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Created September 1, 2014 14:38
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Palette library
function ColorCutQuantizer(imageData, maxColors) {
var colorHist = new ColorHistogram(imageData);
var rawColors = colorHist.getColors();
this._colorPopulations = colorHist.getColorPopulations();
/** @type {Color[]} */
this._colors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawColors.length; i++) {
var color = rawColors[i];
if (this._shouldIgnoreColor(color)) {
if (this._colors.length <= maxColors) {
//if (true) {
this._quantizedColors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._colors.length; i++) {
var color = this._colors[i];
this._quantizedColors.push(new PaletteItem(color, this._colorPopulations[color.rgbValue()]));
} else {
this._quantizedColors = this._quantizePixels(this._colors.length - 1, maxColors);
* @returns {PaletteItem[]}
ColorCutQuantizer.prototype.getQuantizedColors = function() {
return this._quantizedColors;
ColorCutQuantizer.prototype._quantizePixels = function(maxColorIndex, maxColors) {
var pq = new PriorityQueue({
comparator: function(lhs, rhs) {
return rhs.getVolume() - lhs.getVolume();
pq.queue(new ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox(this, 0, maxColorIndex));
this._splitBoxes(pq, maxColors);
return this._generateAverageColors(pq);
* @param {PriorityQueue} queue
* @param {Number} maxSize
* @private
ColorCutQuantizer.prototype._splitBoxes = function(queue, maxSize) {
while (queue.length < maxSize) {
var vbox = queue.dequeue();
if (vbox !== null && vbox.canSplit()) {
} else {
* @param {PriorityQueue} vboxQueue
* @private
ColorCutQuantizer.prototype._generateAverageColors = function(vboxQueue) {
var colors = [];
while (vboxQueue.length > 0) {
var vbox = vboxQueue.dequeue();
var color = vbox.getAverageColor();
if (!this._shouldIgnoreColor(color)) {
return colors;
* @param {Color} color
* @return {Boolean}
* @private
ColorCutQuantizer.prototype._shouldIgnoreColor = function(color) {
return color.isWhite() || color.isBlack() || color.isTransparent() || color.isNearRedILine();
* @param {ColorCutQuantizer} parent
* @param lowerIndex
* @param upperIndex
* @constructor
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox = function(parent, lowerIndex, upperIndex) {
this._parent = parent;
this._lowerIndex = lowerIndex;
this._upperIndex = upperIndex;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.getVolume = function() {
return ((this._maxRed - this._minRed) + 1) * ((this._maxGreen - this._minGreen) + 1) * ((this._maxBlue - this._minBlue) + 1);
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.canSplit = function() {
return this.getColorCount() > 1;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.getColorCount = function() {
return this._upperIndex - this._lowerIndex;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.fitBox = function() {
this._minRed = this._minGreen = this._minBlue = 255;
this._maxRed = this._maxGreen = this._maxBlue = 0;
for (var i = this._lowerIndex; i <= this._upperIndex; i++) {
var color = this._parent._colors[i];
var r =;
var g =;
var b =;
if (r > this._maxRed) {
this._maxRed = r;
if (r < this._minRed) {
this._minRed = r;
if (g > this._maxGreen) {
this._maxGreen = g;
if (g < this._minGreen) {
this._minGreen = g;
if (b > this._maxBlue) {
this._maxBlue = b;
if (b < this._minBlue) {
this._minBlue = b;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.splitBox = function() {
if (!this.canSplit()) {
throw new Error("Can not split a box with only 1 color");
var splitPoint = this.findSplitPoint();
var newBox = new ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox(this._parent, splitPoint + 1, this._upperIndex);
this._upperIndex = splitPoint;
return newBox;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.getLongestColorDimension = function() {
var redLength = this._maxRed - this._minRed;
var greenLength = this._maxGreen - this._minGreen;
var blueLength = this._maxBlue - this._minBlue;
if (redLength >= greenLength && redLength >= blueLength) {
return -3;
return greenLength < redLength || greenLength < blueLength ? -1 : -2;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.findSplitPoint = function() {
var longestDimension = this.getLongestColorDimension();
var sortOrder = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
if (longestDimension === -2) {
sortOrder = ['green', 'red', 'blue'];
} else if (longestDimension === -1) {
sortOrder = ['blue', 'green', 'blue'];
var beforeRange = this._parent._colors.slice(0, this._lowerIndex);
var rangeColors = this._parent._colors.slice(this._lowerIndex, this._upperIndex + 1);
rangeColors = rangeColors.sort(Color.sort(sortOrder));
var afterRange = this._parent._colors.slice(this._upperIndex + 1);
this._parent._colors = beforeRange.concat(rangeColors, afterRange);
var dimensionMidpoint = this.midPoint(longestDimension);
for (var i = this._lowerIndex; i < this._upperIndex; i++) {
var color = this._parent._colors[i];
switch (longestDimension) {
case -3:
if ( >= dimensionMidpoint) {
return i;
case -2:
if ( >= dimensionMidpoint) {
return i;
case -1:
if ( >= dimensionMidpoint) {
return i;
return this._lowerIndex;
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.getAverageColor = function() {
var redSum = 0;
var greenSum = 0;
var blueSum = 0;
var totalPopulation = 0;
for (var i = this._lowerIndex; i <= this._upperIndex; i++) {
var color = this._parent._colors[i];
var colorPopulation = this._parent._colorPopulations[color.rgbValue()];
totalPopulation += colorPopulation;
redSum += colorPopulation *;
greenSum += colorPopulation *;
blueSum += colorPopulation *;
var redAverage = Math.round(redSum / totalPopulation);
var greenAverage = Math.round(greenSum / totalPopulation);
var blueAverage = Math.round(blueSum / totalPopulation);
return new PaletteItem(new Color(redAverage, greenAverage, blueAverage), totalPopulation);
ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox.prototype.midPoint = function(dimension) {
switch (dimension) {
case -3:
return (this._minRed + this._maxRed) / 2;
case -2:
return (this._minGreen + this._maxGreen) / 2;
case -1:
return (this._minBlue + this._maxBlue) / 2;
* @param {ImageData} imageData
* @constructor
function ColorHistogram(imageData) {
var pixels = [];
var data =;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
pixels.push(new Color(data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]));
pixels = pixels.sort(Color.sort());
this._colorPopulations = _.countBy(pixels, function(color) {
return color.rgbValue();
this._colors = _.uniq(pixels, function(color) {
return color.rgbValue();
* @returns {Color[]}
ColorHistogram.prototype.getColors = function() {
return this._colors;
* @returns {Object.<Number, Number>}
ColorHistogram.prototype.getColorPopulations = function() {
return this._colorPopulations;
var ColorUtils = {
RGBtoHSL: function(r, g, b) {
var rf = r / 255;
var gf = g / 255;
var bf = b / 255;
var max = Math.max(rf, Math.max(gf, bf));
var min = Math.min(rf, Math.min(gf, bf));
var deltaMaxMin = max - min;
var l = (max + min) / 2.0;
var h;
var s;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0.0;
} else {
if (max == rf)
h = ((gf - bf) / deltaMaxMin) % 6;
else if (max == gf)
h = (bf - rf) / deltaMaxMin + 2.0;
h = (rf - gf) / deltaMaxMin + 4;
s = deltaMaxMin / (1.0 - Math.abs(2.0 * l - 1.0));
return {
0: (h * 60) % 360,
1: s,
2: l
* @param {PaletteItem[]} palette
* @constructor
function Palette(palette) {
this._palette = palette;
this._colors = {
vibrant: this._findColor(0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 0.35, 1.0),
lightVibrant: this._findColor(0.74, 0.55, 1.0, 1.0, 0.35, 1.0),
darkVibrant: this._findColor(0.26, 0.0, 0.45, 1.0, 0.35, 1.0),
muted: this._findColor(0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.0, 0.4),
lightMuted: this._findColor(0.74, 0.55, 1.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.4),
darkMuted: this._findColor(0.26, 0.0, 0.45, 0.3, 0.0, 0.4)
Palette.prototype.getVibrantColor = function() {
return this._colors.vibrant;
Palette.prototype.getAccentColors = function() {
return this._colors;
Palette.prototype.getColors = function() {
return this._palette;
* @param targetLuma
* @param minLuma
* @param maxLuma
* @param targetSaturation
* @param minSaturation
* @param maxSaturation
* @return {PaletteItem}
Palette.prototype._findColor = function(targetLuma, minLuma, maxLuma, targetSaturation, minSaturation, maxSaturation) {
var max = null;
var maxValue = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < this._palette.length; i++) {
var paletteItem = this._palette[i];
var sat = paletteItem.getHsl()[1];
var luma = paletteItem.getHsl()[2];
if (sat >= minSaturation && sat <= maxSaturation && luma >= minLuma && luma <= maxLuma && !this._isAlreadySelected(paletteItem)) {
var thisValue = this._createComparisonValue(sat, targetSaturation, luma, targetLuma, paletteItem._getPopulation(), this._getMaxPopulation());
if (max === null || thisValue > maxValue) {
max = paletteItem;
maxValue = thisValue;
return max;
Palette.prototype._isAlreadySelected = function(item) {
return _.contains(this._colors, item);
Palette.prototype._createComparisonValue = function(saturation, targetSatuation, luma, targetLuma, population, highestPopulation) {
return this._weightedMean([
[3, this._invertDiff(saturation, targetSatuation)],
[6.5, this._invertDiff(luma, targetLuma)],
[0.5, population / highestPopulation]
Palette.prototype._invertDiff = function(value, targetValue) {
return 1.0 - Math.abs(value - targetValue);
Palette.prototype._weightedMean = function(values) {
var sum = _.reduce(values, function(memo, value) {
return memo + value[0] * value[1]
var sumWeight = _.reduce(values, function(memo, value) {
return memo + value[0]
return sum / sumWeight;
Palette.prototype._getMaxPopulation = function() {
if (this._maxPopulation === undefined) {
var population = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this._palette.length; i++) {
var item = this._palette[i];
population = Math.max(population, item._getPopulation());
this._maxPopulation = population;
return this._maxPopulation;
Palette.generate = function(image) {
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(fullfill, reject) {
.done(function(imageData) {
var quantizer = new ColorCutQuantizer(imageData, 16);
fullfill(new Palette(quantizer.getQuantizedColors()))
function(error) {
Palette._getScaledImageData = function(image) {
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(fullfill, reject) {
if (image[0].naturalWidth !== 0) {
.on('load', function(a, b, c) {
.on('error', function(a, b, c) {
console.error(this, a, b, c);
* @param {HTMLImageElement} image
* @returns {ImageData}
* @private
Palette._scaleImage = function(image) {
var minDimension = Math.min(image.width, image.height);
if (minDimension <= 100) {
return this._getImageData(image, image.width, image.height);
} else {
var scaleRatio = 100 / minDimension;
return this._getImageData(image, Math.round(image.width * scaleRatio), Math.round(image.height * scaleRatio));
* @param {HTMLImageElement} image
* @param {Number} width
* @param {Number} height
* @returns {ImageData}
* @private
Palette._getImageData = function(image, width, height) {
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
return ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
function PaletteItem(color, population) {
this._color = color;
this._population = population;
PaletteItem.prototype.getPopulation = function() {
return this._population;
PaletteItem.prototype.getHsl = function() {
return this._color.getHsl();
PaletteItem.prototype.isBlack = function() {
return this._color.isBlack();
PaletteItem.prototype.isWhite = function() {
return this._color.isWhite();
PaletteItem.prototype.isTransparent = function() {
return this._color.isTransparent();
PaletteItem.prototype.toHex = function() {
function toHex(int) {
var hex = int.toString(16);
if (hex.length < 2) {
hex = '0' + hex;
return hex;
return '#' + toHex(this._color.alpha) + toHex( + toHex( + toHex(;
PaletteItem.prototype.isNearRedILine = function() {
return this._color.isNearRedILine();
PaletteItem.prototype._getPopulation = function() {
return this._population;
PaletteItem.prototype.toString = function() {
return this._color.toString();
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Originally these were all in one big file. It worked, but feels wrong.

(function(window, undefined) {

    // Exports
    window.Palette = Palette;

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