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Last active July 31, 2023 20:18
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PwnedPasswords client implemented in bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# PwnedPasswords client implemented in bash
# Return the number of times a password has been seen in data breaches by
# querying the [PwnedPasword][hibp] service. Particularly useful for those
# who want to use the service, but are squeamish about typing their
# passwords into a web form…
# [hibp]:
# Usage:
# pwnedpasswords [FILE]
# Description
# The password to be submitted is read from FILE or from stdin if FILE is
# omitted. It is SHA1 hashed (locally), and the first 5 characters of the
# hash are submitted to PwnedPassword. The remaining hash suffix is then
# compared (locally) with the returned hash suffices.
# On a match, the hash count — the number of times the passwords has been
# seen in data breaches — is printed to stdout and the exit status is set to
# 1.
# On no match, nothing is printed to stdout and exit status is set to 0.
# N.b. Be careful to avoid additional EOL characters in FILE or stdin
# Examples:
# pwnedpasswords my_password_file # Read password from file
# echo -n 'my_password' | pwnedpasswords # Read password from stdin
# References:
# *
# *
# *
set -o pipefail
HASH=$(sha1sum $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
! curl \
--silent \$(echo $HASH | cut -c -5) \
| grep -i $(echo $HASH | cut -c 6-) \
| cut -d ':' -f 2
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