Continuing through my learning/exploration of elm I was tasked with coming up with a function for determining if a given list is an equal, sublist, superlist, or unrelated to another.
My initial solution looked like this
type ListComparison
= Equal
| Superlist
| Sublist
| Unequal
isSublist : List a -> List a -> Bool
isSublist xs ys =
xLen =
List.length xs
yLen =
List.length ys
if xLen == yLen then
xs == ys
else if xLen > yLen then
isSublist xs (List.drop 1 ys) || isSublist xs (List.take (yLen - 1) ys)
sublist : List a -> List a -> ListComparison
sublist xs ys =
sublistChecks : ( Bool, Bool )
sublistChecks =
( isSublist xs ys, isSublist ys xs )
case sublistChecks of
( True, True ) ->
( True, False ) ->
( False, True ) ->
( False, False ) ->
At first glance this is a totally reasonable approach, recursively going through all the possible list pairings to detect a sublist.
The issue came in when running the exercise test cases:
This test failed because it threw an exception: "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
My code was too slow. It makes sense when I really thought about what was happening-
is an O(n) operation. Lists are linked lists really after all and for every iteration ofisSublist
I'm traversing the entirety of both lists just to grab the lengthsList.take (yLen - 1)
is essentially O(n) as well- The number of stack frames getting used for the recursion in
is super high. Worst case O(n2)
Low hanging fruit here would be reapproaching the sublist matching to check if our list is a "prefix" of the second list and if it's not just check it again against the tail of the second list
isPrefixOf : List a -> List a -> Bool
isPrefixOf xList yList =
case ( xList, yList ) of
( [], _ ) ->
( _, [] ) ->
( x :: xs, y :: ys ) ->
x == y && isPrefixOf xs ys
isSublist : List a -> List a -> Bool
isSublist xList yList =
case ( xList, yList ) of
( [], [] ) ->
( _, [] ) ->
( xs, y :: ys ) ->
isPrefixOf xs (y :: ys) || isSublist xs ys
This approach is going to be clearly a ton more efficient- eschewing all of the List.length
and List.take
calls without losing exhaustiveness and we're using the short circuiting of the logical operators to our advantage.
This approach was able to get around one of the Maximum call stack size exceeded
errors, but not the other. This is going to take a more sizeable change to speed things up further.
The indelible edmundnoble#9148 walked me through tail call optimization (TCO) and helped to refine my existing intuition on the matter. What it actually is (in languages like .hs and .ml), what it is in a language like .js and .elm, and that kind of speed increase we would expect if we tap into TCO for my elm sublist code.
type ListComparison
= Equal
| Superlist
| Sublist
| Unequal
isPrefixOf : Bool -> List a -> List a -> Bool
isPrefixOf isPrefix xList yList =
case ( isPrefix, xList, yList ) of
( False, _, _ ) ->
( _, [], _ ) ->
( _, _, [] ) ->
( _, x :: xs, y :: ys ) ->
isPrefixOf (x == y) xs ys
isSublist : List a -> List a -> Bool
isSublist =
isSublistRec False
isSublistRec : Bool -> List a -> List a -> Bool
isSublistRec sublistFound xList yList =
case ( sublistFound, xList, yList ) of
( True, _, _ ) ->
( _, [], [] ) ->
( _, _, [] ) ->
( _, xs, y :: ys ) ->
isSublistRec (isPrefixOf True xs (y :: ys)) xs ys
sublist : List a -> List a -> ListComparison
sublist xs ys =
sublistChecks : ( Bool, Bool )
sublistChecks =
( isSublist xs ys, isSublist ys xs )
case sublistChecks of
( True, True ) ->
( True, False ) ->
( False, True ) ->
( False, False ) ->
As you can see, we're accepting some added complexity in our logic for having proper tail calls. Were before the test cases were failing after 6.5s, the new updated code completes all cases in less than 150ms.
This was an amazing learning experience for me and I hope it can be a shred of help to someone else. Again big thanks for Edmundnoble's patience explaining lots of this to me!