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Created March 20, 2024 21:55
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Deepkit Angular 2
* Deepkit Framework
* Copyright (C) 2021 Deepkit UG, Marc J. Schmidt
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the MIT License.
* You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program.
// copied from @deepkit/type-angular, as long as it doesnt compile
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { ClassType, isFunction } from '@deepkit/core';
import {
} from '@deepkit/type';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
type PropPath = string | (() => string);
function getPropPath(propPath?: PropPath, append?: string | number): string {
propPath = isFunction(propPath) ? propPath() : propPath;
if (propPath && append !== undefined) {
return propPath + '.' + append;
if (propPath) {
return propPath;
if (append !== undefined) {
return String(append);
return '';
function createControl<T>(
propPath: PropPath,
propName: string,
prop: Type,
parent?: FormGroup | FormArray,
conditionalValidators: TypedFormGroupConditionalValidators<any, any> = {},
limitControls: LimitControls<T> = {}
): AbstractControl {
const validator = (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
const rootFormGroup = control.root as TypedFormGroup<any>;
if (!rootFormGroup.value) {
// not yet initialized
return null;
function errorsToAngularErrors(errors: ValidationErrorItem[]): any {
if (errors.length) {
const res: ValidationErrors = {};
for (const e of errors) {
res[e.code] = e.message;
return res;
return null;
const errors: ValidationErrorItem[] = [];
const val = conditionalValidators[propName];
const fn = getValidatorFunction(undefined, prop);
(fn as any)(control.value, { errors }, getPropPath(propPath));
return errorsToAngularErrors(errors);
let control: AbstractControl;
if (prop.kind === ReflectionKind.array) {
conditionalValidators['0'] = conditionalValidators[propName];
control = new TypedFormArray(propPath, propName, prop.type, limitControls, conditionalValidators);
} else {
if (prop.kind === ReflectionKind.class) {
const t = propName ? conditionalValidators[propName] : conditionalValidators;
const conditionalValidatorsForProp = isConditionalValidatorFn(t) ? {} : t;
control = TypedFormGroup.fromEntityClass(prop.classType, limitControls, undefined, conditionalValidatorsForProp, propPath);
} else {
control = new FormControl(undefined, validator);
if (parent && conditionalValidators[propName]) {
parent.root.valueChanges.subscribe((v) => {
// todo: rework to apply validity status sync. find our why here is a race condition.
setTimeout(() => {
control.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
if (parent) {
return control;
type FlattenIfArray<T> = T extends Array<any> ? T[0] : T;
type ValidatorType = ((value: any) => ValidatorError | void);
type ConditionalValidatorFn<RT, PT> = (rootValue: RT, parentValue: PT) => ValidatorType | ValidatorType[] | void | undefined;
function isConditionalValidatorFn(obj: any): obj is ConditionalValidatorFn<any, any> {
return isFunction(obj);
type TypedFormGroupConditionalValidators<RT, T> = {
[P in keyof T & string]?: ConditionalValidatorFn<RT, T> | (FlattenIfArray<T[P]> extends object ? TypedFormGroupConditionalValidators<RT, FlattenIfArray<T[P]>> : undefined);
interface TypedAbstractControl<T> extends AbstractControl {
value: T;
type TypedControl<T> = T extends Array<any> ? TypedFormArray<FlattenIfArray<T>> : (T extends object ? TypedFormGroup<T> : TypedAbstractControl<T>);
type Controls<T> = { [P in keyof T & string]: TypedControl<T[P]> };
type LimitControls<T> = {
[P in keyof T & string]?: 1 | (FlattenIfArray<T[P]> extends object ? LimitControls<FlattenIfArray<T[P]>> : 1)
export interface TypedFormArray<T> {
value: T[];
export class TypedFormArray<T> extends FormArray {
_value: T[] = [];
private propPath: PropPath,
private propName: string,
private prop: Type,
private limitControls: LimitControls<T> = {},
private conditionalValidators: TypedFormGroupConditionalValidators<any, any> = {}
) {
super([], []);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', {
get(): any {
return this._value;
set(v: T[]): void {
if (this._value) {
this._value.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply(this._value, v);
} else {
this._value = v;
get typedControls(): TypedControl<T>[] {
return this.controls as any;
protected createControl(value?: T): AbstractControl {
const prop = { ...this.prop };
let control: AbstractControl;
control = createControl(() => getPropPath(this.propPath, this.controls.indexOf(control)), this.propName, prop, this, this.conditionalValidators, this.limitControls);
(control.value as any) = value;
return control;
addItem(item: T): void {
setRefValue(v?: T[]): void {
this._value = v || [];
removeItem(item: T): void {
const index = this.value.indexOf(item);
if (index !== -1) {
this.controls.splice(index, 1);
this.value.splice(index, 1);
removeItemAtIndex(item: T, index: number): void {
if (index !== -1 && this.controls[index]) {
this.controls.splice(index, 1);
this.value.splice(index, 1);
push(control?: AbstractControl): void {
super.push(control || this.createControl());
setValue(value: any[], options?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean }): void {
// note: this.push modifies the ref `value`, so we need to (shallow) copy the
// array (not the content) and reassign the content (by not changing the
// array ref) later.
const copy = value.slice(0);
for (const item of copy) {
// here the value is empty, but we make sure to remove any content,
// and reassign from our copied array., 0, value.length, ...copy);
if (value.push === Array.prototype.push) {
(value as any).push = (...args: any[]) => {
Array.prototype.push.apply(value, args);
for (const item of args) {
(value as any).splice = (...args: any) => {
Array.prototype.splice.apply(value, args);
super.setValue(value, options);
rerender() {
for (const item of this._value.slice(0)) {
printDeepErrors(path?: string): void {
for (const control of this.controls) {
if (control instanceof TypedFormGroup || control instanceof TypedFormArray) {
control.printDeepErrors(getPropPath(path, this.controls.indexOf(control)));
} else if (control.invalid) {
console.log('invalid', getPropPath(path, this.controls.indexOf(control)), control.errors, control.value, control.status, control.value, control);
export class TypedFormGroup<T extends object> extends FormGroup {
public classType?: ClassType<T>;
public typedValue?: T;
protected lastSyncSub?: Subscription;
public value: T | undefined;
getValue(): T {
if (!this.value) throw new Error('No value set yet. use init() or syncEntity() first.')
return this.value;
get typedControls(): Controls<T> {
return this.controls as any;
constructor(controls: { [p: string]: AbstractControl }, validatorOrOpts?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | AbstractControlOptions | null, asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null) {
super(controls, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator);
let inSetting = false;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', {
get(): any {
return this.typedValue;
set(v: T[]): void {
if (inSetting) return;
inSetting = true;
if (this.classType) {
if (this.typedValue === v) return;
if (!this.typedValue || this.typedValue !== v) {
// is needed since angular wont set `this.value` to `value`, but it simply iterates.
// we need however the actual reference.
this.typedValue = v;
if (this.lastSyncSub) {
for (const [name, control] of Object.entries(this.controls)) {
// const control = this.controls[i as keyof T & string];
if (control instanceof TypedFormArray) {
control.setRefValue((v as any)[name]);
} else {
(control as any).setValue((v as any)[name]);
// this comes after `setValue` so we don't get old values
this.lastSyncSub = this.valueChanges.subscribe(() => {
this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
} else {
// angular tries to set via _updateValue() `this.value` again using `{}`, which we simply ignore.
// except when its resetted
if (v === undefined) {
this.typedValue = undefined;
inSetting = false;
static fromEntityClass<T extends object>(
classType: ClassType<T>,
limitControls: LimitControls<T> = {},
validation?: (control: TypedFormGroup<T>) => ValidationErrors | null,
conditionalValidators: TypedFormGroupConditionalValidators<T, T> = {},
path?: PropPath
): TypedFormGroup<T> {
const entitySchema = ReflectionClass.from(classType);
const t = new TypedFormGroup<T>({}, validation as ValidatorFn);
t.classType = classType;
const validNames = Object.keys(limitControls);
for (const prop of entitySchema.getProperties()) {
if (validNames.length && !validNames.includes( {
const limitControlsForProp = limitControls[ as keyof T & string] === 1 ? {} : limitControls[ as keyof T & string];
t.registerControl(, createControl(() => getPropPath(path,, prop.getNameAsString(), prop.type, t, conditionalValidators, limitControlsForProp));
return t;
updateValueAndValidity(opts?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean }): void {
if (this.validator && !this.value && !this.disabled) {
// we have no valid, so our validator decides whether its valid or not
(this.status as any) = this.validator(this) ? 'INVALID' : 'VALID';
init(value?: T): this {
return this;
reset(value?: any, options?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean }): void {
if (value && this.classType && value instanceof this.classType) {
// super.reset(value, options);
for (const control of Object.values(this.controls)) {
setValue(value: { [p: string]: any }, options?: { onlySelf?: boolean; emitEvent?: boolean }): void {
this.value = value as any;
getControls(): Controls<any> {
return this.controls as Controls<any>;
printDeepErrors(path?: string): void {
for (const [name, control] of Object.entries(this.controls)) {
if (control instanceof TypedFormGroup || control instanceof TypedFormArray) {
control.printDeepErrors(getPropPath(path, name));
} else if (control.invalid) {
console.log('invalid', getPropPath(path, name), control.errors, control.value, control.status, control.value, control);
* Sets the current form values from the given entity and syncs changes automatically back to the entity.
public syncEntity(entity: T): void {
this.value = entity;
* Saves the current values from this form into the given entity.
public updateEntity(entity: T): void {
for (const [name, c] of Object.entries(this.controls)) {
if (c.touched || c.dirty) {
if (c instanceof TypedFormGroup) {
if ((entity as any)[name]) {
c.updateEntity((entity as any)[name]);
} else {
(entity as any)[name] = c.value;
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