDouble
Note: the :: is just a syntax to show types
fac :: Int -> Int
fac n = product [1..n]
-- recursive model
fac :: Int -> Int
-- base value
fac 0 = 1
-- recursive value
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
product :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
product [] = 1
product (x:xs) = x * product xs
product [2,3,5]
= 2 * product [3, 5]
= 2*3*5*1-
- Lists
ins :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
ins x [] = [x]
ins x (y:ys) | x <y = xy:y:ys
| otherwise = y : ins x ys
- Zip
:t zip
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
- Foldr: Works for infinite lists because we can read the values without evaluating the whole thing
- Foldl: optioned for performance reaons
- Filters
Prelude> filter (>100) [1000, 300, 40]
Leaving GHCi.
π³ Supercash Base π° [email protected] π§ [root@257f5642770d]:haskell-101 # vim 04_abstractions/src/Codelab.hs
π³ Supercash Base π° [email protected] π§ [root@257f5642770d]:haskell-101 # vim 04_abstractions/src/Codelab.hs
π³ Supercash Base π° [email protected] π§ [root@257f5642770d]:haskell-101 # ghci
GHCi, version 8.10.7: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :{
Prelude| gts100:[Integer]->[Integer]
Prelude| gt100:Integer->Bool
Prelude| g100 x = > 100
Prelude| :}
<interactive>:2:17: error: parse error on input β->β
Prelude> :{
Prelude| gts100:[Integer]->[Integer]
Prelude| gt100:Integer->Bool
Prelude| gts100:[Integer]->[Integer]
Leaving GHCi.
π³ Supercash Base π° [email protected] π§ [root@257f5642770d]:haskell-101 # ghci
GHCi, version 8.10.7: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :{
Prelude| gt100::Integer->Bool
Prelude| gt100 x = x > 0
Prelude| :}
Prelude> gt100 103
Prelude> gt100 39
Prelude> :{
Prelude| gt100::Integer->Bool
Prelude| gt100 x = x > 100
Prelude| :}
Prelude> gt100 39
Prelude> gt100 103
Prelude> gts100 xs = filter gt100 xs
Prelude> rs
<interactive>:14:1: error: Variable not in scope: rs
Prelude> gtd100 [244, 34]
<interactive>:15:1: error:
β’ Variable not in scope: gtd100 :: [a0] -> t
β’ Perhaps you meant one of these:
βGhci1.gt100β (imported from Ghci1), βgt100β (line 9),
βgts100β (line 13)
Prelude> gts100 xs = filter (\x -> x > 100) xs
Prelude> gts100 [244, 34]
- Foldr
Prelude> :{
Prelude| sum'::[Integer] -> Integer
Prelude| sum' [] = 0
Prelude| sum' (x:xs) = x + sum' xs
Prelude| :}
Prelude> sum' [2,4]
Prelude| :}
Prelude> pro
prod' product properFraction
Prelude> prod
prod' product
Prelude> prod' [4,5]
- Foldr
Prelude> :{
Prelude| foldr' _ v [] = v
Prelude| foldr' f v (x: xs) = f x (foldr' f v xs)
Prelude| :}
Prelude> :t foldr'
foldr' :: (t1 -> t2 -> t2) -> t2 -> [t1] -> t2
Prelude> len = foldr (\_ y -> 1 + y) 0
Prelude> len [3, 4, 5]
Prelude> len [3, 4]
Prelude> len "Marcello"
Prelude> len = foldr (\_ y -> 1 + y) 0
Prelude> foldr
foldr foldr1
Prelude> foldr (++) [] ["abc", "def"]
Prelude> :t (++)
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
Prelude> foldr (++) "" ["abc", "def"]
Prelude> foldr (++) " " ["abc", "def"]
"abcdef "
Prelude> foldl (++) " " ["abc", "def"]
" abcdef"
Prelude> foldr (&&) True [False, True]
Prelude> foldr (&&) True [True, True]
Prelude> foldr (&&) True [True, True, False]
Prelude> foldr max [] [[1,2,3], [1,2], [1,2,3,4,5]]
Prelude> foldr max [] ["0000", "00", "000000000"]
Prelude> foldr max 0 [1..10000]
Prelude> foldr max 11110000 [1..10000]
- Recursive function, with computation
Prelude| fun1 :: [Integer] -> Integer
Prelude| fun1 [] = 1
Prelude| fun1 (x:xs)
Prelude| | even x = (x-2) * fun1 xs
Prelude| | otherwise = fun1 xs
Prelude| :}
Prelude> fun1 [10, 3, 4, 5]
Prelude> fun1 [1,2,3]
Prelude> fun1 [1,4,3]
Prelude> fun1 [2,2]
Prelude> fun1 [4,4]
Prelude> fun1 [6,4]
Prelude> :{
Prelude| fun1' :: [Integer] -> Integer
Prelude| fun1' = foldr (*) 1 . map (subtract 2) . filter even
Prelude| :}
Prelude> fun1 [6,4]
Prelude> map (subtract 2) . filter even $ [4..10]
Prelude> map (subtract 2) . filter even $ [6,4]
NOTE: We don't need to declare x:xs when desinging folders
Prelude> :{
Prelude| rev :: [a] -> [a]
Prelude| rev [] = []
Prelude| rev (x:xs) = foldr (++) [x] rev xs
Prelude| :}
Prelude> :{
Prelude| rev :: [a] -> [a]
Prelude| rev = foldr (\x xs -> xs ++ [x]) []
Prelude| :}
Prelude> rev [1, 2, 3]
Prelude> :{
Prelude| rev' :: [a] -> [a]
Prelude| rev' = foldl (\acc x -> x:acc) []
Prelude| :}
Prelude> rev' [1, 3, 4]
- Binary Tree
Prelude> data BinaryTree (a, b) = Empty | Node (BinaryTree) a (BinaryTree) b (BinaryTree) | Leaf
Look for docs in Hoogle