Viber Version - Sep 27th 2019
11-23 10:14:33.102 10721 10721 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 10359 (target tid = 10700)
11-23 10:14:33.116 10721 10721 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'HUAWEI/VOG-L29EEA/HWVOG:9/HUAWEIVOG-L29/'
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : Happend: 'Sat Nov 23 10:14:33 2019
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : '
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : SYSVMTYPE: Art
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : APPVMTYPE: Art
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : pid: 10359, tid: 10700, name: pool-21-thread- >>> com.viber.voip <<<
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Invalid address 0x75233cd7c0 passed to free: value not allocated'
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 00000000000029cc x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000000000000008
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x4 8080808080808080 x5 8080808080808080 x6 8080808080808080 x7 0000000000000008
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000083 x9 d4acce4bd49db5c8 x10 0000000000000000 x11 fffffffc7ffffbdf
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000001 x13 000000005dd8f878 x14 00072b8efa7a9908 x15 000005f6e56aa6c2
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x16 00000075c78332c0 x17 00000075c7771e34 x18 00000074e83a4ad8 x19 0000000000002877
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x20 00000000000029cc x21 00000074e815c708 x22 0000000000000001 x23 00000075c783fc20
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x24 0000000000000000 x25 00000074e6b10588 x26 00000074e6b10588 x27 0000000000000001
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : x28 0000000000000030 x29 00000074e6b0eeb0
11-23 10:14:33.117 10721 10721 F DEBUG : sp 00000074e6b0ee70 lr 00000075c7766960 pc 00000075c7766988
11-23 10:14:33.121 53 53 W migration/7: type=1400 audit(0.0:852012): avc: granted { setsched } for scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=process
11-23 10:14:33.121 47 47 W migration/6: type=1400 audit(0.0:852013): avc: granted { setsched } for scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=process
11-23 10:14:33.145 47 47 W migration/6: type=1400 audit(0.0:852014): avc: granted { setsched } for scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=process
11-23 10:14:33.145 53 53 W migration/7: type=1400 audit(0.0:852015): avc: granted { setsched } for scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=process
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG :
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : backtrace:
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000022988 /system/lib64/ (abort+116)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00000000000a0db0 /system/lib64/ (ifree+1204)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000000000009f924 /system/lib64/ (je_realloc+416)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000000000002ebc /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/lib/arm64/
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000000026fc /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/lib/arm64/ (Java_pl_droidsonroids_gif_GifInfoHandle_renderFrame+240)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000001d3194 /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/oat/arm64/base.odex (offset 0x1cd000) (com.viber.jni.im2.Im2MessageNative.getMessage [DEDUPED]+180)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000056f24c /system/lib64/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+604)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00000000000d4224 /system/lib64/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+232)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000000000283fa8 /system/lib64/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+344)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000027dfb0 /system/lib64/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+968)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #10 pc 000000000053ff9c /system/lib64/ (MterpInvokeStatic+204)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000561794 /system/lib64/ (ExecuteMterpImpl+14612)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #12 pc 0000000001b8277e /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifInfoHandle.a+6)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0000000000257cb4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art11interpreterL7ExecuteEPNS_6ThreadERKNS_20CodeItemDataAccessorERNS_11ShadowFrameENS_6JValueEb.llvm.4019025862+488)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #14 pc 000000000025d7a8 /system/lib64/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+216)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #15 pc 000000000027df94 /system/lib64/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+940)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #16 pc 0000000000541adc /system/lib64/ (MterpInvokeVirtualQuick+584)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #17 pc 0000000000565394 /system/lib64/ (ExecuteMterpImpl+29972)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #18 pc 0000000001b85086 /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (pl.droidsonroids.gif.p.a+16)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #19 pc 0000000000257cb4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art11interpreterL7ExecuteEPNS_6ThreadERKNS_20CodeItemDataAccessorERNS_11ShadowFrameENS_6JValueEb.llvm.4019025862+488)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #20 pc 000000000025d7a8 /system/lib64/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+216)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #21 pc 000000000027df94 /system/lib64/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+940)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #22 pc 0000000000541adc /system/lib64/ (MterpInvokeVirtualQuick+584)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #23 pc 0000000000565394 /system/lib64/ (ExecuteMterpImpl+29972)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #24 pc 0000000001b851ca /data/app/com.viber.voip-vq6KvINuXLpOq8H18SFGkg==/oat/arm64/base.vdex (
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #25 pc 0000000000257cb4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art11interpreterL7ExecuteEPNS_6ThreadERKNS_20CodeItemDataAccessorERNS_11ShadowFrameENS_6JValueEb.llvm.4019025862+488)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #26 pc 000000000052aa88 /system/lib64/ (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1020)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #27 pc 00000000005780fc /system/lib64/ (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+92)
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #28 pc 000000000033d624 /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x13b000) (java.util.concurrent.Executors$
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #29 pc 00000000003fbbfc /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x13b000) (
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #30 pc 00000000004c4edc /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x13b000) (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
11-23 10:14:33.172 10721 10721 F DEBUG : #31 pc 000000000000a120 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)