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Last active March 29, 2019 08:56
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Mask low-quality bases in a FASTQ file with 'N'.
Adjust cutoff_front and cutoff_back below to use
different thresholds (currently: 20 at 5' end,
0 at 3' end).
python3 input.fastq.gz > output.fastq
Or with compression:
python3 input.fastq.gz | gzip > output.fastq.gz
from __future__ import print_function
from cutadapt.qualtrim import quality_trim_index
from cutadapt.seqio import open as openseq
import sys
masked = 0
with openseq(sys.argv[1]) as reader:
with openseq(sys.stdout, mode='w', fileformat='fastq') as writer:
for read in reader:
# (start, stop) describes where the good-quality part of the read is
start, stop = quality_trim_index(read.qualities, cutoff_front=20, cutoff_back=0)
read.sequence = 'N' * start + read.sequence[start:stop] + 'N' * (len(read.sequence) - stop)
masked += stop - start
print('Masked', masked, 'bases', file=sys.stderr)
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