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Created May 19, 2012 02:23
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Save marciomazza/2728705 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
reverting accidental replace 'tab' -> ' ' in collective.developermanual b59bd0
# reverting accidental replace 'tab' -> ' ' in
import difflib
def agregar(lines):
diffs = []
d = []
for l in lines:
if l.startswith('diff --git'):
d = []
return diffs[1:]
def tab_diffs(d):
i = iter(d[5:])
for l in i:
if l.startswith('-'):
s1, s2 = l[1:],[1:]
s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, s1, s2)
if [(tag, s1[i1:i2], s2[j1:j2]) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes() if tag == 'replace' and s1[i1:i2] == 'tab']:
yield s1, s2
mv = {'source/models/database.txt': 'source/persistency/database.rst',
'source/models/index.txt': 'source/forms/index.rst',
'source/models/schema.txt': 'source/forms/schemas.rst',
'source/introduction/customizing_plone.txt': 'source/components/customizing_plone.rst'
def movido(nome):
if nome in mv:
return mv[nome]
return nome.replace('.txt', '.rst')
def pegar():
out = get_ipython().getoutput(u'git show b59bd0')
for d in agregar(out):
diffs = list(tab_diffs(d))
if diffs:
nome = movido(d[3][6:])
yield nome, diffs
def alterar():
for nome, diffs in pegar():
nome = movido(nome)
with open(nome) as f:
conteudo =
for s1,s2 in diffs:
conteudo = conteudo.replace(s2, s1)
with open(nome, 'w') as f:
print '-------------------- O_O this one --------------------'
print nome
for s1,s2 in diffs:
print s1
print s2
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