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Last active June 17, 2021 16:03
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// Notice the static imports, these makes the syntax below so compact
// (and the IDE will auto-define this section)
import ondex.fluent.EntityFilter.FluentGraphWrapper
import static ondex.fluent.EntityFilter.byType;
import static ondex.fluent.EntityFilter.byDoubleAttribute;
import static ondex.fluent.ConceptFilter.byAccession;
import static ondex.fluent.Filter.byRegEx;
import static ondex.fluent.EntityComparator;
import static ondex.fluent.ConceptMapper.fromRelations;
import static ondex.fluent.RelationMapper.toConcepts;
// Also, notice what Java already has for us and the way we combine existing
// JDK interfaces and our own ones
import static java.util.function.Predicate.or;
import static java.util.Comparator.reverseOrder;
ONDEXGraph ondexGraph = ...
// The entry point
FluentGraphWrapper graphw = FluentGraphWrapper.of ( ondexGraph );
// At the end of chain a concept (node) or a collection of concepts is returned
ONDEXConcept concept = graphw.
// A Java stream for all the concepts
.concepts ()
// byType returns a java.util.function.Predicate, so that it's compatible with Java streams
// this predicate receives a concept as input and compares its type against the "Gene" parameter
.filter ( byType ( "Gene" ))
// Similar for accession, concept accessions are composed of ID + source name
// so, we might want to match both (in addition to one only)
.filter ( byAccession ( "P53", "ENSEMBL" ) )
// 'or' comes from Java too, predicates can pass their tested parameter (the concept's name string) to
// another predicate (a regular expression matcher in this case)
.filter ( or ( byName ( "Apoptosis" ), byName ( byRegEx ( ".*DNA\s+Repairing.*", "i" ) ) ))
// switch the chain to a different stream: for all the concepts c matched so far, returns the stream
// of edges starting from c, ie, all r such that r(c, y)
.map ( fromRelations () )
// Picks all the relations about the genes in the upper stream cited by some publication
// Because now we're dealing with a stream of relations, this filters over relation attributes
.filter ( byType ( "citedBy" ) )
// Again, restrict on relation attribute
.filter ( byDoubleAttribute ( "SCORE", (double) aval -> aval > 10 ) )
// This is Java accepting one of our specialised comparators. This comparator takes two
// relations and compares them by the values of the SCORE attributes.
// we sort in reverse order cause the best guys here are those having the highest score
.sorted ( reverseOrder ( EntityComparator.byDoubleAttribute ( "SCORE" ) ) )
// Stream switch again: returns a stream of concepts y, for all y such that r(c, y) as mentioned above
.map ( toConcepts () )
// Because we sorted the down-stream, this will return the concept hit by the highest score
// And we know it's a publication-related concept from the relation type
.findFirst ()
.orElseThrow ( () -> new NotFoundException ( "No citing publication concept found" ) );
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