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Last active December 22, 2020 05:49
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Pointer binary heap: A JavaScript binary heap implementation with pointers instead of arrays
/** Represents a node from a binary heap. */
class BinaryHeapNode {
* Initializes a new instace of the `BinaryHeapNode` class.
* @param {number} value
* @param {*} ref
constructor(value, ref) {
this.value = value;
this.ref = ref;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.parent = null;
/** Represents a binary heap. */
class BinaryHeap {
* Initializes a new instance of the `BinaryHeap` class.
* @param {"min" | "max"} mode The binary heap mode. Defaults to `"min"`.
constructor(mode = "min") {
this.mode = mode;
this.root = null;
this.size = 0;
* Adds a new value to the binary heap.
* @param {number} value The value to add to the heap.
* @param {*} ref An optional reference associated to the value.
add(value, ref = null) {
let node = this._addNewNode(value, ref);
while (node.parent && !this._heapCondition(node.parent, node)) {
this._swapNodeValues(node, node.parent);
node = node.parent;
/** Removes the top of the heap. */
remove() {
if (this.size === 0) {
if (this.size === 0) {
let node = this.root;
while (
(node.left && !this._heapCondition(node, node.left)) ||
(node.right && !this._heapCondition(node, node.right))
) {
if (!node.right || !this._heapCondition(node.right, node.left)) {
this._swapNodeValues(node, node.left);
node = node.left;
} else {
this._swapNodeValues(node, node.right);
node = node.right;
/** Gets the top of the heap. */
top() {
if (this.root) {
return {
value: this.root.value,
ref: this.root.ref,
* Adds a new node to the binary heap.
* @param {number} value The number value of the node.
* @param {*} ref A reference to an arbitrary value that the node will store.
_addNewNode(value, ref) {
const node = new BinaryHeapNode(value, ref === null ? value : ref);
if (this.root) {
// add new tail node
node.parent = this._getNewNodeParent();
if (!node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = node;
} else {
node.parent.right = node;
} else {
// add root node
this.root = node;
return node;
/** Gets the parent for a new node in the binary heap. */
_getNewNodeParent() {
const stack = this._getNodeTraversalPath(this.size + 1);
let node = this.root;
while (stack.length > 1) {
node = node[stack.pop()];
return node;
* Gets a stack that contains the path that must be traversed to reach a node.
* Binary heap trees have the following characteristics:
* - Even node numbers are left children of their parent, odd node numbers are right children of their parent.
* - A node parent's number is half of the children's node number.
* The following binary tree shows the node numbers of a tree of 7 nodes:
* ```
* 1
* 2 3
* 4 5 6 7
* ```
* @param {number} nodeNumber The node number to traverse to.
* @return An Array (stack) with "left" or "right" strings indicating the path that must be traversed to reach the desired node.
_getNodeTraversalPath(nodeNumber) {
const stack = [];
let current = nodeNumber;
while (current > 1) {
if (current % 2 === 1) {
// even node numbers are right childs
} else {
// odd node numbers are left childs
// move to parent
current = Math.floor(current / 2);
return stack;
/** Gets the tail (rightmost, lowest level) node of a binary heap. */
_getTailNode() {
const stack = this._getNodeTraversalPath(this.size);
let node = this.root;
while (stack.length) {
node = node[stack.pop()];
return node;
* Evaluates whether the heap condition is satisfied for two nodes.
* @param {BinaryHeapNode} parent The parent node.
* @param {BinaryHeapNode} child The child node.
_heapCondition(parent, child) {
// in a min-heap, a parent must be <= than their child
// in a max-heap, a parent must be >= than their child
return this.mode === "min"
? parent.value <= child.value
: parent.value >= child.value;
/** Removes the tail (rightmost, lowest level) node of a binary heap and swaps its values with the root node. */
_removeTailNode() {
if (this.size > 1) {
// remove tail node
const lastNode = this._getTailNode();
if (lastNode.parent.left === lastNode) {
lastNode.parent.left = null;
} else {
lastNode.parent.right = null;
this._swapNodeValues(lastNode, this.root);
} else {
// remove root node
this.root = null;
* Swaps the values of two binary heap nodes.
* @param {BinaryHeapNode} n1 The first node.
* @param {BinaryHeapNode} n2 The second node.
_swapNodeValues(n1, n2) {
const { ref, value } = n1;
n1.ref = n2.ref;
n1.value = n2.value;
n2.ref = ref;
n2.value = value;
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