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Creating and Deploying using Git, Github and PHP
/** Creating and Deploying using Git, Github and PHP **/
Server: SSH Acces, PHP, Git
Local: SSH, Git
0.Create a PHP file in your project called "deploy.php" with this content: /*<?php `git pull`;*/
1. Create Your Github Repo
2. Go to your project folder and initiate a git repository
git init
3. Create a .gitignore file for any sensitive files in your project
4. Pull Your files (Specific and special cases may ocurr)
git add . //This will commit all your files, respecting your .gitignore file
5. Commit ALL of your changes and put your message so you don´t have to use VIM
git commit -am "Your Message"
6. Add your Github repo to your project repo
git add origin
7. Push your project to your repo
git push origin master
8. SSH in your server
ssh [email protected]
9. Clone your Github Repo
git clone //I prefer using HTTP. It gives me less errors
10. Make sure all the files are there
git pull origin master //OPTIONAL
11. Go to your Github Repo > Admin > Service Hooks > WebHook URLS
12. Add this URL: > Update Settings
13. Make a test change in your local project. Commit your Changes to Github
git add .
git commit -am "Testing pull"
git push origin master
14. That will turn on the WebHook and execute a git pull and update your site
/** Creating and Deploying using Git, Github and PHP **/
Server: SSH Acces, PHP, Git
Local: SSH, Git
0.Create a PHP file in your project called "deploy.php" with this content: /*<?php `git pull`;*/
1. Create Your Github Repo
2. Go to your project folder and initiate a git repository
git init
3. Create a .gitignore file for any sensitive files in your project
4. Pull Your files (Specific and special cases may ocurr)
git add . //This will commit all your files, respecting your .gitignore file
5. Commit ALL of your changes and put your message so you don´t have to use VIM
git commit -am "Your Message"
6. Add your Github repo to your project repo
git add origin
7. Push your project to your repo
git push origin master
8. SSH in your server
ssh [email protected]
9. Clone your Github Repo
git clone //I prefer using HTTP. It gives me less errors
10. Make sure all the files are there
git pull origin master //OPTIONAL
11. Go to your Github Repo > Admin > Service Hooks > WebHook URLS
12. Add this URL: > Update Settings
13. Make a test change in your local project. Commit your Changes to Github
git add .
git commit -am "Testing pull"
git push origin master
14. That will turn on the WebHook and execute a git pull and update your site
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my website is still not working

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hi , I think point no.6 should be updated to git remote add origin .... instead of git add origin

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hi , I think point no.6 should be updated to git remote add origin .... instead of git add origin

Can you help me in deploying php_sql?

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