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Last active October 6, 2022 02:47
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  • Save marcoarment/a78962943e7e59c67da7ff7a379f3b1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marcoarment/a78962943e7e59c67da7ff7a379f3b1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shopt -s nullglob
LOCALUSER=marco # Change this for you, obviously
# Are any Adobe user-facing apps running? Assuming they begin with "Adobe ", e.g. "Adobe Audition 2022"
ps ax -c -o 'command=' | egrep '^Adobe ' | fgrep -v 'Adobe Desktop Service' | fgrep -v 'Adobe Installer' > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
# No Adobe user-facing apps running
if [ -e "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core" ] ; then
sudo mv -f "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core" $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/ACCFinderSync.DISABLED-appex
sudo killall -q -9 ACCFinderSync
for B in `launchctl list | egrep -v '^-' | fgrep -i adobe | awk '{ print $3 }'` ; do
echo "launchctl stopping: $B"
sudo launchctl stop "$B"
echo "launchctl booting out: $B"
sudo launchctl bootout gui/`id -u`/"$B"
for i in /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.* ; do
echo "launchctl unloading: $i"
sudo launchctl unload "$i"
mkdir -p $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo mv -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.* $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchDaemons/ 2>&1
for i in /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.* ; do
echo "launchctl unloading: $i"
launchctl unload "$i"
mkdir -p $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchAgents
sudo mv -f /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.* $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchAgents/ 2>&1
BADPROCS="AdobeIPCBroker AdobeCRDaemon 'Adobe Desktop Service' 'Adobe Installer' Adobe_CCXProcess.node com.adobe.acc.installer.v2 AdobeExtensionsService 'Creative Cloud Helper' crashpad_handler"
for PNAME in `sudo killall -qdv -9 $BADPROCS | fgrep 'cmd:' | awk '{ print $2}' | sed 's/^cmd://g' | sed 's/,$//g'` ; do
echo "killing: $PNAME"
sudo killall -q -9 $PNAME
echo "Adobe apps still running:"
ps ax -c -o 'command=' | egrep '^Adobe ' | fgrep -v 'Adobe Desktop Service' | fgrep -v 'Adobe Installer'
# How to move Adobe crap back if you need it:
# sudo mv $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.* /Library/LaunchAgents/
# sudo mv $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.* /Library/LaunchDaemons/
# sudo mv $DISABLED_FILES_DIR/ACCFinderSync.DISABLED-appex "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core"
# Check for Adobe processes
# ps ax -c -o 'command=' | fgrep -i adobe
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Shellcheck fixes are here. Feel free to steal if you want.

Only thing I left out were instances of SC2009, which shows up in a few places - not sure it matters though.

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