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Last active January 8, 2025 14:19
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Generate ES256 JWT tokens for Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) in PHP
function base64url_encode($binary_data) { return strtr(rtrim(base64_encode($binary_data), '='), '+/', '-_'); }
function apns_jwt_token($team_id, $key_id, $private_key_pem_str)
if (! function_exists('openssl_get_md_methods') || ! in_array('sha256', openssl_get_md_methods())) throw new Exception('Requires openssl with sha256 support');
$private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private($private_key_pem_str);
if (! $private_key) throw new Exception('Cannot decode private key');
$msg = base64url_encode(json_encode([ 'alg' => 'ES256', 'kid' => $key_id ])) . '.' . base64url_encode(json_encode([ 'iss' => $team_id, 'iat' => time() ]));
openssl_sign($msg, $der, $private_key, 'sha256');
// DER unpacking from
$components = [];
$pos = 0;
$size = strlen($der);
while ($pos < $size) {
$constructed = (ord($der[$pos]) >> 5) & 0x01;
$type = ord($der[$pos++]) & 0x1f;
$len = ord($der[$pos++]);
if ($len & 0x80) {
$n = $len & 0x1f;
$len = 0;
while ($n-- && $pos < $size) $len = ($len << 8) | ord($der[$pos++]);
if ($type == 0x03) {
$components[] = substr($der, $pos, $len - 1);
$pos += $len - 1;
} else if (! $constructed) {
$components[] = substr($der, $pos, $len);
$pos += $len;
foreach ($components as &$c) $c = str_pad(ltrim($c, "\x00"), 32, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $msg . '.' . base64url_encode(implode('', $components));
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komaxx commented Apr 21, 2020

Neat, thank you!
Needs a few more class hierarchies, though ;)

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Thank you for this great share

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Awesome work. Simple and not over complicated like most packages.

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DrBrad commented Nov 18, 2023

Bro I spent 3 days trying to figure out why my JWT generation wasnt working and
// DER unpacking from and below got it working bro thank you xD

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Thanks, solved my issue.

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