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Clock shader
// Author: Mario Brandao
// Title: a siple clock written in GLSL and executed in
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
vec3 full_color = vec3(.2, .5, .8);
float stroke = .003;
float sec_length = 60.0;
float sec_pointer_length = .4;
float drawFullCircle(vec2 p, float d, vec2 uv)
return (distance(p, uv) <= d) ? 1. : 0.;
float drawLineCircle(vec2 p, float d, float stroke, vec2 uv)
return drawFullCircle(p, d, uv) - drawFullCircle(p, d - stroke, uv);
float drawLine(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 uv, float a)
float r = 0.;
float one_px = 1. / u_resolution.x; //not really one px
// get dist between points
float d = distance(p1, p2);
// get dist between current pixel and p1
float duv = distance(p1, uv);
//if point is on line, according to dist, it should match current uv
r = 1.-floor(1.-(a*one_px)+distance (mix(p1, p2, clamp(duv/d, 0., 1.)), uv));
return r;
float drawTriangle(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 p3, vec2 uv, float stroke) {
return drawLine(p1, p2, uv, stroke)
+ drawLine(p2, p3, uv, stroke)
+ drawLine(p3, p1, uv, stroke);
float drawArrowTriangle(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 p3, vec2 uv, float stroke) {
return drawLine(p1, p2, uv, stroke)
+ drawLine(p3, p1, uv, stroke);
vec2 rotate(vec2 origin, vec2 destination, float degrees) {
float angle_radians = radians(degrees);
float cosTheta = cos(angle_radians);
float sinTheta = sin(angle_radians);
// Translate the destination to be relative to the origin
vec2 translatedDestination = destination - origin;
// Apply the rotation transformation
vec2 rotatedDestination;
rotatedDestination.x = cosTheta * translatedDestination.x - sinTheta * translatedDestination.y;
rotatedDestination.y = sinTheta * translatedDestination.x + cosTheta * translatedDestination.y;
// Translate the rotated destination back to its original position
rotatedDestination += origin;
return rotatedDestination;
float floor_step(float value, float step) {
return floor(value / step) * step;
float drawTickLine(vec2 c, vec2 uv, float degrees) {
vec2 p1 = vec2(.0, .43);
vec2 p2 = vec2(.0, .46);
return drawLine(rotate(c, c+p1, -degrees), rotate(c, c+p2, -degrees), uv, 1.);
void main() {
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution;
vec2 c = vec2(.5, .5);
float circle_marks = drawFullCircle(c+vec2(.0, .455), .022, st)
+ drawFullCircle(c+vec2(.455, .0), .022, st)
+ drawFullCircle(c-vec2(.0, .455), .022, st)
+ drawFullCircle(c-vec2(.455, .0), .022, st);
float hour_ticks = drawTickLine(c, st, 30.) + drawTickLine(c, st, 60.)
+ drawTickLine(c, st, 120.) + drawTickLine(c, st, 150.)
+ drawTickLine(c, st, 120.) + drawTickLine(c, st, 150.)
+ drawTickLine(c, st, 210.) + drawTickLine(c, st, 240.)
+ drawTickLine(c, st, 300.) + drawTickLine(c, st, 330.);
float outer_circle = drawLineCircle(c, .45, 0.01, st) - circle_marks + hour_ticks;
float sec_circle = drawFullCircle(c, .03, st);
float min_circle = drawFullCircle(c, .02, st);
float second = mod(u_time, sec_length) / sec_length;
float minute = mod(u_time / sec_length, sec_length) / sec_length;
// float pointer_sec = (st.x >= second - stroke && st.x <= second + stroke) ? 1. : 0.;
vec2 sec_up = vec2(c.x, c.y + sec_pointer_length);
vec2 sec_circle_up = vec2(c.x, c.y + sec_pointer_length - .1);
float sec_step = floor_step(360. * -second, 5.);
float pointer_sec = drawLine(c, rotate(c, sec_up, sec_step), st, 2.);
float pointer_circle = drawFullCircle(rotate(c, sec_circle_up, sec_step), .01, st);
vec2 min_up = vec2(c.x, c.y + .2);
float pointer_min = drawLine(c, rotate(c, min_up, 360. * -minute), st, 5.);
float triangle_0 = drawArrowTriangle(vec2(.5, .91), vec2(.48, .94), vec2(.52, .94), st, 2.);
float triangle_3 = drawArrowTriangle(vec2(.91, .5), vec2(.94, .48), vec2(.94, .52), st, 2.);
float triangle_6 = drawArrowTriangle(vec2(.5, .09), vec2(.48, .06), vec2(.52, .06), st, 2.);
float triangle_9 = drawArrowTriangle(vec2(.09, .5), vec2(.06, .48), vec2(.06, .52), st, 2.);
float triangles = triangle_0 + triangle_3 + triangle_6 + triangle_9;
float alpha = sec_circle + outer_circle + pointer_sec + pointer_min + pointer_circle + triangles;
gl_FragColor = vec4(
(pointer_sec - min_circle) + sec_circle + pointer_circle - pointer_min - min_circle,
outer_circle + triangles,
pointer_min + min_circle,
// Author: Mario Brandao
// Title: a siple shader to draw a grid, in GLSL and executed in
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
void main() {
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution.xy;
st.x *= u_resolution.x/u_resolution.y;
vec3 color = vec3(0.);
color = vec3(st.x,st.y,abs(sin(u_time)));
float stroke = .002;
float alpha = smoothstep(stroke, stroke, mod(st.x + .1, .2))
* smoothstep(stroke, stroke, mod(st.y + .1, .2));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, alpha);
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