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Mariano Gappa marianogappa

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marianogappa /
Created March 5, 2021 20:27
Uniswap price alert
while sleep 60; do if [[ $(curl -s "" -d'{"query": "{tokenDayDatas(first: 1, orderBy: date, orderDirection: desc, where: { token: \"0xf7413489c474ca4399eee604716c72879eea3615\"}) { priceUSD } }"}' | jq -r '.data.tokenDayDatas[0].priceUSD' | tee /dev/tty | sed 's/$/ <= 1.2/' | bc) -eq "1" ]]; then say "buy APYS now"; fi; done
marianogappa / query.sql
Created September 4, 2018 01:55
Big Query SQL to get how many go files are main package vs non-main package on Github
IF(package_line = 'main', 'main', 'non_main') AS is_main, COUNT(1) AS count, LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE(package_line)), 100) AS package_names
REGEXP_EXTRACT(content, r'package\s+([^\s]+)\s') AS package_line
marianogappa / ordered_parallel.go
Last active February 12, 2024 09:27
Parallel processing with ordered output in Go
Parallel processing with ordered output in Go
(you can use this pattern by importing
This example implementation is useful when the following 3 conditions are true:
1) the rate of input is higher than the rate of output on the system (i.e. it queues up)
2) the processing of input can be parallelised, and overall throughput increases by doing so
3) the order of output of the system needs to respect order of input
- if 1 is false, KISS!
marianogappa / backpressure.go
Created December 4, 2016 04:53
Example backpressure implementation in Go
This snippet is an example of backpressure implementation in Go.
It doesn't run in Go Playground, because it starts an HTTP Server.
The example starts an HTTP server and sends multiple requests to it. The server starts denying
requests by replying an "X" (i.e. a 502) when its buffered channel reaches capacity.
This is not the same as rate-limiting; you might be interested in
marianogappa /
Created August 20, 2016 06:24
Average weekly rent price for advertised carparks on Auckland City Centre
# The following one-liner calculates the average weekly rent price for a carpark on Auckland City Centre (New Zealand)
curl -s '' | grep 'per week</' | sed 's/.*\$\(.*\) per week.*/\1/g' | awk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print "$" sum / n " based on " n " advertised items."; }'
# Example output (2016-08-20): $77.7917 based on 24 advertised items.
# Note that this script doesn't consider pagination, but I tried a whole-country search
# of carparks and there were only 78 results, and Trademe didn't paginate, so I think
# it's not necessary.
marianogappa /
Last active February 12, 2017 01:55
Ranking of GH repos per stargazers on your organisation
# (requires jq)
# USER=your_github_username
# ACCESS_TOKEN=your_github_access_token
# ORGANIZATION=your_organization
curl -u $USER:$ACCESS_TOKEN -s "$ORGANIZATION/members?per_page=100" | \
jq -r '.[] | "\(.repos_url)?per_page=100"' | \
while read line; do echo -n "$(curl -s $line | jq --raw-output '.[] | {a:.stargazers_count,b:.full_name} | .[] ' | paste -s -d ' \n' - )"; done | \
sort -rn | grep -v '^0'
marianogappa /
Created May 22, 2016 08:02
Byte count per programming language on your github account
curl -u $USER:$ACCESS_TOKEN -s "" | jq -r 'map(.languages_url) | .[]' | xargs curl -s -u $USER:$ACCESS_TOKEN | jq -r '. as $in| keys[] | [.+ " "]+[$in[.] | tostring] | add' | awk '{arr[$1]+=$2} END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}}' | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sort -nr
marianogappa /
Last active July 24, 2020 08:02
Echoes the build.sbt project version to STDOUT
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Echoes the build.sbt project version to STDOUT.
# - place this script on the root of your project
# - this script will then work on the first build.sbt found anywhere on your project
# - this script assumes your project version setting is a literal e.g.: `version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"`
# Exit on unset variables or if any of the following commands returns non-zero
marianogappa / big_rand_decimal.php
Created March 29, 2015 06:09
Generates a random decimal with a large number of digits.
function big_rand_decimal($integerDigits, $decimalDigits, $decimalSeparator = ".") {
if(!is_numeric($integerDigits) || $integerDigits <= 0)
$integerDigits = 0;
else if(!is_integer($integerDigits))
$integerDigits = (int)ceil($integerDigits);
if(!is_numeric($decimalDigits) || $decimalDigits <= 0)
$decimalDigits = 0;
else if(!is_integer($decimalDigits))
$decimalDigits = (int)ceil($decimalDigits);
marianogappa / big_rand_integer.php
Created March 29, 2015 06:03
Generates a random integer with a large number of digits.
function big_rand_integer($digits) {
if(!is_numeric($digits) || $digits <= 0)
return '0';
$digits = (int)ceil($digits);
$multiplier = (int)ceil($digits / 9.0);
$function = function() {