Assumptions: the charm name is fluentd
Register an account on launchpad, if you don't already have one. You'll need the name later in the process.
- Create a launchpad branch of the deployable charm
[~/charms/layers/fluentd] $ charm build
set -ex | |
REQ_CN= | |
# if [ ! -e $REGISTRY_INGRESS_HOSTNAME.key ]; then | |
# echo '{"CN":"'$REGISTRY_INGRESS_HOSTNAME'","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | cfssl gencert -config=ca-config.json -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem -hostname="$REGISTRY_INGRESS_HOSTNAME" - | cfssljson -bare $REGISTRY_INGRESS_HOSTNAME | |
# fi |
@when('leadership.is_leader') | |
def add_leader_config(): | |
render_master_config() | |
@when_not('leadership.is_leader') | |
def add_slave_config(): | |
render_slave_config() | |
@when('leadership.is_leader') |
services: | |
rabbitmq-server: | |
charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server | |
options: | |
management_plugin: 'true' | |
to: | |
- lxc:10 | |
ceilometer: | |
charm: ceilometer | |
options: |
Place the vagrant file in your $CHARM_DIR root. This may move at a later date, but for internal testing, just put it there and stop fighting me on this.
Also fetch the supporting script - this is the driver behind the vagrant automation until we find a better process to execute the code. Embedding bash inline in a yaml file is supported: but the yaml parser chokes if you have #'s inline. It interprets the rest of the line as a comment regardless of scope. end. of. story.
def validate_database_relationship(): | |
#Connect to the sentrys and fetch the transmitted details | |
sent_config = d.sentry.unit['mysql/0'].relation('db', 'owncloud:db') | |
#Connect to owncloud's sentry and read the configuration PHP file | |
prod_config = d.sentry.unit['owncloud/0'].file_contents('/var/www/owncloud/config/config.php') | |
cfg_to_check = {'dbuser': 'user', 'dbpass': 'password', 'dbhost': 'host'} | |
for cfg_file_key, juju_cfg_key in cfg_to_check.items(): | |
#Search the return string of the config for the transmit values | |
if prod_config.find("'%s' => '%s'" % (cfg_file_key, sent_config[juju_cfg_key]) == -1: |
#!/usr/bin/python3 | |
import amulet | |
d = amulet.Deployment() | |
d.add('mysql') | |
d.add('wordpress', units=3) | |
d.relate('mysql:db', 'wordpress:db') | |
d.configure('wordpress', tuning='bare') |
#!/bin/bash | |
juju-log "Adding Canonical Partner repository" | |
RELEASE_CODE=`lsb_release -sc` | |
add-apt-repository "deb ${RELEASE_CODE} partner" | |
apt-get update | |
apt-get -y install -qq --no-install-recommends debconf-utils | |
echo "sun-java6-plugin shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true" | debconf-set-selections |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<style type="text/css"> | |
.border{ | |
border: 2px solid #000; | |
width: 605px; | |
overflow: hidden; | |
} | |
.steps { | |
border: 1px dashed #c0c0c0; |
function EmbedVid(someID) | |
{ | |
html = $('#embed-template').clone(); | |
html.attr('flashvars','value="file=upload/' + someID + '.flv&image=images/vidThumbs/' + someID + '.jpg"'); | |
html.find('embed').attr('flashvars','file=upload/' + someID + '.flv&image=images/vidThumbs/' + someID + '.jpg"'); | |
// better clear the video holder | |
$('#video-holder').empty(); | |
$('#video-holder').append(html); | |
} |