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  • Save marchawkins/4732784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marchawkins/4732784 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Display your check-ins from foursquare on a map on your website with php.
// set default timezone (for date calcutations)
// setup array to hold checkins
$checkins = array();
// enter your personal rss feed here (within the quotes); adjust the 'count=5' after the .rss to whatever number of checkins you want to display
$fsquareFeed = '';
// read rss feed into a xml object
$xmlObject = simplexml_load_file($fsquareFeed);
$items = $xmlObject->channel;
$fsquareCheckins = $items->item;
// loop through xml object and fill array with checkins
foreach($fsquareCheckins as $item) {
$geopoint = explode(" ",$item->children('georss', true)->point);
$geo = array('lat'=>$geopoint[0], 'long'=>$geopoint[1]);
$description = $item->description;
$date = $item->pubDate;
$title = $item->title;
$myCheckin = array(
'title' => $title,
'desc' => $description,
'pubDate' => $date,
'geo' => $geo
array_push($checkins, $myCheckin);
// you now have an array called 'checkins' containing all the information from foursquare
<title>foursquare checkins</title>
body {font-family: verdana,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 9pt;}
ol {padding-left: 20px;}
li {margin-bottom: 5px;}
<?php if(count($checkins)>0) {
// setup string to hold locations
$markers = "";
// loop through checkins and build the 'markers' query variable
foreach($checkins as $checkin) {
// build pipe-separated list of locations for use in the google map
$markers .= $checkin['geo']['lat'].",".$checkin['geo']['long']."|";
// trim the last pipe character
$markers = rtrim($markers,"|");
<h2>My latest foursquare check-ins</h2>
<div id="map">
<?php /* embedded, static google map; api details: */ ?>
<a href=";maptype=roadmap&amp;markers=color:blue%7C<?= $markers ?>&amp;sensor=false" title="view a larger map"><img class="map" title="click to view big map" src=";maptype=roadmap&amp;markers=<?= $markers ?>&amp;sensor=false" alt="latest foursquare check-in"/></a>
</div><!-- #map -->
<div id="list">
<?php foreach($checkins as $checkin) {
// display the formatted checkin time (called 'pubDate'); formatting info:
// then display the title of the location
<li><?= date('D, M jS \a\t h:i a',strtotime($checkin['pubDate'])) ?> at <strong><?= $checkin['title']; ?></strong></li>
<?php } ?>
</div><!-- #list -->
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<?php } else {
/* if something goes wrong, display a message */ ?>
<p>Sorry, there was a problem. Try again later.</p>
<?php } ?>
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