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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Simple AngulaJS MustacheTemplater
var app = angular.module("webapp", []);
* MustacheTemplater is a simple and small templating designed to
* generate simple text containing mustache quoated params. The template
* is defined using <script> tag with type of "text/ng-template".
* It is intentionally kept simple supporting only key value pares. Need
* additional logic? Use the mustache library instead.
* Sample usage include error message or SQL generation.
app.service("MustacheTemplater", function ($templateCache, $log) {
var self = this;
* render: Render the text containing mustache parameters. If key mot provided in
* `params`, it will be replaced by an empty string.
* @param {string} template_text - Text with mustache variable to be parsed
* @param {Object} [params] - Optional key/value that will be used to populate template.
this.render = function (template_text, params) {
// Default params to an empty object
params = params || {};
// Search for mustache like params with {{...}}
return template_text.replace(/{{\s*[\w\.]+\s*}}/g, function(x) {
// Extract key in the mustache quote
var key = x.match(/[\w\.]+/)[0];
// Return the key from params if exists, or return an empty string
if (typeof params[key] === "undefined") {
return "";
} else {
return params[key];
* generate: retrieve the template using `template_id` and render the result
* @param {string} template_id - Text of `id` to retrieve the ngTemplate
* @param {Object} [params] - Optional key/value that will be used to populate template.
this.generate = function (template_id, params) {
// Retrieve
var templ = $templateCache.get(template_id);
return self.render(templ, params);
* generate_trimmed: Same as `generate` but remove all extra spaces. Designed to remove
* space based formatting of a SQL statement to be passed as URL.
* @param {string} template_id - Text of `id` to retrieve the ngTemplate
* @param {Object} [params] - Optional key/value that will be used to populate template.
this.generate_trimmed = function (template_id, params) {
// Retrieve
var templ = $templateCache.get(template_id).trim(),
// Replace continue white space to a single space
templ_trimmed = templ.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return self.render(templ_trimmed, params);
app.controller("TestController", function ($scope, MustacheTemplater, $log) {
$scope.title = "The Value";
var sql = MustacheTemplater.generate("select_data", $scope);
$log.log("sql: ", sql);
var sql_trimmed = MustacheTemplater.generate_trimmed("select_data", $scope);
$log.log("sql:" + sql_trimmed);
$scope.template = sql;
<title>Angular Template Test</title>
<body ng-app="webapp">
<h1>Angular Template Test</h1>
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div>Title: {{title}}</div>
<div>Sql: {{template}}</div>
<div id="sql"></div>
<script id="select_data" type="text/ng-template">
select *
from main_table
where key = "{{title}}"
and value = "{{title}}"
order by {{order_by}}
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
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