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Created August 10, 2011 16:14
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csv table 2 rst
'''read a csv file representing a table and write a restructured text simple
import sys
import csv
def get_out(out=None):
return a file like object from different kinds of values
None: returns stdout
string: returns open(path)
file: returns itself
otherwise: raises ValueError
if out is None:
return sys.stdout
elif isinstance(out, file):
return out
elif isinstance(out, basestring):
return open(out)
raise ValueError("out must be None, file or path")
def underline(title, underliner="=", endl="\n", out=None):
write *title* *underlined* to *out*
out = get_out(out)
out.write(underliner * len(title))
out.write(endl * 2)
def separate(sizes, out=None, separator="=", endl="\n"):
write the separators for the table using sizes to get the
size of the longest string of a column
out = get_out(out)
for size in sizes:
out.write(separator * size)
out.write(" ")
def write_row(sizes, items, out=None, endl="\n"):
write a row adding padding if the item is not the
longest of the column
out = get_out(out)
for item, max_size in zip(items, sizes):
item_len = len(item)
if item_len < max_size:
out.write(" " * (max_size - item_len))
out.write(" ")
def process(in_=None, out=None, title=None):
read a csv table from in and write the rest table to out
print title if title is set
handle = get_out(in_)
out = get_out(out)
reader = csv.reader(handle)
rows = [row for row in reader if row]
cols = len(rows[0])
sizes = [0] * cols
for i in range(cols):
for row in rows:
row_len = len(row[i])
max_len = sizes[i]
if row_len > max_len:
sizes[i] = row_len
if title:
separate(sizes, out)
write_row(sizes, rows[0], out)
separate(sizes, out)
for row in rows[1:]:
write_row(sizes, row, out)
separate(sizes, out)
def run():
run as a command line program
usage: path_to_table [title]
path = sys.argv[1]
title = None
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
title = sys.argv[2]
process(path, title=title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Thank ++ for this... What is your license for this script?

public domain or MIT whatever works for you

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