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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
from __future__ import unicode_literals | |
""" | |
*************************************************************************** | |
* Copyright (c) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2025 <mario52> * | |
* * | |
* This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system. * | |
* * | |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * | |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * | |
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * | |
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * | |
* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * | |
** ** | |
* Use at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for data loss. * | |
* It is advised to backup your data frequently. * | |
* If you do not trust the software do not use it. * | |
** ** | |
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * | |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * | |
* GNU Library General Public License for more details. * | |
* * | |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * | |
* License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software * | |
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * | |
* USA * | |
*************************************************************************** | |
* WARNING! All changes in this file will be lost and * | |
* may cause malfunction of the program * | |
*************************************************************************** | |
""" | |
#OS: Windows 10 (10.0) #OS: Ubuntu 20.10 (KDE/plasma) | |
#Word size of OS: 64-bit #Word size of OS: 64-bit | |
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit | |
#Version: 0.19.23546 (Git) #Version: 0.19.23578 (Git) | |
#Build type: Release #AppImage Build type: Release | |
#Branch: master #Branch: master | |
#Hash: 6b017f9a16b15b0e628c8d874c4058442dee5548 #Hash: 50c3cbf00579dc4941ca743c25720d016b0453ce | |
#Python version: 3.6.8 #Python version: 3.8.6 | |
#Qt version: 5.12.1 #Qt version: 5.12.5 | |
#Coin version: 4.0.0a #Coin version: 4.0.0 OCC | |
#OCC version: 7.3.0 #version: 7.4.0 | |
#Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA) #Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA) | |
# | |
# pour faire une texture de votre image, l'image doit etre en 256 niveaux de gris (N/B) | |
# une image de 16 millons de couleurs fait l'objet d'une autre procedure d'affichage | |
# http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=5893&sid=c5f8d32c22e1d1a883741b70b1fea2dc | |
# ver 0.7 03/09/2014 PyQt4 and PySide 0.8 16/03/2016 0.9 12/12/2016 0.10 24/12/2016 | |
# ver 0.11 2019/07/03 Py3, ver 0.12 2019/08/04, 0.13 2020/04/17 Layout | |
# ver 0.13b 2020/12/30 try: time.clock() and time.process_time() | |
# ver 0.14 2021/01/06 new2 path name process accept point in path file colored caracter xyz add search upgrade | |
# ver 0.14b 2021/01/ Coordinare and Stretching in TAB for screen 15"; 0.14c add "Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit")"; 0.14d replace PySide2 by PySide | |
# ver 0.15 2025/01/04 delette alreferences to PySide and QtWidgets , chrono by chrisb | |
# | |
__title__ = "FCTexture" | |
__author__ = "Mario52" | |
__url__ = "https://www.freecadweb.org/" | |
__Wiki__ = "https://wiki.freecad.org/Macro_Texture" | |
__version__ = "0.15" | |
__date__ = "2025/01/04" #YYYY/MM/DD | |
# | |
# | |
import PySide | |
try: | |
from PySide import QtWidgets | |
from PySide.QtWidgets import * | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
from PySide import QtGui , QtCore | |
from PySide.QtGui import * | |
from PySide.QtCore import * | |
# | |
# | |
try: | |
import webbrowser | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
import Draft, Part, FreeCAD, math, PartGui, FreeCADGui, FreeCAD | |
from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, asin | |
from FreeCAD import Base | |
Gui = FreeCADGui | |
import Points | |
import os, sys | |
import os.path | |
#### Detect version macro ####19-12-2024####################################### | |
global switchVesionMacroSearch#; switchVesionMacroSearch = False | |
try: | |
def versionSearch(): | |
import urllib | |
from urllib import request | |
contentPage = request.urlopen("https://wiki.freecad.org/Macro_Texture").readlines() | |
for i in contentPage: | |
if "ctEven macro-version" in str(i): | |
versionDetect = (str(i).split(">")[1].split("\\")[0]) | |
if "ctEven macro-date" in str(i): | |
dateDetect = (str(i).split(">")[1].split("\\")[0]) | |
try: | |
if (len(versionDetect) != 0) and (len(dateDetect) != 0): | |
break | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
try: | |
if (versionDetect == __version__) and (dateDetect == __date__): | |
None | |
else: | |
msg = ("New version availlable : " + "\n" + | |
str(versionDetect) + ":" + str(dateDetect) + "\n" + | |
"You can install with AddonManager") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("your actual version : " + str(__version__) + " : " + str(__date__) + "\n") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("new version availlable : " + str(versionDetect) + " : " + str(dateDetect) + "\n") | |
diag = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Information, 'New Version', msg) | |
diag.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal) | |
diag.exec_() | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
return versionDetect, dateDetect | |
switchVesionMacroSearch = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetBool("switchVesionMacroSearch") | |
if switchVesionMacroSearch == 0: | |
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetBool("switchVesionMacroSearch", switchVesionMacroSearch) | |
if switchVesionMacroSearch == True: | |
versionSearch() | |
except Exception: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Failed to establish a connection" + "\n") | |
#### Detect version macro ####19-12-2024####################################### | |
####chrono################ | |
#### | |
import time | |
global endTime ; endTime = 0.0 | |
global startTime ; startTime = 0.0 | |
def chrono(mode = True, allDoc = False, typeTime = True, valElapsed = 0): # single chronometer | |
#def chrono(mode = True, allDoc = True, typeTime = True, valElapsed = 2): # original measure chrisb macro | |
##"https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?p=510691#p510691" | |
global startTime # mode = True | |
global endTime # mode = False | |
#### | |
#__author__ = "chrisb" __version__ = "00.01" __date__ = "2021/01/16" | |
#mode : (default True) : True = start the chronometer | |
#mode : : False = stop the chronometer and give the result display with print(chrono(0)) | |
#allDoc : (default True) : True = touch all objects in the document and active the App.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
# : : False = None | |
#typeTime : (default True) : True = measure real time | |
# : : False = measure process time, ignore sleep, count each processor | |
#valElapsed : : 0 = return the value elapsed by: "00:00:01.517" by string() | |
# : : 1 = return the value elapsed by: "1.5174349999997503" by string() | |
# : (default 2) : 2 = return the value elapsed by: "00:00:01.517" + "\n" + "1.5174349999997503" by string() | |
#### | |
try: | |
if allDoc == True: | |
# # touch everything, may be commented out for detailed tests: | |
for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects: | |
obj.touch() | |
if typeTime == True: | |
# measure real time | |
timeFn = time.perf_counter | |
else: | |
# measure process time, ignore sleep, count each processor | |
timeFn = time.process_time | |
if mode == True: | |
startTime = timeFn() | |
# measure recompute | |
if allDoc == True: | |
App.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
else: | |
endTime = timeFn() | |
elapsed = (endTime - startTime) | |
elapsedComplete = str('{:02d}:{:02d}:{:06.3f}'.format(int(elapsed) // 3600, (int(elapsed) % 3600 // 60), elapsed % 60)) | |
if str(valElapsed) == "0": # "00:00:01.517" | |
return elapsedComplete | |
elif str(valElapsed) == "1": # "1.5174349999997503" | |
return str(elapsed) | |
else: # "00:00:01.517" + "1.5174349999997503" | |
return elapsedComplete + "\n" + str(elapsed) | |
#print('{:02d}:{:02d}:{:05.2f}'.format(int(elapsed) // 3600, (int(elapsed) % 3600 // 60), elapsed % 60)) | |
#print(endTime - startTime) | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
#### | |
####chrono################ | |
def errorDialog(msg): | |
diag = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical,u"Error Message",msg ) | |
diag.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal) | |
diag.exec_() | |
global verPython ; verPython = sys.version_info.major | |
def decobit(b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0): | |
global verPython | |
if verPython < 3: # Python < 3 | |
b0 = ord(b0) | |
b1 = ord(b1) | |
if b2 == 0: | |
return b0 + (b1*256) | |
else: | |
b2 = ord(b2) | |
b3 = ord(b3) | |
return b0 + (b1*256) + (b2*65536) + (b3*16777216) | |
else: # Python > 3 | |
b0 = int(ord(chr(b0))) | |
b1 = int(ord(chr(b1))) | |
if b2 == 0: | |
return b0 + (b1*256) | |
else: | |
b2 = int(ord(chr(b2))) | |
b3 = int(ord(chr(b3))) | |
return b0 + (b1*256) + (b2*65536) + (b3*16777216) | |
#### Configuration ########################################### | |
global SingleStep ; SingleStep = 1.0 | |
#### Configuration ########################################### | |
global position_X ; position_X = 0.0 | |
global position_Y ; position_Y = 0.0 | |
global position_Z ; position_Z = 0.0 | |
global etirement_X ; etirement_X = 1.0 | |
global etirement_Y ; etirement_Y = 1.0 | |
global etirement_Z ; etirement_Z = 1.0 | |
global modeBrut ; modeBrut = 0 | |
global modeColor ; modeColor = 0 | |
global ecreter ; ecreter = 20 | |
global avecLigne ; avecLigne = 1 | |
global typeligne ; typeligne = 0 | |
global nuance ; nuance = 0 | |
global inversion_X ; inversion_X = 0 | |
global inversion_Y ; inversion_Y = 0 | |
global inversion_Z ; inversion_Z = 0 | |
global plan ; plan = 0 | |
global fond ; fond = 0 | |
global bits_pixel ; bits_pixel = 0 | |
global tailleDonnees; tailleDonnees= 0 | |
global fileCoordasc ; fileCoordasc = 0 | |
global fileCoordpcd ; fileCoordpcd = 0 | |
global ecreterFond ; ecreterFond = 0 | |
global switchContour; switchContour= 0 | |
global valueFilter ; valueFilter = 0 | |
# | |
global pathFile ; pathFile = "" | |
global path | |
#path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("AppHomePath") | |
#path = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData") | |
#path = "your path" | |
param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path | |
path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/" # macro path | |
path = path.replace("\\","/") | |
try: | |
_fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 | |
except AttributeError: | |
def _fromUtf8(s): | |
return s | |
class Ui_MainWindow(object): | |
def __init__(self, MainWindow): | |
self.window = MainWindow | |
global path | |
global pathFile | |
global position_X | |
global position_Y | |
global position_Z | |
global etirement_X | |
global etirement_Y | |
global etirement_Z | |
global modeBrut | |
global modeColor | |
global ecreter | |
global typeligne | |
global nuance | |
global avecLigne | |
global inversion_X | |
global inversion_Y | |
global inversion_Z | |
global plan | |
global fond | |
global bits_pixel | |
global tailleDonnees | |
global valueFilter | |
global SingleStep | |
MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8(__title__)) | |
# MainWindow.resize(300, 600) | |
# MainWindow.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(241, 624)) | |
# MainWindow.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(241, 624)) | |
self.centralWidget = QWidget(MainWindow) | |
self.groupBox = QGroupBox() | |
self.groupBox_01 = QWidget() | |
self.LB_01_Coor_X = QLabel() | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setSuffix(u" mm") | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_01_Coor_X_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_02_Coor_Y = QLabel() | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setSuffix(" mm") | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_02_Coor_Y_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_03_Coor_Z = QLabel() | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setSuffix(u" mm") | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_03_Coor_Z_valueChanged) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_02 = QWidget() | |
self.LB_01_Stretch_X = QLabel() | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setSuffix(u" mm") | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_01_Stretch_X_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_02_Stretch_Y = QLabel() | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setSuffix(u" mm") | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_02_Stretch_Y_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_03_Stretch_Z = QLabel() | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z = QDoubleSpinBox() | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setDecimals(7) | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setMinimum(-9999999.0) | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setMaximum(9999999.99) | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setSingleStep(SingleStep) | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setSuffix(u" mm") | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.valueChanged.connect(self.on_DS_03_Stretch_Z_valueChanged) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_03 = QGroupBox() | |
self.CB_01_Axis_X = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_01_Axis_X.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_01_Axis_X_clicked) | |
self.CB_02_Axis_Y = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_02_Axis_Y.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_02_Axis_Y_clicked) | |
self.CB_03_Axis_Z = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_03_Axis_Z.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_03_Axis_Z_clicked) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_04 = QGroupBox() | |
self.RB_01_Wire = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_01_Wire.setChecked(True) | |
self.RB_01_Wire.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("Draft",QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/Draft_Wire.svg"))) | |
self.RB_01_Wire.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_01_Wire_clicked) | |
self.RB_02_BSpline = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_02_BSpline.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("Draft",QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/Draft_BSpline.svg"))) | |
self.RB_02_BSpline.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_02_BSpline_clicked) | |
self.RB_03_PointsCloud = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_03_PointsCloud.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("Draft",QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/PointsWorkbench.svg"))) | |
self.RB_03_PointsCloud.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_03_PointsCloud_clicked) | |
self.RB_04_Points = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_04_Points.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("Draft",QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/Draft_Point.svg"))) | |
self.RB_04_Points.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_04_Points_clicked) | |
self.CB_01_Nuance = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setEnabled(False) | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_01_Nuance_clicked) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_05 = QGroupBox() | |
self.RB_01_Photo = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_01_Photo.setChecked(True) | |
self.RB_01_Photo.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_01_Photo_clicked) | |
self.RB_02_PLan = QRadioButton() | |
self.RB_02_PLan.clicked.connect(self.on_RB_02_PLan_clicked) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_06 = QGroupBox() | |
self.CB_01_Pcd = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_01_Pcd.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_01_Pcd_clicked) | |
self.CB_02_Asc = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_02_Asc.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_02_Asc_clicked) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_07 = QGroupBox() | |
# section horizontalSlider | |
self.horizontalSlider = QSlider() | |
self.horizontalSlider.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setMaximum(255) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setMinimum(0) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setPageStep(1) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setInvertedAppearance(False) | |
self.horizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.on_horizontal_slider) | |
self.SP_01_Height = QSpinBox() | |
self.SP_01_Height.setMinimum(0) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setMaximum(255) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setValue(0) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setSuffix(u" height") | |
self.SP_01_Height.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SP_01_Height_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_01_Mode_Raw = QLabel() | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setAutoFillBackground(False) | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_01_Mode_Raw_clicked) | |
self.CB_02_Contour = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_02_Contour.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_02_Contour_clicked) | |
self.SP_02_Contour = QSpinBox() | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setMinimum(0) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setMaximum(20) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setEnabled(False) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setValue(0) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SP_02_Contour_valueChanged) | |
self.LB_03_Capping = QLabel() | |
self.CB_03_White = QCheckBox() | |
self.CB_03_White.clicked.connect(self.on_CB_03_White_clicked) | |
self.SP_03_Capping = QSpinBox() | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setMinimum(0) | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setMaximum(20) | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(20) | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setSuffix(u" Capping") | |
self.SP_03_Capping.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SP_03_Capping_valueChanged) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_08 = QGroupBox() | |
self.LB_01_File = QLabel() | |
self.PBA_progressBar = QProgressBar() | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(0) | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setVisible(True) | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch = QPushButton() | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setIcon(QIcon(QApplication.style().standardIcon(QStyle.SP_DialogOkButton))) | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.clicked.connect(self.on_PB_01_File_Launch_clicked) # load file | |
self.PB_02_Help = QPushButton() | |
self.PB_02_Help.setIcon(QIcon(QApplication.style().standardIcon(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxQuestion))) | |
self.PB_02_Help.clicked.connect(self.on_PB_02_Help_clicked) # help | |
self.PB_03_Quit = QPushButton() | |
self.PB_03_Quit.setIcon(QIcon(QApplication.style().standardIcon(QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton))) | |
self.PB_03_Quit.clicked.connect(self.on_PB_03_Quit_clicked) # quit | |
#### layout ################################################### | |
self.gridLayout_000 = QGridLayout(self.centralWidget) | |
self.gridLayout_000.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_00 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox) | |
self.gridLayout_00.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
#### | |
self.tabWidget = QTabWidget() #Tab | |
#### | |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.groupBox_01, "Coordinate") | |
self.gridLayout_01 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_01) | |
self.gridLayout_01.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.LB_01_Coor_X, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.DS_01_Coor_X, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.LB_02_Coor_Y, 1, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.DS_02_Coor_Y, 1, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.LB_03_Coor_Z, 2, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_01.addWidget(self.DS_03_Coor_Z, 2, 1, 1, 1) | |
#### | |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.groupBox_02, "Stretching") | |
self.gridLayout_02 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_02) | |
self.gridLayout_02.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.LB_01_Stretch_X, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.DS_01_Stretch_X, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.LB_02_Stretch_Y, 1, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.DS_02_Stretch_Y, 1, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.LB_03_Stretch_Z, 2, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_02.addWidget(self.DS_03_Stretch_Z, 2, 1, 1, 1) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.tabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 2) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_03 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_03) | |
self.gridLayout_03.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_03.addWidget(self.CB_01_Axis_X, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_03.addWidget(self.CB_02_Axis_Y, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_03.addWidget(self.CB_03_Axis_Z, 0, 2, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_03, 2, 0, 1, 2) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_04 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_04) | |
self.gridLayout_04.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_04.addWidget(self.RB_01_Wire, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_04.addWidget(self.RB_02_BSpline, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_04.addWidget(self.RB_03_PointsCloud, 0, 2, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_04.addWidget(self.RB_04_Points, 1, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_04.addWidget(self.CB_01_Nuance, 1, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_04, 3, 0, 1, 2) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_05 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_05) | |
self.gridLayout_05.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_05.addWidget(self.RB_01_Photo, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_05.addWidget(self.RB_02_PLan, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_05, 4, 0, 1, 1) | |
## | |
self.gridLayout_06 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_06) | |
self.gridLayout_06.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_06.addWidget(self.CB_01_Pcd, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_06.addWidget(self.CB_02_Asc, 0, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_06, 4, 1, 1, 1) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_07 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_07) | |
self.gridLayout_07.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.horizontalSlider, 0, 0, 1, 3) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.SP_01_Height, 0, 3, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.LB_01_Mode_Raw, 1, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.CB_01_Mode_Raw, 1, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.CB_02_Contour, 1, 2, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.SP_02_Contour, 1, 3, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.LB_03_Capping, 2, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.CB_03_White, 2, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_07.addWidget(self.SP_03_Capping, 2, 3, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_07, 5, 0, 1, 2) | |
#### | |
self.gridLayout_08 = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_08) | |
self.gridLayout_08.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) | |
self.gridLayout_08.addWidget(self.LB_01_File, 0, 0, 1, 3) | |
self.gridLayout_08.addWidget(self.PBA_progressBar, 1, 0, 1, 3) | |
self.gridLayout_08.addWidget(self.PB_01_File_Launch, 2, 0, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_08.addWidget(self.PB_02_Help, 2, 1, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_08.addWidget(self.PB_03_Quit, 2, 2, 1, 1) | |
self.gridLayout_00.addWidget(self.groupBox_08, 6, 0, 1, 2) | |
self.gridLayout_000.addWidget(self.groupBox, 0, 0, 1, 1) | |
#### layout ################################################### | |
MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) | |
self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) | |
QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) | |
def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): | |
MainWindow.setWindowTitle(u"FCTexture") | |
MainWindow.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(path+'FCTexture.png')) | |
MainWindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # PySide cette fonction met la fenetre en avant | |
self.groupBox.setTitle(u"ver : " + __version__ + " : " + __date__ + " (rmu)") | |
#### | |
self.DS_01_Coor_X.setToolTip(u"Coordinate placement Axis X.") | |
self.LB_01_Coor_X.setText(u"Coordinate <font color=""#a40000""> <b> X </b> </font> <img src=:/icons/Std_CoordinateSystem.svg height=""18"" width=""18"" align=top>")#middle bottom | |
self.DS_02_Coor_Y.setToolTip(u"Coordinate placement Axis Y.") | |
self.LB_02_Coor_Y.setText(u"Coordinate <font color=""#4e9a06""> <b> Y </b> </font> <img src=:/icons/Std_CoordinateSystem.svg height=""18"" width=""18"" align=top>")#middle bottom | |
self.DS_03_Coor_Z.setToolTip(u"Coordinate placement Axis Z.") | |
self.LB_03_Coor_Z.setText(u"Coordinate <font color=""#204a87""> <b> Z </b> </font> <img src=:/icons/Std_CoordinateSystem.svg height=""18"" width=""18"" align=top>")#middle bottom | |
#### | |
self.DS_01_Stretch_X.setToolTip(u"Stretching Axis X.") | |
self.LB_01_Stretch_X.setText(u"<html> <body> Stretching <font color=""#a40000""> <b> X </b> </font> </body> </html>" ) | |
self.DS_02_Stretch_Y.setToolTip(u"Stretching Axis Y.") | |
self.LB_02_Stretch_Y.setText(u"<html> <body> Stretching <font color=""#4e9a06""> <b> Y </b> </font> </body> </html>" ) | |
self.DS_03_Stretch_Z.setToolTip(u"Stretching Axis Z.") | |
self.LB_03_Stretch_Z.setText(u"<html> <body> Stretching <font color=""#204a87""> <b> Z </b> </font> </body> </html>" ) | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_03.setTitle(u"Inversion") | |
self.CB_01_Axis_X.setText(u"Axis X") | |
self.CB_01_Axis_X.setToolTip(u"Axis X") | |
self.CB_01_Axis_X.setStyleSheet("QCheckBox {color : #a40000; font: bold}") # couleur du texte et gras | |
self.CB_02_Axis_Y.setText(u"Axis Y") | |
self.CB_02_Axis_Y.setToolTip(u"Axis Y") | |
self.CB_02_Axis_Y.setStyleSheet("QCheckBox {color : #4e9a06; font: bold}") # couleur du texte et gras | |
self.CB_03_Axis_Z.setText(u"Axis Z") | |
self.CB_03_Axis_Z.setToolTip(u"Axis Z") | |
self.CB_03_Axis_Z.setStyleSheet("QCheckBox {color : #204a87; font: bold}") # couleur du texte et gras | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_04.setTitle(u"Mode 8 Bits") | |
self.RB_01_Wire.setText(u"Wire") | |
self.RB_01_Wire.setToolTip(u"Make a Wire") | |
self.RB_02_BSpline.setText(u"BSpline") | |
self.RB_02_BSpline.setToolTip(u"Make a BSpline") | |
self.RB_03_PointsCloud.setToolTip(u"Make a Cloud points") | |
self.RB_03_PointsCloud.setText(u"Cloud") | |
self.RB_04_Points.setText(u"Point") | |
self.RB_04_Points.setToolTip(u"Make a Point (the procedure can be long)") | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setText(u"Nuance") | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setToolTip(u"To display items in mode photo with shade of gray 20 or 256 shades of gray if Raw mode is set 255") | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_05.setTitle(u"Mode 32 bits") | |
self.RB_01_Photo.setText(u"Photo") | |
self.RB_01_Photo.setToolTip(u"The photo mode is automatically activated when a 32-bit image is detected." + "\n" | |
u"(the procedure can be long)") | |
self.RB_02_PLan.setText(u"Plan") | |
self.RB_02_PLan.setToolTip(u"The plan mode is possible when a 32-bit image and ignore the background of the plan." + "\n" | |
u"(the procedure can be long)") | |
## | |
self.groupBox_06.setTitle(u"File") | |
self.CB_01_Pcd.setText(u".pcd") | |
self.CB_01_Pcd.setToolTip(u"Save the coordinates in file format OriginalName.bmp.pcd" + "\n" | |
u"The function Contour in not availlable with this pcd format" + "\n" | |
u"" | |
u"Version saved : ascii .PCD v0.7") | |
self.CB_02_Asc.setText(u".asc") | |
self.CB_02_Asc.setToolTip(u"Save the coordinates in a file OriginalName.bmp.asc" + "\n" | |
u"The are in format : X Y Z without comma") | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_07.setTitle(u"Capping (10 mm)") | |
self.groupBox_07.setToolTip(u"This function work only with the W/B mode" + "\n" | |
u"The title group give the real height of the shape" + "\n" | |
u"Ex: Capping (10 mm)") | |
self.LB_01_Mode_Raw.setText(u"Raw mode") | |
self.horizontalSlider.setToolTip(u"This function work only with mode Raw 20" + "\n" | |
u"The title group give the real height of the shape" + "\n" | |
u"Ex: 1 to 255") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setText("20") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setToolTip(u"Raw mode 256 colors or 20 colors") | |
self.LB_03_Capping.setText(u"Capping") | |
self.SP_01_Height.setToolTip(u"This function work only with mode Raw 20" + "\n" | |
u"The title group give the real height of the shape" + "\n" | |
u"Ex: 1 to 255") | |
self.CB_03_White.setText(u"White") | |
self.CB_03_White.setToolTip(u"Capping color White or Black") | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Check for activate the Contour SP_03_Capping") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setToolTip(u"Capping [20 to 0 (white) normal mode] or [255 to 0 (white) Raw mode]") | |
#### | |
self.groupBox_08.setTitle(u"Command") | |
self.LB_01_File.setText(u"File : ") | |
self.LB_01_File.setToolTip(u"Gives informations about the file (Bits_pixel, Size data, Length, Height)") | |
# self.PBA_progressBar.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", " ", None)) | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setText(u"File and launch") | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setToolTip(u"Load the file and launch the process") | |
self.PB_02_Help.setText(u"Help") | |
self.PB_02_Help.setStyleSheet("QToolTip { color: #ffffff; background-color: #204a87; border-color: #ffffff; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; border-radius:0px }"); | |
self.PB_02_Help.setToolTip(u"Display the Wiki page in the FreeCAD browser" + "\n\n" | |
u"For change the parameter disponible: go to Tools > Edit parameter..." + "\n\n" | |
u"__The global step on spinBox :__" + "\n" | |
u"User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + " > SingleStep" + "\n" | |
u"Adjust the value desired (1.0 by default)" + "\n\n" | |
u"__For search if the macro is upraded :__" + "\n" | |
u"User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + " > switchVesionMacroSearch" + "\n" | |
u"Adjust the switchVesionMacroSearch to True (False by default)" + "\n") | |
self.PB_03_Quit.setText(u"Quit") | |
self.PB_03_Quit.setToolTip(u"Quit FCTexture") | |
def on_DS_01_Coor_X_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global position_X | |
position_X = value | |
def on_DS_02_Coor_Y_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global position_Y | |
position_Y = value | |
def on_DS_03_Coor_Z_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global position_Z | |
position_Z = value | |
def on_DS_01_Stretch_X_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global etirement_X | |
etirement_X = value | |
def on_DS_02_Stretch_Y_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global etirement_Y | |
etirement_Y = value | |
def on_DS_03_Stretch_Z_valueChanged(self,value): | |
global etirement_Z | |
etirement_Z = value | |
def on_horizontal_slider(self, value): | |
global modeBrut | |
global ecreter | |
global valueFilter | |
if modeBrut == 0: | |
valueFilter = float(value) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setValue(value) | |
self.groupBox_07.setTitle("Height ("+str(valueFilter)+" mm)") | |
else: | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setValue(0) | |
def on_SP_01_Height_valueChanged(self, value): | |
global modeBrut | |
global ecreter | |
global valueFilter | |
if modeBrut == 0: | |
valueFilter = float(value) | |
self.horizontalSlider.setValue(value) | |
self.groupBox_07.setTitle("Height ("+str(valueFilter)+" mm)") | |
else: | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
self.SP_01_Height.setValue(0) | |
def on_CB_01_Mode_Raw_clicked(self): | |
global modeBrut | |
global ecreter | |
global valueFilter | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
if self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.isChecked(): | |
modeBrut = 1 # if checked mode brut = 255 colors | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setMaximum(255) | |
self.groupBox_07.setTitle("Capping (255 mm)") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setText("255") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setMaximum(255) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour = 1 mm on the height axis Z") | |
self.SP_01_Height.setEnabled(False) | |
if self.CB_03_White.isChecked(): # if Black | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(0) | |
ecreter = 0 | |
else: | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(255) | |
ecreter = 255 | |
else: | |
modeBrut = 0 # if nochecked White mode brut = 20 colors | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setMaximum(20) | |
self.groupBox_07.setTitle("Capping (10 mm)") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setText("20") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setMaximum(20) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
self.SP_01_Height.setEnabled(True) | |
if self.CB_03_White.isChecked(): # if Black | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(0) | |
ecreter = 0 | |
else: | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(20) # if White | |
ecreter = 20 | |
def on_CB_03_White_clicked(self): # if checked ecreter Black else White | |
global modeColor | |
global ecreter | |
global valueFilter | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
if self.CB_03_White.isChecked(): | |
modeColor = 1 # if checked mode Black | |
self.CB_03_White.setText("Black") | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(0) | |
else: | |
modeColor = 0 # if nochecked mode White | |
self.CB_03_White.setText("White") | |
if self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.isChecked(): | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(255) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour = 1 mm on the height axis Z") | |
else: | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(20) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
def on_SP_03_Capping_valueChanged(self,value): # ecreter | |
global ecreter | |
global valueFilter | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
ecreter = value | |
def on_CB_02_Contour_clicked(self): | |
global switchContour | |
global ecreterFond | |
global valueFilter | |
global fileCoordpcd | |
valueFilter = 0.0 | |
self.horizontalSlider.setSliderPosition(0) | |
self.CB_01_Pcd.setChecked(False) | |
fileCoordpcd = 0 | |
if self.CB_02_Contour.isChecked(): | |
switchContour = 1 | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setEnabled(True) | |
if self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.isChecked(): | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(255) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour = 1 mm on the height axis Z") | |
else: | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(20) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
else: | |
switchContour = 0 | |
ecreterFond = 0 | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setValue(0) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setEnabled(False) | |
if self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.isChecked(): | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour = 1 mm on the height axis Z") | |
else: | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
def on_SP_02_Contour_valueChanged(self,value): # ecreter Fond | |
global ecreterFond | |
ecreterFond = value | |
def on_RB_04_Points_clicked(self): # if checked then mode point N/B | |
global avecLigne | |
avecLigne = 0 | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setEnabled(True) | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setEnabled(True) | |
def on_RB_01_Wire_clicked(self): # if checked then 0=makeWire N/B | |
global typeligne | |
global avecLigne | |
typeligne = 0 | |
avecLigne = 1 | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setChecked(False) | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setEnabled(False) | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setEnabled(True) | |
def on_RB_02_BSpline_clicked(self): # if no checked then 1=BSpline N/B | |
global typeligne | |
global avecLigne | |
global switchContour | |
global ecreterFond | |
typeligne = 1 | |
avecLigne = 1 | |
switchContour = 0 | |
ecreterFond = 0 | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setChecked(False) | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setEnabled(False) | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setEnabled(False) | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setChecked(False) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setValue(0) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setEnabled(False) | |
if self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.isChecked(): | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour = 1 mm on the height axis Z") | |
else: | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setToolTip(u"Contour /2 = 1 mm /2 on the height axis Z") | |
def on_RB_03_PointsCloud_clicked(self): # Cloud points | |
global typeligne | |
global avecLigne | |
typeligne = 2 | |
ecreterFond = 0 | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setChecked(False) | |
self.CB_01_Nuance.setEnabled(False) | |
self.CB_02_Contour.setEnabled(True) | |
def on_CB_01_Axis_X_clicked(self): # if checked inverse X | |
global inversion_X | |
if self.CB_01_Axis_X.isChecked(): | |
inversion_X = 1 | |
else: | |
inversion_X = 0 | |
def on_CB_02_Axis_Y_clicked(self): # if checked inverse Y | |
global inversion_Y | |
if self.CB_02_Axis_Y.isChecked(): | |
inversion_Y = 1 | |
else: | |
inversion_Y = 0 | |
def on_CB_03_Axis_Z_clicked(self): # if checked inverse Z | |
global inversion_Z | |
if self.CB_03_Axis_Z.isChecked(): | |
inversion_Z = 1 | |
else: | |
inversion_Z = 0 | |
def on_RB_01_Photo_clicked(self): # if checked then Photo colors | |
global plan | |
plan = 0 | |
def on_RB_02_PLan_clicked(self): # if checked then Plan colors | |
global plan | |
global modeBrut | |
global ecreter | |
plan = 1 | |
modeBrut = 1 # if checked mode brut = 255 colors | |
ecreter = 255 | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setMaximum(255) | |
self.SP_03_Capping.setValue(255) | |
self.CB_03_White.setText("White") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setText("255") | |
self.CB_01_Mode_Raw.setChecked(True) | |
def on_CB_01_Nuance_clicked(self): # if checked fond Black else White | |
global nuance | |
if self.CB_01_Nuance.isChecked(): | |
nuance = 1 # if checked Nuance ok | |
else: | |
nuance = 0 # if nochecked Nuance Ko | |
def on_PB_03_Quit_clicked(self): | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("End FCTexture"+"\n") | |
self.window.hide() | |
def on_PB_02_Help_clicked(self): | |
try: | |
webbrowser.open("https://wiki.freecad.org/Macro_Texture") | |
App.Console.PrintMessage("https://wiki.freecad.org/Macro_Texture" + "\n") | |
except Exception: | |
App.Console.PrintMessage(u"Not access to Web") | |
def on_CB_01_Pcd_clicked(self): # pcd | |
global fileCoordpcd | |
if self.CB_02_Contour.isChecked(): | |
self.CB_01_Pcd.setChecked(False) | |
else: | |
if self.CB_01_Pcd.isChecked(): | |
fileCoordpcd = 1 # if checked file pcd ok | |
else: | |
fileCoordpcd = 0 # if nochecked file pcd Ko | |
def on_CB_02_Asc_clicked(self): # Asc | |
global fileCoordasc | |
if self.CB_02_Asc.isChecked(): | |
fileCoordasc = 1 # if checked file asc ok | |
else: | |
fileCoordasc = 0 # if nochecked file asc Ko | |
def on_PB_01_File_Launch_clicked(self): | |
global path | |
global pathFile | |
global position_X | |
global position_Y | |
global position_Z | |
global etirement_X | |
global etirement_Y | |
global etirement_Z | |
global modeBrut | |
global modeColor | |
global ecreter | |
global typeligne | |
global avecLigne | |
global inversion_X | |
global inversion_Y | |
global inversion_Z | |
global plan | |
global fond | |
global bits_pixel | |
global tailleDonnees | |
global fileCoordasc | |
global fileCoordpcd | |
global ecreterFond | |
global switchContour | |
global valueFilter | |
# Configuration FCTexture | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("position_X : "+str(position_X)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("position_Y : "+str(position_Y)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("position_Z : "+str(position_Z)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("etirement_X : "+str(etirement_X)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("etirement_Y : "+str(etirement_Y)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("etirement_Z : "+str(etirement_Z)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("ecreter : "+str(ecreter)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("wire : "+str(avecLigne)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("typeligne : "+str(typeligne)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("point : "+str(avecLigne)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("inversion_X : "+str(inversion_X)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("inversion_Y : "+str(inversion_Y)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("inversion_Z : "+str(inversion_Z)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("plan : "+str(plan)+"\n") | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("fond : "+str(fond)+"\n") | |
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument | |
if doc == None: | |
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: QPalette.Base}") # origin system | |
self.LB_01_File.setText("File :") | |
OpenName = "" | |
OpenName, Filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Read an image file", pathFile, "*.bmp")# PySide | |
try: | |
if OpenName != "": | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("FCTexture ")# memorise les actions (avec annuler restore) | |
SaveName = OpenName | |
####new2 | |
pathFile = os.path.dirname(SaveName) + "/" #= C:/Provisoire400/ | |
formatFichier = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[1] #= .png | |
SaveName = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[0] #= /home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D | |
SaveNameformatFichier = SaveName + formatFichier #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png | |
####new2 | |
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCTexture").SetString("Path",pathFile) | |
####new | |
OpenName = SaveNameformatFichier | |
chrono(1) | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Read the file "+OpenName+"\n") | |
f = open(OpenName, "rb") | |
length = os.path.getsize(OpenName) | |
# decode header file | |
bytes = f.read(2)# Signature du fichier. BM=Bitmap windows, BA= Bitmap | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(bytes[0]) + str(bytes[1])+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Taille totale du fichier en octets | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Champ reserve | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Adresse de la zone de definition de l image | |
adresse = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(adresse)+" adresse "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Taille en octets de l'en-tete BITMAPINFOHEADER | |
entete = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(entete)+" entete "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Largeur de l image en pixels | |
Largeur = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(Largeur)+" Largeur "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Hauteur de l image en pixels | |
hauteur = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(hauteur)+" hauteur "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(2)# Nombre de plans | |
plans = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(plans)+" plans "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(2)# Nombre de bits par pixel | |
bits_pixel = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1]) | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(bits_pixel)+" bits_pixel "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Type de compression : 0=pas de compression,1=compresse a 8 bits par pixel, 2=4bits par pixel. | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Taille en octets des donnees de l image | |
tailleDonnees = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(tailleDonnees)+" tailleDonnees "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Resolution horizontale en pixels par metre | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Resolution verticale en pixels par metre | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Nombre de couleurs dans l image : 0=maximum possible. Si une palette est utilisee, ce nombre indique le nombre de couleurs de la palette | |
couleurs = decobit(bytes[0],bytes[1],bytes[2],bytes[3]) | |
# try: | |
# ## Grayscale 8-bit bitmaps saved by Photoshop have no palette, so couleurs = 0 (BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed = 0). | |
# ## https://gist.github.com/mario52a/262317bc7d8555885b0e | |
# ## tester ave un fichier Photoshop | |
# ##if Photoshop: #detection Photoshop | |
# if couleurs == 0: couleurs = 1 << bits_pixel | |
# except Exception: | |
# None | |
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(couleurs)+" couleurs "+"\n") | |
bytes = f.read(4)# Nombre de couleurs importantes. 0= toutes importantes | |
self.LB_01_File.setText("File: "+str(bits_pixel)+":bits " +str(tailleDonnees)+":data ("+str(Largeur)+" x "+str(hauteur)+")") | |
Gui.updateGui() # rafraichi l'ecran | |
f.seek(adresse, 0) # seek(position, 0=defaut 1=a la position courante 2=a partir de la fin du fichier) | |
coor_X = 0.0 | |
coor_Y = 0.0 | |
coor_Z = 0.0 | |
###########256 couleurs debut##################################### | |
if couleurs == 256: | |
completion = Largeur % 4 | |
ii = 0 | |
pnts = [] | |
points = [] | |
pointsCloud = [] | |
del pnts[:] | |
del points[:] | |
del pointsCloud[:] | |
import Points | |
pointsCloud = Points.Points() | |
## contourLineG = [] # ligne du bord gauche | |
## del contourLineG[:] # ligne du bord gauche | |
## contourLineD = [] # ligne du bord droit | |
## del contourLineD[:] # ligne du bord droit | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setMaximum(tailleDonnees) | |
for Y in range(tailleDonnees): | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(Y) | |
ii += 1 | |
try: | |
bytes = ord(f.read(1)) | |
pnts.append(str(bytes)) | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
try: | |
if ((ii % Largeur) == 0) and (completion > 0): | |
if completion == 3: | |
bytes = (f.read(1)) | |
Y += 1 | |
elif completion == 2: | |
bytes = (f.read(2)) | |
Y += 2 | |
elif completion == 1: | |
bytes = (f.read(3)) | |
Y += 3 | |
ii = 0 | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
f.close() | |
ii = 0 | |
####################################################################### pour asc | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
mypath = OpenName + ".asc" | |
file_asc = open(mypath,"w") # save coordinates OpenName.asc | |
####################################################################### pour pcd | |
# .PCD v.7 - Point Cloud Data file format # http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.php | |
# for save PCD format # | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
mypath = OpenName + ".pcd" | |
file_pcd = open(mypath,"w") # save coordinates OpenName.pcd # pour fichier PCD | |
file_pcd.write("# .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format" + "\n") # .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format | |
file_pcd.write("VERSION .7" + "\n") # VERSION 0.7 | |
file_pcd.write("FIELDS x y z rgb" + "\n") # FIELDS x y z rgb | |
file_pcd.write("SIZE 4 4 4 4"+"\n") # SIZE 4 | |
file_pcd.write("TYPE F F F F"+"\n") # F F F F | |
file_pcd.write("COUNT 1 1 1 1"+"\n") # COUNT 1 1 1 1 | |
file_pcd.write("WIDTH " + str(Largeur) + "\n") # WIDTH 640 | |
file_pcd.write("HEIGHT " + str(hauteur) + "\n") # HEIGHT 480 | |
file_pcd.write("VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0" + "\n") # VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | |
file_pcd.write("POINTS " + str( Largeur * hauteur) + "\n") # POINTS 307200 | |
file_pcd.write("DATA ascii" + "\n") # DATA ascii | |
####################################################################### pour pcd | |
if modeBrut == 0: | |
ecreterFond = self.SP_02_Contour.value() | |
ecreterFond = (float(ecreterFond)/2) | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u"/2 Contour") | |
else: | |
ecreterFond = self.SP_02_Contour.value() | |
self.SP_02_Contour.setSuffix(u" Contour") | |
if switchContour == 0: | |
ecreterFond = 1000 | |
if self.CB_03_Axis_Z.isChecked(): | |
ecreterFond = (-ecreterFond) | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setMaximum(hauteur) | |
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("FCTexture") # memorise les actions (avec annuler restore) | |
#FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() # restore les actions (avec annuler restore) | |
#FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.abortTransaction() # abandonne les actions(avec annuler restore) | |
for Y in range(hauteur): | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(Y) | |
## switchLine = 0 # switch lignes bords gauche droit | |
for X in range(Largeur): | |
if X > Largeur: | |
del points[:] | |
else: | |
if modeBrut == 0: | |
if float(pnts[ii]) > 247: # 20 Filter | |
pnts[ii] = "10" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 234: # 19 | |
pnts[ii] = "9.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 221: # 18 | |
pnts[ii] = "9" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 208: # 17 | |
pnts[ii] = "8.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 195: # 16 | |
pnts[ii] = "8" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 182: # 15 | |
pnts[ii] = "7.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 169: # 14 | |
pnts[ii] = "7" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 156: # 13 | |
pnts[ii] = "6.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 143: # 12 | |
pnts[ii] = "6" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 130: # 11 | |
pnts[ii] = "5.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 117: # 10 | |
pnts[ii] = "5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 104: # 9 | |
pnts[ii] = "4.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 91: # 8 | |
pnts[ii] = "4" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 78: # 7 | |
pnts[ii] = "3.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 65: # 6 | |
pnts[ii] = "3" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 52: # 5 | |
pnts[ii] = "2.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 39: # 4 | |
pnts[ii] = "2" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 26: # 3 | |
pnts[ii] = "1.5" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 13: # 2 | |
pnts[ii] = "1" | |
elif float(pnts[ii]) > 1: # 1 | |
pnts[ii] = "0.5" | |
else : | |
pnts[ii] = "0" # 0 | |
if modeBrut == 0: # ecreter 20 colors | |
if modeColor == 0: | |
if float(pnts[ii]) > ((ecreter + 1) / 2): # ecreter White | |
pnts[ii] = str((ecreter + 1) / 2) | |
else: | |
if float(pnts[ii]) < ((ecreter + 1) / 2): # ecreter Black | |
pnts[ii] = str((ecreter + 1) / 2) | |
else: # ecreter 255 colors | |
if modeColor == 0: | |
if float(pnts[ii]) > ecreter: # ecreter White | |
pnts[ii] = str(ecreter) | |
else: | |
if float(pnts[ii]) < ecreter: # ecreter Black | |
pnts[ii] = str(ecreter) | |
if (valueFilter != 0.0) and (modeBrut == 0): | |
pnts[ii] = str( float(pnts[ii]) * (valueFilter/10.0)) | |
coor_X = (X * etirement_X) + position_X | |
coor_Y = (Y * etirement_Y) + position_Y | |
coor_Z = (float(pnts[ii]) * etirement_Z) + position_Z | |
if inversion_X > 0: | |
coor_X = (-coor_X) | |
if inversion_Y > 0: | |
coor_Y = (-coor_Y) | |
if inversion_Z > 0: | |
coor_Z = (-coor_Z) | |
if (coor_Z != ecreterFond): # ici pour contour | |
try: | |
if typeligne == 2: # 2=cloud | |
pointsCloud.addPoints([FreeCAD.Vector(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z)]) | |
points += [FreeCAD.Vector(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z)] # (pour remplir) | |
if avecLigne == 1: # 1=Ligne 0=point 2=cloud | |
points += [FreeCAD.Vector(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z)] | |
elif avecLigne == 0: # 0=point | |
if nuance == 1: # 1 = nuance | |
a = Draft.makePoint(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z) | |
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().getObject(a.Label).PointColor = (coor_Z*0.00392157,coor_Z*0.00392157,coor_Z*0.00392157) | |
else: | |
Draft.makePoint(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z) | |
################################################################### pour asc | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
file_asc.write(str(coor_X)+" "+str(coor_Y)+" "+str(coor_Z)+"\n") | |
################################################################### pour pcd | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
pcdColor = 0.0 #(pcdColor_r) + (pcdColor_v*256) + (pcdColor_b*65536) # pour un champ | |
file_pcd.write(str(coor_X) + " " + str(coor_Y) + " " + str(coor_Z) + " " + str(pcdColor)+"\n") # | |
################################################################### pour pcd | |
except Exception: | |
try: | |
file_asc.close() # essais if error detected to write ... or not the file is closed | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Not ActiveDocument detected "+"\n")# errorDialog("Not ActiveDocument detected") | |
break | |
elif (len(points) > 0): | |
if ((avecLigne == 1) and (len(points) != 0)) or (typeligne == 2): | |
###cree la ligne jusque la base############################### | |
if points[0].z != 0.0: | |
points.insert(0,points[0]) | |
points[0].z = 0.0 | |
pointsCloud.addPoints([points[0]]) | |
if points[-1].z != 0.0: | |
points.append(FreeCAD.Vector(points[-1].x,points[-1].y,points[-1].z)) | |
points[-1].z = 0.0 | |
pointsCloud.addPoints([points[-1]]) | |
###cree la ligne jusque la base############################### | |
if (points[0] != points[-1]): | |
if (typeligne == 0): # 0=makeWire | |
Draft.makeWire(points,closed=False,face=False,support=None) | |
elif typeligne == 1: | |
Draft.makeBSpline(points,closed=False) # 1=makeBSpline | |
## if switchLine == 0: # ligne du bord gauche droit | |
## switchLine = 1 # ligne du bord gauche droit | |
## contourLineG.append(points[0]) # ligne du bord gauche | |
## contourLineD.append(points[-1]) # ligne du bord droit | |
del points[:] | |
ii += 1 | |
try: | |
if (avecLigne == 1) and (len(points) != 0) and (typeligne != 2): | |
## if switchLine == 0: # ligne du bord gauche droit | |
## switchLine = 1 # ligne du bord gauche droit | |
## contourLineG.append(points[0]) # ligne du bord gauche | |
## contourLineD.append(points[-1]) # ligne du bord droit | |
if typeligne == 0: # 0=makeWire | |
Draft.makeWire(points,closed=False,face=False,support=None) | |
else: | |
Draft.makeBSpline(points,closed=False) # 1=makeBSpline | |
except Exception: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Not ActiveDocument detected "+"\n") #errorDialog("Not ActiveDocument detected") | |
break | |
del points[:] | |
## Draft.makeWire(contourLineG,closed=False,face=False,support=None) # ligne du bord gauche | |
## del contourLineG[:] # ligne du bord gauche | |
## Draft.makeWire(contourLineD,closed=False,face=False,support=None) # ligne du bord droit | |
## del contourLineD[:] # ligne du bord droit | |
if typeligne == 2: | |
Points.show(pointsCloud) | |
# #### Create nurbs surface##################################### | |
# ## ok avec Version: +426 (Git) | |
# import ReverseEngineering as Reen | |
# # create an approximating nurbs surface with smoothing algorithm | |
# ptss = App.ActiveDocument.Points.Points | |
# s = Reen.approxSurface(Points=ptss, UDegree=4, VDegree=4, NbUPoles=16, NbVPoles=16, Smooth=True, Weight=0.1, Grad=0.5,Bend=0.2, Iterations=5, Correction=True, PatchFactor=1.2) | |
# Part.show(s.toShape()) | |
# App.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
# # create an approximating nurbs surface with smoothing algorithm | |
# #### Create Mesh ############################################# | |
#http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=12796&start=10 | |
# import ReverseEngineering as Reen | |
# mesh=Reen.triangulate(pointsCloud, 10000, 8.0) | |
# import Mesh | |
# Mesh.show(mesh) | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
file_asc.close() # pour asc | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
file_pcd.close() # pour pcd | |
if (valueFilter != 0.0): | |
# global ui # appel | |
ff = ui | |
ff.on_CB_01_Mode_Raw_clicked() | |
valueFilter = 0 | |
##256 couleurs fin##################################### | |
# | |
###########16 millions couleurs debut########################### | |
elif bits_pixel == 32: #if couleurs == 0: # 16 millions couleurs pour 32 bits mode 1 bit | |
if adresse == 138: # mode 2 bits | |
bytes = (f.read(1)) | |
completion = Largeur % 4 | |
ii = 0 | |
ic = 0 | |
r_color = 0.0 | |
v_color = 0.0 | |
b_color = 0.0 | |
pnts = [] | |
points = [] | |
del pnts[:] | |
del points[:] | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setMaximum(tailleDonnees) | |
for Y in range(tailleDonnees): | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(Y) | |
ii = 0 | |
for ic in range(3): | |
ii += 1 | |
try: | |
bytes = ord(f.read(1)) | |
pnts.append(str(bytes)) | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
f.read(1) | |
ii += 1 | |
try: | |
if ((ii % Largeur) == 0) and (completion > 0): | |
if completion == 3: | |
bytes = ord(f.read(1)) | |
Y += 1 | |
elif completion == 2: | |
bytes = ord(f.read(2)) | |
Y += 2 | |
elif completion == 1: | |
bytes = ord(f.read(3)) | |
Y += 3 | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
f.close() | |
ii = 0 | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setMaximum(hauteur) | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
mypath = OpenName + ".asc" | |
file_asc = open(mypath,"w") # save coordinates OpenName.asc | |
####################################################################### pour pcd | |
# .PCD v.7 - Point Cloud Data file format | |
# for save PCD format # | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
mypath = OpenName + ".pcd" | |
file_pcd = open(mypath,"w") # save coordinates OpenName.pcd # pour fichier PCD #http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.php | |
file_pcd.write("# .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format" + "\n") # .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format | |
file_pcd.write("VERSION .7" + "\n") # VERSION 0.7 | |
file_pcd.write("FIELDS x y z rgb" + "\n") # FIELDS x y z rgb | |
file_pcd.write("SIZE 4 4 4 4"+"\n") # SIZE 4 | |
file_pcd.write("TYPE F F F F"+"\n") # F F F F | |
file_pcd.write("COUNT 1 1 1 1"+"\n") # COUNT 1 1 1 1 | |
file_pcd.write("WIDTH " + str(Largeur) + "\n") # WIDTH 640 | |
file_pcd.write("HEIGHT " + str(hauteur) + "\n") # HEIGHT 480 | |
file_pcd.write("VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0" + "\n") # VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | |
file_pcd.write("POINTS " + str( Largeur * hauteur) + "\n") # POINTS 307200 | |
file_pcd.write("DATA ascii" + "\n") # DATA ascii | |
####################################################################### pour pcd | |
for Y in range(hauteur): | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(Y) | |
for X in range(Largeur): | |
if X > Largeur: | |
del points[:] | |
else: | |
coor_X = (X * etirement_X) + position_X | |
coor_Y = (Y * etirement_Y) + position_Y | |
coor_Z = ( etirement_Z) + position_Z | |
if inversion_X > 0: | |
coor_X = (-coor_X) | |
if inversion_Y > 0: | |
coor_Y = (-coor_Y) | |
if inversion_Z > 0: | |
coor_Z = (-coor_Z) | |
b_color = float(pnts[ii])*0.00392157 ; pcdColor_b = int(pnts[ii])*65536 # a partir du ";" encodage pour PCD | |
ii += 1 | |
v_color = float(pnts[ii])*0.00392157 ; pcdColor_v = int(pnts[ii])*256 # a partir du ";" encodage pour PCD | |
ii += 1 | |
r_color = float(pnts[ii])*0.00392157 ; pcdColor_r = int(pnts[ii]) # a partir du ";" encodage pour PCD | |
ii += 1 | |
try: | |
if plan == 0: # 0=Photo | |
a = Draft.makePoint(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z) # ok pour 32 bits mode | |
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().getObject(a.Label).PointColor = (r_color,v_color,b_color) | |
else: # 1=Plan | |
if modeColor == 0: # white background | |
if (r_color < (ecreter*0.00392157)) and (r_color < (ecreter*0.00392157)) and (r_color < (ecreter*0.00392157)): # ecreter White | |
a = Draft.makePoint(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z) | |
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().getObject(a.Label).PointColor = (r_color,v_color,b_color) | |
else: # black background | |
if (r_color > (ecreter*0.00392157)) and (r_color > (ecreter*0.00392157)) and (r_color > (ecreter*0.00392157)): # ecreter Black | |
a = Draft.makePoint(coor_X,coor_Y,coor_Z) | |
FreeCADGui.activeDocument().getObject(a.Label).PointColor = (r_color,v_color,b_color) | |
################################################################### pour asc | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
file_asc.write(str(coor_X)+" "+str(coor_Y)+" "+str(coor_Z)+"\n") | |
################################################################### pour pcd | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
pcdColor = (pcdColor_r) + (pcdColor_v*256) + (pcdColor_b*65536) # pour un champ (pas teste avec FreeCAD) | |
file_pcd.write(str(coor_X) + " " + str(coor_Y) + " " + str(coor_Z) + " " + str(pcdColor)+"\n") # | |
################################################################### pour pcd | |
except Exception: | |
try: | |
file_asc.close() | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Not ActiveDocument detected "+"\n") | |
break | |
del points[:] | |
if fileCoordasc != 0: | |
try: | |
file_asc.close() # pour asc | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
if fileCoordpcd != 0: | |
try: | |
file_pcd.close() # pour pcd | |
except Exception: | |
None | |
###########16 millions couleurs fin##################################### | |
else: | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Bits_pixel "+str(bits_pixel)+" unrecognized format"+"\n") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Wait i recompute :"+"\n") | |
Gui.updateGui() # rafraichi l'ecran | |
App.ActiveDocument.recompute() | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: green}") # This function gives a color button | |
print(chrono(0)) | |
Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_End Work_____________"+"\n") | |
except Exception: | |
self.PB_01_File_Launch.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: red}") # This function gives a color button | |
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Error in reading the file "+OpenName+"\n") | |
errorDialog(u"Error in reading the file "+OpenName) | |
self.PBA_progressBar.setValue(0) | |
#read parameter | |
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetString("Version",__version__ + " (" + __date__ + ")")# | |
pathFile = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCTexture").GetString("Path") | |
if pathFile == "": | |
pathFile = path | |
#write parameter | |
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros" + __title__).SetString("Path",pathFile) | |
#### | |
SingleStepC = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetFloat("SingleStep") | |
if SingleStepC == 0: | |
FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).SetFloat("SingleStep",SingleStep) | |
else: | |
SingleStep = SingleStepC | |
################################################################################################## | |
MainWindow = QMainWindow() | |
ui = Ui_MainWindow(MainWindow) | |
MainWindow.show() |
The module didn't work with Linux and Python3.
Perhaps due to my missing knowledge in submitting a proper pull request, I forked and changed your code.
The changes seem to be minor, but using these your module worked for me.
thanks for appreciate and use my macro
i tray your modification on Windows10 and FC
OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.19.23463 (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: adc6db8f32c17e9f67cb82aa7962d1e42ce061c6
Python version: 3.6.8
Qt version: 5.12.1
Coin version: 4.0.0a
OCC version: 7.3.0
and your modification give one error in path file:
Read the file FCTexture_Example_8Bits.bmp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/xxxx/AppData/Roaming/FreeCAD/Macro/FCTexturex.FCMacro", line 904, in on_PB_01_File_Launch_clicked
f = io.open(OpenName, "rb")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'FCTexture_Example_8Bits.bmp'
End FCTexture
the cause : the variable OpenName = SaveNameformatFichier must be (complete path)
as my comment
pathFile = SaveName[:SaveName.rfind("/") + 1] #= C:/Provisoire400/
dummy = SaveName.split('.') #= ['C:/Provisoire400/image3D', 'png']
formatFichier = "." + dummy[1] #= .png
SaveName = dummy[0] #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D
SaveNameformatFichier = SaveName + formatFichier #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png
instead you modification
have you test the modification with different files on different path ?
for the time ok already said, i prefer delete it and wait the 0.19 official version
I tested it with (some) different files, but maybe they were in the same directory, so it wasn't a full test...
IMHO it is a problem with the slashes and "." in the file path.
Using (my) Linux the macros are located in [user]/.FreeCAD/Macro/ and some of the pictures were there too.
The leading "." might be a problem while splitting the path in "dummy".
happy New Year
ok i tray with USB key and AppImage i report later
for the time i add the 2 mode:
arrivee = time.clock()
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Time : "+str("%.2f" % ((arrivee - depart)/60))+" min"+"\n")
except Exception:
arrivee = time.process_time()
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Time : "+str("%.2f" % ((arrivee - depart)/60))+" min"+"\n")
except Exception: None
i uprgade the macro version = "0.14"
i change my procedure for accept the "." point "/home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H" with more conventional command and compatible with my old procedure:
pathFile = os.path.dirname(SaveName) + "/" #= C:/Provisoire400/
formatFichier = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[1] #= .png
SaveName = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[0] #= /home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D
SaveNameformatFichier = SaveName + formatFichier #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png
and tested with :
#OS: Windows 10 (10.0) #OS: Ubuntu 20.10 (KDE/plasma)
#Word size of OS: 64-bit #Word size of OS: 64-bit
#Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
#Version: 0.19.23546 (Git) #Version: 0.19.23578 (Git)
#Build type: Release #AppImage Build type: Release
#Branch: master #Branch: master
#Hash: 6b017f9a16b15b0e628c8d874c4058442dee5548 #Hash: 50c3cbf00579dc4941ca743c25720d016b0453ce
#Python version: 3.6.8 #Python version: 3.8.6
#Qt version: 5.12.1 #Qt version: 5.12.5
#Coin version: 4.0.0a #Coin version: 4.0.0 OCC
#OCC version: 7.3.0 #version: 7.4.0
#Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA) #Locale: French/Mars (fr_MA)
i adding also parameter for test if you must upgrade the macro (see User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCTexture
tell my if all is well ...
Grayscale 8-bit bitmaps saved by Photoshop have no palette, so couleurs = 0 (BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed = 0).
To solve this, add after line #1001
if couleurs == 0: couleurs = 1 << bits_pixel
thanks for report this error,
can you share please a small image Grayscale 8-bit bitmaps saved by Photoshop ex: 200 x 200 (+/-)
This macro utility is intended for the use of the program FreeCAD http://www.freecadweb.org/
rename in FCTexture.png
The icon for your toolbar, it is to place in your macros directory (in the same location of the macro)