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Created August 22, 2024 18:17
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How to use Vue with JavaScript tagged literals and HTM
import { default as htm } from 'htm';
import { RouterLink, RouterView } from 'vue-router';
import { ref, h } from 'vue';
// A component with something like:
// export default {
// setup(_props, { slots }) {
// return () => h('div', slots.default());
// }
// }
import Header from './Header.js'; // A component.
const html = htm.bind(h);
export default {
setup() {
const counter = ref(0);
// More Vue setup code here...
// This is the render function.
return () => h(
{ class: 'flex flex-col gap-3' }, // Other props here.
// Use `htm` only.
${() => {
// `Header` only has a default slot, which is why this
// internal function is not named. Must be a function
// otherwise Vue complains. If you have more slots, pass
// an object here instead (replace the whole ${} thingy):
// ${{ default: func1, otherSlot: func2 }}
return html`
<${RouterLink} to="/home">${() => "Home"}<//>
<${RouterLink} to="/about">${() => "About"}<//>
// Mix `htm` with the `h` function.
// Uses the `default` slot. If you only use the default one, you
// can pass the function directly, like in the example above.
default: () => [
h(RouterLink, { to: "/home" }, () => "Home"),
h(RouterLink, { to: "/about" }, () => "About"),
html`<${RouterLink} to="/about">${() => "About2"}<//>`,
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