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Created March 7, 2024 11:34
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Simple script to move scheduled Sidekiq jobs to Active Job. Not properly tested yet. Use at your own risk!
require "sidekiq/api"
# Fetch scheduled Sidekiq jobs for migration to GoodJob
def fetch_sidekiq_jobs_for_goodjob_migration
raise "Remove this line if you understand this code is not properly tested and you assume the risk of losing data"
puts "Starting to fetch scheduled Sidekiq jobs for migration..."
scheduled_set =
jobs = do |job|
"class" => job.klass.constantize, # Ensure this is an ActiveJob class
"args" => job.args,
"run_at" =>, # The time the job is scheduled to run
"jid" => job.jid
puts "Fetched #{jobs.count} jobs from Sidekiq scheduled set."
# Migrate jobs to GoodJob and delete them from Sidekiq
def migrate_jobs_to_goodjob(jobs)
puts "Starting migration of #{jobs.count} jobs to GoodJob..."
jobs.each do |job|
next unless job["args"].first["job_class"].constantize <= ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob
# Schedule the job with GoodJob
job_args = job["args"].first["arguments"]
mailer_class = job_args.first.constantize
mailer_method = job_args.second
args = job_args[3]["args"].collect { GlobalID::Locator.locate(_1.values.first) }
wait_until = job["run_at"]
puts "#{mailer_class}##{mailer_method}(*#{args}) scheduled for #{wait_until}"
mailer_class.public_send(mailer_method, *args).deliver_later(wait_until: wait_until)
# Find the job in the Sidekiq scheduled set and delete it
scheduled_set =
sidekiq_job = scheduled_set.find_job(job["jid"])
if sidekiq_job
puts "Deleted job #{job["jid"]} from Sidekiq scheduled set."
puts "Successfully migrated and deleted job: #{job["jid"]}"
rescue => e
# Handle the exception, possibly logging or notifying
puts "An error occurred while migrating job #{job["jid"]}: #{e.message}"
puts "Migration process completed."
# Example usage
jobs_to_migrate = fetch_sidekiq_jobs_for_goodjob_migration
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