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The playground for the blog post "Distributed persistence with Swift and CoreDatat" at
import Foundation
import CoreData
protocol EPQuantity {
associatedtype EPQuantityValueType
func getValue() -> EPQuantityValueType
struct EPAcceleration: EPQuantity, CustomStringConvertible {
let acceleration: Double
var description: String {
return "EPAcceleration(acceleration: \(acceleration))"
func getValue() -> Double {
return acceleration
struct EPSpeed: EPQuantity, CustomStringConvertible {
let speed: Int
var description: String {
return "EPSpeed(speed: \(speed))"
func getValue() -> Int {
return speed
protocol EPPersistable {}
extension Int: EPPersistable {}
extension Double: EPPersistable {}
protocol EPCoreDataQuantity {
associatedtype EPCoreDataQuantityValueType
func getValue() -> EPCoreDataQuantityValueType
func setValue(value: EPCoreDataQuantityValueType)
extension EPSpeedCoreData:EPCoreDataQuantity {
func getValue() -> Int {
return Int(speed)
func setValue(value: Int) {
speed = Int32(value)
class EPSpeedCoreData: NSManagedObject {
// Insert code here to add functionality to your managed object subclass
extension EPSpeedCoreData {
@NSManaged var speed: Int32
protocol EPPersistance {
associatedtype EPQuantityType
func write(item: EPQuantityType)
func read() -> [EPQuantityType]?
class EPCoreDataWrapper<T: EPCoreDataQuantity, U: EPQuantity where T.EPCoreDataQuantityValueType: EPPersistable, U.EPQuantityValueType: EPPersistable>: EPPersistance {
func write(item: U) {
print("Writing item: \(item)")
func read() -> [U]? {
print("Reading items.")
return nil
class EPAnyPersistance<T: EPQuantity where T.EPQuantityValueType: EPPersistable> : EPPersistance {
let _write: T -> ()
let _read: () -> [T]?
init<Base: EPPersistance where Base.EPQuantityType == T>(base: Base) {
_write = base.write
_read =
func write(item: T) {
func read() -> [T]? {
return _read()
class EPDataStore<T: EPQuantity where T.EPQuantityValueType : EPPersistable> {
let persistance: EPAnyPersistance<T>
init(persistance: EPAnyPersistance<T>) {
self.persistance = persistance
func store(item: T) {
func getAll() -> [T]? {
let dataStoreForSpeed = EPDataStore<EPSpeed>(persistance: EPAnyPersistance(base: EPCoreDataWrapper<EPSpeedCoreData, EPSpeed>())) 125))
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