Place the vagrant file in your $CHARM_DIR root. This may move at a later date, but for internal testing, just put it there and stop fighting me on this.
Also fetch the supporting script - this is the driver behind the vagrant automation until we find a better process to execute the code. Embedding bash inline in a yaml file is supported: but the yaml parser chokes if you have #'s inline. It interprets the rest of the line as a comment regardless of scope. end. of. story.
With the Vagrantfile, and scripts in $CHARM_DIR
vagrant up
Vagrant will fetch the base box, import it into Virtualbox, and kick off a test execution.
The script does the following things for you:
- Setup a clean Trusty Tahr server image with juju-core installed by default
- Installs the Juju Local provider
- Configures your local provider, and generates an SSH key for the vagrant user
- Installs your tests pre-setup file 00-setup (this is a convention used by charm add tests)
- Kicks off any tests to be run against the local provider, as long as they are chmod +x
If there are executable files in the tests directory - they will automatically be run.
charm add tests
hack away at your awesome amulet test, making sure you add any dependencies to 00-setup
vagrant up
on your first test execution. Afterwords you are free to do
vagrant provision
your tests will be executed in place, and should be a faster run as the environment pre-setup and installation has already completed.
All bugreports against the basebox are welcome.