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Last active September 6, 2023 21:33
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  • Save mario52a/e382adbe41747788ad15a18eb206a872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mario52a/e382adbe41747788ad15a18eb206a872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gives information about the selected shape and can display a conversion of length, area, volume in different units (metric and imperial) in a ToolBar.
* Copyright (c) 2022 2023 <mario52> *
* *
* This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* for detail see the LICENCE text file. *
** **
* Use at your own risk. The author assumes no liability for data loss. *
* It is advised to backup your data frequently. *
* If you do not trust the software do not use it. *
** **
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 *
* USA *
* WARNING! All changes in this file will be lost and *
* may cause malfunction of the program *
#2022/02/16, 2022/03/14 ajout preselection size toolbar, 29/03/2022 ajout somme tous les edges
#2023/09/06 et radius Surface
__title__ = "FCInfo_ToolBar" # on ToolBar
__author__ = "Mario52"
__url__ = ""
__Wiki__ = ""
__version__ = "00.05b"
__date__ = "2023/09/06" #YYYY/MM/DD
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
App = FreeCAD
Gui = FreeCADGui
import PySide2
from PySide2 import (QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui)
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QStyle, QDockWidget, QToolBar, QDialog)
from PySide2.QtGui import (QColor, QIcon)
from PySide2.QtCore import QSize
import Draft, Part, Sketcher
import pivy
from pivy import coin
global uniteM ; uniteM = 0.0
global uniteMs ; uniteMs = ""
global uniteS ; uniteS = 0.0
global uniteSs ; uniteSs = ""
global uniteV ; uniteV = 0.0
global uniteVs ; uniteVs = ""
global switch_User_ToolbarIconSize
global seT_User_sizeIconX # size X icon
global seT_User_sizeIconY # size Y icon
global seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar # 0 = not setStyleSheet
# color in HTML format ex: "#F8E6E0" ( 0 by default)
global FreeCAD_Paramter ; FreeCAD_Paramter = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__)
global toolbar1 ; toolbar1 = QtWidgets.QToolBar() # tool bar
global lineEdit_ToolBar ; lineEdit_ToolBar = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # lineEdit
global fontGlobal_08 ; fontGlobal_08 = QtGui.QFont()
global objectName ; objectName = ""
global SubElementName ; SubElementName = ""
global position
global pos2D ; pos2D = ""
global switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning
global seT_User_DecimalValue
global seT_User_TextHeigthValue
global seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width
global seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height
global seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar
global switch_User_Work_With_Preselection
global switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix
global switch_User_Display_objectName
global switch_User_Display_SubElementName
global switch_User_Display_ShapeType
global switch_User_Display_TypeId
global switch_User_Display_RadiusObject
global switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface
global switch_User_Display_BsplineObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject
global switch_User_Display_LengthObject
global switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject #sommeEdges total edges
global switch_User_Display_AreaObject
global switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject
global switch_User_Display_Position
global switch_User_Display_VolumeObject
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP
global seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
global seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
global seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro
global seT_System_IndexUnitLength
global seT_System_IndexUnitText
global comboBox_ToolBar
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
if doc == None:
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
doc = FreeCAD.activeDocument()
#### Configuration begin ####
#### for modify : go to : FreeCAD >Menu >Tools >Edit parameters... >BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCInfo_ToolBar ####
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("Version", __version__ + " (" + __date__ + ")")
switch_User_ToolbarIconSize = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize")
if switch_User_ToolbarIconSize == 0:
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize", switch_User_ToolbarIconSize)# switch impost or choice
seT_User_sizeIconX = seT_User_sizeIconY = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/General").GetInt("ToolbarIconSize") # FC preference
seT_User_sizeIconX = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_sizeIconX") # seT_User_sizeIconX X
seT_User_sizeIconY = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_sizeIconY") # seT_User_sizeIconY Y
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize", switch_User_ToolbarIconSize)# switch impost or choice
if seT_User_sizeIconX == 0: seT_User_sizeIconX = 24
if seT_User_sizeIconY == 0: seT_User_sizeIconY = 24
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_sizeIconX", seT_User_sizeIconX) # seT_User_sizeIconX X
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_sizeIconY", seT_User_sizeIconY) # seT_User_sizeIconY Y
seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width")
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width", seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width)# seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width
seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height")
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height", seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height)# seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar")
if seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar == "":
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar", "0") #F8E6E0
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = "0"
seT_User_DecimalValue = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_DecimalValue") # seT_User_DecimalValue
if seT_User_DecimalValue == 0:
seT_User_DecimalValue = 2
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_DecimalValue", seT_User_DecimalValue)# seT_User_DecimalValue
seT_User_TextHeigthValue = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_TextHeigthValue")# seT_User_TextHeigthValue
if seT_User_TextHeigthValue == 0:
seT_User_TextHeigthValue = 10
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_TextHeigthValue", seT_User_TextHeigthValue)# LineEdit seT_User_TextHeigthValue
switch_User_Work_With_Preselection = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Work_With_Preselection")# switch yes / no Name
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Work_With_Preselection", switch_User_Work_With_Preselection) # switch yes / no Name
if switch_User_Work_With_Preselection == 1:
switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix = " *"
switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix= ""
switch_User_Display_objectName = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_objectName")# switch yes / no Name
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_objectName", switch_User_Display_objectName) # switch yes / no Name
switch_User_Display_SubElementName = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_SubElementName")# switch yes / no Element
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_SubElementName", switch_User_Display_SubElementName) # switch yes / no Element
switch_User_Display_ShapeType = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_ShapeType")# switch yes / no ShapeType
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_ShapeType", switch_User_Display_ShapeType) # switch yes / no ShapeType
switch_User_Display_TypeId = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_TypeId")# switch yes / no TypeId
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_TypeId", switch_User_Display_TypeId) # switch yes / no TypeId
switch_User_Display_RadiusObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusObject")# switch yes / no Radius
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusObject", switch_User_Display_RadiusObject) # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface")# switch yes / no Radius
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface", switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface) # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_LengthObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_LengthObject")# switch yes / no Length
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_LengthObject", switch_User_Display_LengthObject) # switch yes / no Length
switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject")# switch yes / no Length
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject", switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject) # switch yes / no Length
switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh")# switch yes / no info
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh", switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh) # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints")# switch yes / no info
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints", switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints) # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh")# switch yes / no info
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh", switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh) # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_AreaObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaObject")# switch yes / no Area
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaObject", switch_User_Display_AreaObject) # switch yes / no Area
switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject")# switch yes / no Area
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject", switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject) # switch yes / no Area
switch_User_Display_VolumeObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_VolumeObject")# switch yes / no Volume
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_VolumeObject", switch_User_Display_VolumeObject) # switch yes / no Volume
switch_User_Display_BsplineObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_BsplineObject")# switch yes / no Bspline
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_BsplineObject", switch_User_Display_BsplineObject) # switch yes / no Bspline
switch_User_Display_CentreObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreObject")# switch yes / no Centre
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreObject", switch_User_Display_CentreObject) # switch yes / no Centre
switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject")# switch yes / no Centre BoundBox
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject", switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject) # switch yes / no Centre BoundBox
switch_User_Display_Position = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position")# switch yes / no Position
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_Position", switch_User_Display_Position) # switch yes / no Position
switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD")# switch yes / no Position 2D CAD
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD", switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD) # switch yes / no Position 2D CAD
switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP")# switch yes / no Position 2D BMP Reverse Y
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP", switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP) # switch yes / no Position 2D BMP Reverse Y
switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning")# switch yes / no Info
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning", switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning) # switch yes / no Info
seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare")
if seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare == "":
seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare = "2"
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare", seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare) #
seT_User_UnitSymbolCube = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolCube")
if seT_User_UnitSymbolCube == "":
seT_User_UnitSymbolCube = "3"
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolCube", seT_User_UnitSymbolCube) #
seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__).GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro")
if seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro == "":
seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro = ""
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro", seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro) #
#### pour demarrage
seT_System_IndexUnitLength = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_System_IndexUnitLength") # seT_System_IndexUnitLength
if seT_System_IndexUnitLength == 0:
seT_System_IndexUnitLength = 0
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_System_IndexUnitLength", seT_System_IndexUnitLength) # seT_System_IndexUnitLength
#### pour demarrage
seT_System_IndexUnitText = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_IndexUnitText") # seT_System_IndexUnitText
if seT_System_IndexUnitText == "":
seT_System_IndexUnitText = "km"
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_IndexUnitText", seT_System_IndexUnitText) # seT_System_IndexUnitText
uniteM = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteM")
if uniteM == 0:
uniteM = 0.000001
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteM", uniteM)
uniteMs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteMs")
if uniteMs == "":
uniteMs= "km"
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteMs", uniteMs)
uniteS = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteS")
if uniteS == 0:
uniteS = 0.000000000001
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteS", uniteS)
uniteSs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteSs")
if uniteSs == "":
uniteSs= "km"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteSs", uniteSs)
uniteV = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteV")
if uniteV == 0:
uniteV = 0.000000000000000001
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteV", uniteV)
uniteVs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteVs")
if uniteVs == "":
uniteVs= "km"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteVs", uniteVs)
#### Configuration end ################################################
Refresh_Icon = [
"64 64 9 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #1D4376",
"@ c #5B5E5D",
"# c #3C6BA7",
"$ c #6A93C2",
"% c #9DA2A4",
"& c #C6CACB",
"* c #FFFFFF",
" ",
" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ",
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" +$*&&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&*********************#+ ",
" +$*%%%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%%*%%%%%%%%*********************#+ ",
" +$*&&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&*&&&&&&&&*********************#+ ",
" +$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#+ ",
" +$+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+ ",
" +$#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++##+ ",
" +$################################################$$+ ",
" +$################################################$$+ ",
" +$###+++++++++++++++++++++++######################$$+ ",
" +$###+#*******************$+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*+++++++++++++++++&%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*#++++++++++++++++&%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+######################$$+ ",
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" +$$##+$*******************%+######################$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+$$$$$$$$$$++##########$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%+**********&+##########$$+ ",
" +$$##+$*******************%++++++++++&&+##########$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$*******************%++++++++++&&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$*******************%+$$$$$$$$$*&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$*******************%+**********&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%+**********&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%+**********&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%+**********&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%+**********&+$$$$$$$$$$$$+ ",
" +$$$$+++++++++++++++++++++++****&&%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",
" +$$$$$$$##########$&&&&&&&*****%@@@@@@%%%%%%@@@@@@@@+ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$***********@@&**********%@@%%%%@@@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$**********%@***********%@%%%%%%%@@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$%@@@@@@@@@@&**********%@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$*%@@%&&&&&&**********&@@@@@@@@@@@%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$**&@@***********************%@@%%%@@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$&&&&%@%*******************%@@%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$&&&&&&@@****************%@@%%%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#$&&&&&&&@@&***&&&&&****%@@%%%%%%%%%%@@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#+$$$$$$$$@@%***&&****%@@$@%%%%%%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$############@@&*****%@@$$$@%%%%%%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@%**%@@$$$$$@%&%%%%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@$$$$$$$@%&%%%%%%%%%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@$$$$$$$$$@%&&%%%%%%&&@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@%&&&%%%%%&%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@%&&&&&&&&&%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$@&&&&&&&&&&%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@%************%@%@&&&&&&&&&&%@ ",
" +$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@%************&@@@&&&&&&&&&&@@ ",
" +++++++++++++++++++++++++@@************&@@%&&&&&&&&&&@ ",
" @@************&@@&&&&&&&&&&%@ ",
" @@%&&&&&&&&&&&&@@&&&&&&&&&&@@ ",
" @@&&&&&&&&&&&&%@&&&&&&&&&%@ ",
" @@&&&&&&&&&&&%@%&&&&&&&&@@ ",
" @@%%%%%%%%%%%@@&*****&@@ ",
" @@@%%%%%%%%%%@@@%%%%@@ ",
" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
" ",
" ",
" "]
global infoFaceMesh;
global indexFaceMeshSTR ; indexFaceMeshSTR = "X"
global coordPointsMesh ; coordPointsMesh = ""
import warnings
def adjustedGlobalPlacement(obj, locVector):
'''find global placement to make locVector the local origin with the correct orientation'''
# extract BoundingBox_Tracing
#2021/07/10 modified by edwilliams16 to handle objects in nested part containers
objectPlacement = obj.Placement
objectGlobalPlacement = obj.getGlobalPlacement()
locPlacement = App.Placement(locVector, App.Rotation(App.Vector(1,0,0),0))
return objectGlobalPlacement.multiply(objectPlacement.inverse()).multiply(locPlacement)
except Exception:
locPlacement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,0), App.Rotation(0,0,0), App.Vector(0,0,0))
#App.Console.PrintError("Error adjustedGlobalPlacement")
return locPlacement
def getNormal(cb):
global indexFaceMeshSTR
global objs
indexFaceMeshSTR = "X"
if (hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh")):
pp = cb.getPickedPoint()
indexFaceMeshSTR = str(coin.cast(pp.getDetail(), "SoFaceDetail").getFaceIndex())
except Exception:
def Refresh_Preference():### Begin command Std_Refresh_Preference
global seT_User_DecimalValue
global seT_User_TextHeigthValue
global switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning
global fontGlobal_08
global lineEdit_ToolBar
global switch_User_ToolbarIconSize
global seT_User_sizeIconX
global seT_User_sizeIconY
global toolbar1
global seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width
global seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height
global seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar
global switch_User_Work_With_Preselection
global switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix
global switch_User_Display_objectName
global switch_User_Display_SubElementName
global switch_User_Display_ShapeType
global switch_User_Display_TypeId
global switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh
global switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints
global switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh
global switch_User_Display_RadiusObject
global switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface
global switch_User_Display_BsplineObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject
global switch_User_Display_LengthObject
global switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject
global switch_User_Display_AreaObject
global switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject
global switch_User_Display_Position
global switch_User_Display_VolumeObject
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP
global seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
global seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
global seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro
global seT_System_IndexUnitLength
global seT_System_IndexUnitText
global FreeCAD_Paramter
global uniteM
global uniteMs
global uniteS
global uniteSs
global uniteV
global uniteVs
seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width")
if seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width != 0:
seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height")
if seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height != 0:
#### color StyleSheet
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar")
if seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar == "":
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar", "0")
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = "0"
if seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar != "0":
toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {background-color:" + seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar + ";}") #F8E6E0
toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {QPalette.Base}")
switch_User_Work_With_Preselection = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Work_With_Preselection") # switch yes / no preselection
if switch_User_Work_With_Preselection == 1:
switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix= " *"
#toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {QPalette.Base}")
#toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {color: black; background-color: #F8E6E0}") # html code #F8E6E0
switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix= ""
#### color
## Icon
switch_User_ToolbarIconSize = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize")
if switch_User_ToolbarIconSize == 0:
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize", switch_User_ToolbarIconSize)# switch impost or choice
seT_User_sizeIconX = seT_User_sizeIconY = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/General").GetInt("ToolbarIconSize") # FC preference
seT_User_sizeIconX = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_sizeIconX") # seT_User_sizeIconX X
seT_User_sizeIconY = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_sizeIconY") # seT_User_sizeIconY Y
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetBool("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize", switch_User_ToolbarIconSize)# switch impost or choice
if seT_User_sizeIconX == 0: seT_User_sizeIconX = 24
if seT_User_sizeIconY == 0: seT_User_sizeIconY = 24
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_sizeIconX", seT_User_sizeIconX) # seT_User_sizeIconX X
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_User_sizeIconY", seT_User_sizeIconY) # seT_User_sizeIconY Y
toolbar1.setIconSize(QSize(seT_User_sizeIconX, seT_User_sizeIconY)) # affect size
#### variables LineEdit debut
seT_User_DecimalValue = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_DecimalValue") # seT_User_DecimalValue
seT_User_TextHeigthValue = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_TextHeigthValue")# LineEdit seT_User_TextHeigthValue
switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning") # switch yes / no info
switch_User_Display_objectName = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_objectName") # switch yes / no Object Name
switch_User_Display_SubElementName = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_SubElementName") # switch yes / no Element
switch_User_Display_ShapeType = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_ShapeType") # switch yes / no Shape Type
switch_User_Display_TypeId = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_TypeId") # switch yes / no TypeId
switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh") # switch yes / no Face Mesh
switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints= FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints")# switch yes / no Points Mesh
switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh") # switch yes / no Edge Mesh
switch_User_Display_RadiusObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusObject") # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface") # switch yes / no Radius
switch_User_Display_BsplineObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_BsplineObject") # switch yes / no Bspline
switch_User_Display_CentreObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreObject") # switch yes / no Centre
switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject")# switch yes / no Centre BoundBox
switch_User_Display_LengthObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_LengthObject") # switch yes / no Length
switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject") # switch yes / no sommeEdges total edges
switch_User_Display_AreaObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaObject") # switch yes / no Area Object
switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject") # switch yes / no Area SubObject
switch_User_Display_Position = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position") # switch yes / no Position
switch_User_Display_VolumeObject = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_VolumeObject") # switch yes / no Volume
switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD") # switch yes / no Position 2D CAD Y left bottom
switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP") # switch yes / no Position 2D BMP Reverse Y 0,0 left Top
seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare")
seT_User_UnitSymbolCube = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolCube")
seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro")
seT_System_IndexUnitLength = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_System_IndexUnitLength") #
seT_System_IndexUnitText = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_IndexUnitText" ) # seT_System_IndexUnitText
uniteM = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteM")
uniteMs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteMs")
uniteS = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteS")
uniteSs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteSs")
uniteV = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetFloat("seT_System_uniteV")
uniteVs = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_System_uniteVs")
# except Exception:
# None
def activeInfo():
global SubElementName
global objectName
global position
global pos2D
global sel
global selEx
global objs
global sObj
global fontGlobal_08
global sketch0selEx
global lineEdit_ToolBar
global seT_User_DecimalValue
global seT_User_TextHeigthValue
global FreeCAD_Paramter
global switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix
global switch_User_Display_objectName
global switch_User_Display_SubElementName
global switch_User_Display_ShapeType
global switch_User_Display_TypeId
global switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh
global switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints
global switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh
global switch_User_Display_RadiusObject
global switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface
global switch_User_Display_BsplineObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreObject
global switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject
global switch_User_Display_LengthObject
global switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject
global switch_User_Display_AreaObject
global switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject
global switch_User_Display_Position
global switch_User_Display_VolumeObject
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD
global switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP
global seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar
global switch_User_Work_With_Preselection
global uniteM
global uniteMs
global uniteS
global uniteSs
global uniteV
global uniteVs
global infoFaceMesh
global indexFaceMeshSTR
doc = FreeCAD.activeDocument()
if doc == None:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Not activeView or ..." + "\n")
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument("FCInfo Tools")
rayonObjet = rayonSurface = longueurObjet = sommeEdges = surfaceObj = surfaceFace = volumeObject = 0.0
nombreFacesMesh = nombrePointsMesh = nombreArretesMesh = BsplineNombreDeNoeuds = indexSubObject = 0
## Asterix and Obelix
objectNameAsterix = SubElementNameAsterix = typeObjectShapeTypeSTRAsterix = typeObjectTypeIdSTRAsterix = nombreFacesMeshSTRAsterix = nombrePointsMeshSTRAsterix = ""
nombreArretesMeshSTRAsterix = rayonObjetSTRAsterix = rayonSurfaceSTRAsterix = longueurSTRAsterix = sommeEdgesSTRAsterix = surfaceObjSTRAsterix = surfaceFaceSTRAsterix = ""
volumeObjectSTRAsterix = bsplineSTRAsterix = centreObjetSTRAsterix = centreBBSTRAsterix = positionSTRAsterix = Position2DSTRAsterix = ""
bsplineNoeudsSTR = bsplineRayonObjetAppSTR = bsplinePointsCoorSoSTR = bsplinePointsCoorShapeSTR = ""
rayonObjetSTR = diametreObjetSTR = rayonSurfaceSTR = diametreSurfaceSTR = longueurSTR = surfaceObjSTR = surfaceFaceSTR = volumeObjectSTR = bsplineSTR = centreObjetSTR = centreBBSTR = positionSTR = pos2DSTR = ""
nombreFacesMeshSTR = nombrePointsMeshSTR = nombreArretesMeshSTR = typeObjectShapeTypeSTR = typeObjectTypeIdSTR = sketchObjectTypeSTR = centreObjet = ""
BsplineArcsRadius = []
BsplinePointsCoorS = []
BsplinePointsCoorSo = []
lineEdit = ""
if switch_User_Display_objectName == 1: # objectName
objectNameAsterix = " *"
lineEdit += " (" + str(objectName) + ") "
except Exception:
objectName = ""
lineEdit += " (" + str(objectName) + ") "
if switch_User_Display_SubElementName == 1: # SubElementName
SubElementNameAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
SubElementName = ""
SubElementName = "Face" + indexFaceMeshSTR
except Exception: None
lineEdit += " (" + str(SubElementName) + ") "
except Exception:
SubElementName = ""
lineEdit += " (" + str(SubElementName) + ") "
#### sketcher begin ####
##How to select edges inside of Sketcher?
sketch = sel[0] #sketch0 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0]
sketchObjectTypeSTR = indexSubObjectSTR = ""
if (Gui.ActiveDocument.getInEdit() and (sketch.TypeId == "Sketcher::SketchObject")): # sketcher open
if ("H_Axis" in SubElementName) or ("V_Axis" in SubElementName) or ("Constraint" in SubElementName) or ("Vertex" in SubElementName):
longueurSTR = rayonObjetSTR = diametreObjetSTR = rayonSurfaceSTR = diametreSurfaceSTR = CentreObjet = MajorRadiusObjet = MajorRadiusObjet = ""
nameSketch = sketch.Name
indexSubObject = int(SubElementName[4:]) - 1 # index Edge10
sObject = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(nameSketch).Geometry[indexSubObject]
sketchObjectTypeSTR = sketch.TypeId
lineEdit += " (TyO:" + str(sketchObjectTypeSTR) + ") "
indexSubObjectSTR = " (I:" + str(indexSubObject) + ") "
lineEdit += indexSubObjectSTR
except Exception: None
if isinstance(sObject,(Part.LineSegment)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.BSplineCurve)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.Circle)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
rayonObjet = sObject.Radius
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.ArcOfCircle)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
rayonObjet = sObject.Radius
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.Ellipse)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
MajorRadiusObjet = sObject.MajorRadius
MinorRadiusObjet = sObject.MinorRadius
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.ArcOfEllipse)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
MajorRadiusObjet = sObject.MajorRadius
MinorRadiusObjet = sObject.MinorRadius
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.ArcOfParabola)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
elif isinstance(sObject,(Part.ArcOfHyperbola)):
longueurObjet = sObject.length()
CentreObjet = sObject.Center
MajorRadiusObjet = sObject.MajorRadius
MinorRadiusObjet = sObject.MinorRadius
if switch_User_Display_LengthObject == 1: # longueurObjet
if longueurObjet != 0.0:
longueurSTR = " (L:" + str(round(longueurObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") "
lineEdit += longueurSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_RadiusObject == 1: # rayon objet
if rayonObjet != 0.0:
rayonObjetSTR = ("(r:" + str(round(rayonObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
diametreObjetSTR = (" [D:" + str(round(rayonObjet * 2.0, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "] ")
lineEdit += rayonObjetSTR + diametreObjetSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface == 1: # rayon d'une surface
if rayonSurface != 0.0:
rayonSurfaceSTR = ("(rS:" + str(round(rayonSurface * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
diametreSurfaceSTR = (" [DS:" + str(round(rayonSurface * 2.0, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "] ")
lineEdit += rayonSurfaceSTR + diametreSurfaceSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_CentreObject == 1: # centre cercle et autres
if CentreObjet != "":
CentreObjetSTR = (" (Ce:" + "X:" + str(round(float(CentreObjet[0] * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Y:" + str(round(float(CentreObjet[1] * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Z:" + str(round(float(CentreObjet[2] * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
lineEdit += CentreObjetSTR
except Exception: None
# radiusObjectSTR = (" (r:" + "Min:" + str(round(float(MajorRadiusObjet * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ", " +
# "Maj:" + str(round(float(MinorRadiusObjet * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
# lineEdit += radiusObjectSTR
#except Exception: None
except Exception:
App.Console.PrintError("Error read Sketcher")
#### sketcher end ####
#### Shape Mesh Points Begin ####
if hasattr(objs[0], "Shape"): # object Shape
sObj = objs[0].Shape
elif hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"): # object mesh # upgrade with wmayer thanks #
sObj = objs[0].Mesh
######## appel 2 fois sinon le premier appel donne 0 ? meme comme ca !!
Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.removeEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), infoFaceMesh)
except Exception: None
infoFaceMesh2 = infoFaceMesh = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.addEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), getNormal)
infoFaceMesh2 = infoFaceMesh = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.addEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), getNormal)
Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.removeEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), infoFaceMesh)
except Exception: None
elif hasattr(objs[0], "Points"): # object Points
sObj = objs[0].Points
sObj = "x"
except Exception:
sObj = "x"
if switch_User_Display_ShapeType == 1: # Shape Type
typeObjectShapeTypeSTRAsterix = " *"
typeObjectShapeTypeSTR = sObj.ShapeType
lineEdit += " (TyS:" + str(typeObjectShapeTypeSTR) + ") "
except Exception:
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
lineEdit += " (Ty:" + "Mesh" + ") "
if hasattr(objs[0], "Points"):
lineEdit += " (Ty:" + "Point" + ") "
except Exception: None
# if switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject == 1: # sommeEdges total edges
# try:
# sommeEdgesSTRAsterix = " *"
# for j in sObj.Edges:
# sommeEdges += j.Length
# sommeEdgesSTR = str(sommeEdges)
# lineEdit += " (Se:" + sommeEdgesSTR + ") "
# except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_TypeId == 1: # Shape TypeId
typeObjectTypeIdSTRAsterix = " *"
typeObjectTypeIdSTR = str(sel[0].Shape.TypeId)
lineEdit += " (TyI:" + typeObjectTypeIdSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh == 1: # Nombre Faces Mesh
nombreFacesMeshSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
nombreFacesMesh = sObj.CountFacets
nombreFacesMeshSTR = str(nombreFacesMesh)
lineEdit += " (Nf:" + nombreFacesMeshSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints == 1: # Nombre Points Mesh
nombrePointsMeshSTRAsterix = " *"
if (hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh")) or (hasattr(objs[0], "Points")):
nombrePointsMesh = sObj.CountPoints
nombrePointsMeshSTR = str(nombrePointsMesh)
lineEdit += " (Np:" + nombrePointsMeshSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh == 1: # Nombre Edges Mesh
nombreArretesMeshSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
try: # no in version 018
nombreArretesMesh = sObj.CountEdges
except Exception:
nombreArretesMesh = 0
nombreArretesMeshSTR = str(nombreArretesMesh)
lineEdit += " (Ne:" + nombreArretesMeshSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_RadiusObject == 1: # radius object
rayonObjetSTRAsterix = " *"
rayonObjet = selEx.Curve.Radius
rayonObjetSTR = ("(r:" + str(round(rayonObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
diametreObjetSTR = (" [D:" + str(round(rayonObjet * 2.0, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "] ")
lineEdit += rayonObjetSTR + diametreObjetSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface == 1: # radius surface
rayonSurfaceSTRAsterix = " *"
rayonSurface = selEx.Surface.Radius
rayonSurfaceSTR = ("(rS:" + str(round(rayonSurface * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
diametreSurfaceSTR = (" [DS:" + str(round(rayonSurface * 2.0, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "] ")
lineEdit += rayonSurfaceSTR + diametreSurfaceSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_LengthObject == 1: # longueurObjet
longueurSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
length0 = sObj.Facets[int(indexFaceMeshSTR)].getEdge(0).Length # getEdge no in version 018
length1 = sObj.Facets[int(indexFaceMeshSTR)].getEdge(1).Length
length2 = sObj.Facets[int(indexFaceMeshSTR)].getEdge(2).Length
longueurObjet = length0 + length1 + length2 # perimetre triangle
except Exception:
longueurObjet = length0 = length1 = length2 = 0.0
if longueurObjet != 0.0:
longueurSTR = " (P:" + str(round(longueurObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") "
lineEdit += longueurSTR
longueurObjet = selEx.Length
if longueurObjet != 0.0:
if "Face" in str(selEx):
longueurSTR = " (P:" + str(round(longueurObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") "
longueurSTR = " (L:" + str(round(longueurObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") "
lineEdit += longueurSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject == 1: # sommeEdges total edges
sommeEdgesSTRAsterix = " *"
for j in sObj.Edges:
sommeEdges += j.Length
sommeEdgesSTR = str(round(sommeEdges * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs
lineEdit += " (Se:" + sommeEdgesSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_AreaObject == 1: # surface
surfaceObjSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
surfaceObj = sObj.Area
surfaceObj = sel[0].Shape.Area
if surfaceObj != 0.0:
surfaceObjSTR = str(round(surfaceObj * uniteS, seT_User_DecimalValue)) +" "+ uniteSs
lineEdit += " (Ao:" + surfaceObjSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject == 1: # surface face
surfaceFaceSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
surfaceFace = sObj.Facets[int(indexFaceMeshSTR)].Area
surfaceFace = selEx.Area
if surfaceFace != 0.0:
surfaceFaceSTR = str(round(surfaceFace * uniteS, seT_User_DecimalValue)) +" "+ uniteSs
lineEdit += " (Af:" + surfaceFaceSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_VolumeObject == 1: # Volume
volumeObjectSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
volumeObject = sObj.Volume
volumeObject = sel[0].Shape.Volume
if volumeObject != 0.0:
volumeObjectSTR = str(round(volumeObject * uniteV, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteVs
lineEdit += " (V:" + volumeObjectSTR + ") "
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_BsplineObject == 1: # Bspline
bsplineSTRAsterix = " *"
BsplineDetect = selEx.Curve
BsplineNombreDeNoeuds = BsplineDetect.NbKnots
bsplineNoeudsSTR = " (BSKnots:" + str(BsplineNombreDeNoeuds) + " n) "
#### toBiArcs
setBSplineToByArcValue = 0.00001
BsplineArcsToBiArcs = BsplineDetect.toBiArcs(setBSplineToByArcValue)
BsplineNumberElement = len(BsplineArcsToBiArcs)
for i in BsplineArcsToBiArcs: # radius on point "toBiArcs(0.00001)"
BsplineArcsRadius.append(i.Radius) # .Axis , Vector (-0.72, 0.495, -0.47)
rayonObjet = BsplineArcsRadius[0]
except Exception:
BsplineArcsRadius = []
rayonObjet = 0.0 # rayon approximatif
BsplineNumberToBiArcs = len(BsplineArcsToBiArcs)
#### toBiArcs
BsplineRayonApproximatif = str(round(BsplineArcsRadius[0] * float(uniteM))) + " " + uniteMs
#### distance between 2 points Shape
bsplineL = sel[0]
BsplineLength = float(bsplineL.Shape.Length)
BsplineCutLength = BsplineLength / float(BsplineNumberElement)
#### points noeuds
for i in bsplineL.Points: # nombre de points (noeuds)
#### points Shape
bsplinePointsCoorShapeSTR = " (BSS:" + str(len(BsplinePointsCoorS)) + " p) " #BSpline Shape
except Exception: # None
#### distance between 2 points Curve.getPoles() #BSpline SubObject
bsplineL = selEx #.Curve
BsplineLength = float(bsplineL.Length)
BsplineCutLength = BsplineLength / float(BsplineNumberElement)
#### points a.Curve.NbKnots
for i in selEx.Curve.getPoles(): # nombre de poles (noeuds)
bsplinePointsCoorSoSTR = " (BSc:" + str(len(BsplinePointsCoorSo)) + " p) "
#### points a.Curve.NbKnots
bsplineRayonObjetAppSTR = " (BSrA:" + str(round(rayonObjet * float(uniteM),seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs +") "
lineEdit += bsplineNoeudsSTR + bsplineRayonObjetAppSTR + bsplinePointsCoorSoSTR + bsplinePointsCoorShapeSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_CentreObject == 1: # centre cercle
centreObjetSTRAsterix = " *"
if hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):
CenterOfMassX = sObj.CenterOfGravity[0]
CenterOfMassY = sObj.CenterOfGravity[1]
CenterOfMassZ = sObj.CenterOfGravity[2]
boundBoxLocation = App.Vector(CenterOfMassX, CenterOfMassY, CenterOfMassZ)
boundBoxLocation = selEx.Curve.Center
except Exception:
#boundBoxLocation = selEx.CenterOfMass
boundBoxLocation = selEx.BoundBox.Center
#### correction
BDvol = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation)
boundBoxCenterX = BDvol.Base[0]
boundBoxCenterY = BDvol.Base[1]
boundBoxCenterZ = BDvol.Base[2]
centreObjet = App.Vector(boundBoxCenterX, boundBoxCenterY, boundBoxCenterZ)
if centreObjet != "":
centreObjetSTR = (" (Ce:" + "X:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterX * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Y:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterY * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Z:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterZ * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
lineEdit += centreObjetSTR
except Exception: None
if switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject == 1: # centre BoundBox objet
centreBBSTRAsterix = " *"
boundBox_ = sObj.BoundBox
boundBoxLX = boundBox_.XLength
boundBoxLY = boundBox_.YLength
boundBoxLZ = boundBox_.ZLength
boundBoxDiag = boundBox_.DiagonalLength
except Exception:
boundBoxDiag = 0.0
#### correction
boundBoxLocation = App.Vector(boundBox_.Center[0], boundBox_.Center[1], boundBox_.Center[2])
BDvol = adjustedGlobalPlacement(objs[0], boundBoxLocation)
boundBoxCenterX = BDvol.Base[0]
boundBoxCenterY = BDvol.Base[1]
boundBoxCenterZ = BDvol.Base[2]
centreBBSTR = (" (BBCe:" + "X:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterX * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Y:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterY * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "," +
"Z:" + str(round(float(boundBoxCenterZ * uniteM), seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + ") ")
lineEdit += centreBBSTR
except Exception: None
#### Shape Mesh Points End ####
if switch_User_Display_Position == 1: # position pour Normal
positionSTRAsterix = " *"
position0STR = position1STR = position2STR = ""
position0STR = str(round(position[0] * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs
position1STR = str(round(position[1] * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs
position2STR = str(round(position[2] * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs
positionSTR = " (Pos: X:" + position0STR + " Y:" + position1STR + " Z:" + position2STR + ") "
lineEdit += positionSTR
except Exception: None
if (switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD == 1) or (switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP == 1): # position pour 2D
Position2DSTRAsterix = " *"
pos2D0STR = str(pos2D[0])
pos2D1STR = str(pos2D[1]) # CAD Y : Y0 = coin Inferieur Gauche
if switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP == True: # BMP Y : Y0 = coin Superieur Gauche
pos2D1STR = str(Gui.activeDocument().activeView().getSize()[1] - pos2D[1] ) # reverse Y : Y0 = coin Superieur Gauche
except Exception:
pos2DSTR = " (Pos: X2D:" + pos2D0STR + "px Y2D:" + pos2D1STR + "px) "
lineEdit += pos2DSTR
except Exception: None
seT_User_TextHeigthValue = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetInt("seT_User_TextHeigthValue")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setToolTip("\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Preselection" + "\t\t" + ":" + switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix + "\t\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(switch_User_Work_With_Preselection) + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Element Name" + "\t\t" + ":" + objectNameAsterix + "\t" + "( )" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(objectName) + "\n" +
"Sub element Name" + "\t" + ":" + SubElementNameAsterix + "\t" + "( )" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(SubElementName) + "\n" +
"Shape Type" + "\t\t" + ":" + typeObjectShapeTypeSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(TyS)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + typeObjectShapeTypeSTR + "\n" +
"Shape TypeId" + "\t\t" + ":" + typeObjectTypeIdSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(TyI)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + typeObjectTypeIdSTR + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Sketcher TypeObject" + "\t" + ":" + typeObjectTypeIdSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(TyO)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + sketchObjectTypeSTR + "\n" +
"Sketcher Index" + "\t\t" + ":" + " *" + "\t" + "(I)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(indexSubObject) + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Radius" + "\t\t\t" + ":" + rayonObjetSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(r)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(rayonObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"Diameter" + "\t\t" + ":" + rayonObjetSTRAsterix + "\t" + "[D]" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(rayonObjet * 2.0 * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"RadiusSurface" + "\t\t" + ":" + rayonSurfaceSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(rS)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(rayonSurface * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"DiameterSurface" + "\t\t" + ":" + rayonSurfaceSTRAsterix + "\t" + "[DS]" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(rayonSurface * 2.0 * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"Length or Perimeter" + "\t" + ":" + longueurSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(L) or (P)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(longueurObjet * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"Somme Edges" + "\t\t" + ":" + sommeEdgesSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Se)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(sommeEdges * uniteM, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Number Faces Mesh" + "\t" + ":" + nombreFacesMeshSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Nf)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + nombreFacesMeshSTR + " faces" + "\n" +
"Num. Points Mesh/Points" + "\t"+ ":" + nombrePointsMeshSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Np)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + nombrePointsMeshSTR + " points" + "\n" +
"Number Edges Mesh" + "\t" + ":" + nombreArretesMeshSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Ne)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + nombreArretesMeshSTR + " edges" + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Area Object" + "\t\t" + ":" + surfaceObjSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Ao)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(surfaceObj * uniteS, seT_User_DecimalValue)) +" "+ uniteSs + "\n" +
"Area Face" + "\t\t" + ":" + surfaceFaceSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Af)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(surfaceFace * uniteS, seT_User_DecimalValue)) +" "+ uniteSs + "\n" +
"Volume" + "\t\t\t" + ":" + volumeObjectSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(V)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(volumeObject * uniteV, seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteVs + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"BSPline Node" + "\t\t" + ":" + bsplineSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(BSpline)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(BsplineNombreDeNoeuds) + " " + "nodes" + "\n" +
"BSPline radius" + "\t\t" + ":" + bsplineSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(BSrA)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(round(rayonObjet * float(uniteM),seT_User_DecimalValue)) + " " + uniteMs + "\n" +
"BSPline Points Shape" + "\t"+ ":" + bsplineSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(BSS)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(len(BsplinePointsCoorS)) + " " + "points" + "\n" +
"BSPline Points SubObj" +"\t"+ ":" + bsplineSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(BSc)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + str(len(BsplinePointsCoorSo)) + " " + "points" + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Center Circle or Mesh"+"\t" + ":" + centreObjetSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Ce)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + centreObjetSTR + "\n" +
"BoundBox center" + "\t\t" + ":" + centreBBSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(BBCe)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + centreBBSTR + "\n" +
"Mouse position" + "\t\t" + ":" + positionSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Pos)" + "\t\t" + ":" + "\t" + positionSTR + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
"Mouse position screen 2D" + "\t"+ ":" + Position2DSTRAsterix + "\t" + "(Pos: X2D)" + "\t" + ":" + "\t" + pos2DSTR + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n" +
__title__ + "\t" + "Version : " + __version__ + "\t" + "Date : " + __date__ + "\n" +
"*****" + "\n")
if lineEdit == " () () " or lineEdit == "":
lineEdit_ToolBar.setText("Go to [Tools Edit paramater : User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + "]" + "\n" +
" check your choice(s) to display and click the Refresh button, choice your Unit Enjoy.")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setToolTip("Go to [Tools Edit paramater : User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + "]" + "\n" +
" check your choice(s) to display and click the Refresh button, choice your Unit Enjoy.")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {color: black; background-color: red}")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {color: QPalette.Base; background-color: QPalette.Base}")
except Exception:
lineEdit_ToolBar.setText("Error or Go to [Tools Edit paramater : User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + "]" + "\n" +
" check your choice(s) to display and click the Refresh button, choice your Unit Enjoy.")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setToolTip("Error or Go to [Tools Edit paramater : User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/" + __title__ + "]" + "\n" +
" check your choice(s) to display and click the Refresh button, choice your Unit Enjoy.")
lineEdit_ToolBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {color: black; background-color: red}")
# lineEdit = "-"
# lineEdit_ToolBar.setText(lineEdit)
def SIGNAL_comboBox_Changed(text):
global uniteM
global uniteMs
global uniteS
global uniteSs
global uniteV
global uniteVs
global seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
global seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
global seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro
global seT_System_IndexUnitLength
global seT_System_IndexUnitText
global comboBox_ToolBar
global FreeCAD_Paramter
if text == "km": # = 1000000
uniteM = 0.000001
uniteMs= "km"
uniteS = 0.000000000001
uniteSs= "km"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.000000000000000001
uniteVs= "km"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "hm": # = 100000
uniteM = 0.00001
uniteMs= "hm"
uniteS = 0.0000000001
uniteSs= "hm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.000000000000001
uniteVs= "hm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "dam": # = 10000
uniteM = 0.0001
uniteMs= "dam"
uniteS = 0.00000001
uniteSs= "dam"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.000000000001
uniteVs= "dam"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "m": # = 1000
uniteM = 0.001
uniteMs= "m"
uniteS = 0.000001
uniteSs= "m"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.000000001
uniteVs= "m"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "dm": # = 100
uniteM = 0.01
uniteMs= "dm"
uniteS = 0.0001
uniteSs= "dm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.000001
uniteVs= "dm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "cm": # = 10
uniteM = 0.1
uniteMs= "cm"
uniteS = 0.01
uniteSs= "cm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 0.001
uniteVs= "cm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "mm": # = 1 ###############################
uniteM = 1.0
uniteMs= "mm"
uniteS = 1.0
uniteSs= "mm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 1.0
uniteVs= "mm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro+"m": # = 1000 #
uniteM = 1000.0
uniteMs= seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro+"m"
uniteS = 1000.0**2
uniteSs= seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro+"m"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 1000.0**3
uniteVs= seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro+"m"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "nm": # = 1000000
uniteM = 1000000.0
uniteMs= "nm"
uniteS = 1000000.0**2
uniteSs= "nm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 1000000.0**3
uniteVs= "nm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "pm": # = 1000000000
uniteM = 1000000000.0
uniteMs= "pm"
uniteS = 1000000000.0**2
uniteSs= "pm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 1000000000.0**3
uniteVs= "pm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "fm": # = 1000000000000
uniteM = 1000000000000.0
uniteMs= "fm"
uniteS = 1000000000000.0**2
uniteSs= "fm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = 1000000000000.0**3
uniteVs= "fm"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "inch": # inch = 25.400
uniteM = 1.0/25.400
uniteMs= "in"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "in"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "in"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "link": # link = 201.168
uniteM = 1.0/201.168
uniteMs= "lk"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "lk"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "lk"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "foot": # foot = 304.800
uniteM = 1.0/304.800
uniteMs= "ft"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "ft"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "ft"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "yard": # yard = 914.400
uniteM = 1.0/914.400
uniteMs= "yd"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "yd"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "yd"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "perch": #rd # rod perche = 5029.200
uniteM = 1.0/5029.200
uniteMs= "rd"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "rd"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "rd"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "chain": # chain = 20116.800
uniteM = 1.0/20116.800
uniteMs= "ch"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "ch"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "ch"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "furlong": # furlong= 201168
uniteM = 1.0/201168
uniteMs= "fur"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "fur"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "fur"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "mile": # mile = 1609344
uniteM = 1.0/1609344
uniteMs= "mi"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "mi"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "mi"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "league": # league = 4828032
uniteM = 1.0/4828032
uniteMs= "lea"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "lea"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "lea"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
elif text == "nautique": # nautique = 1852000
uniteM = 1.0/1852000
uniteMs= "nmi"
uniteS = uniteM**2
uniteSs= "nmi"+seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare
uniteV = uniteM**3
uniteVs= "nmi"+seT_User_UnitSymbolCube
seT_System_IndexUnitLength = comboBox_ToolBar.currentIndex()
seT_System_IndexUnitText = text
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteM", uniteM)
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteMs", uniteMs)
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteS", uniteS)
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteSs", uniteSs)
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetFloat("seT_System_uniteV", uniteV)
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_uniteVs", uniteVs)
## demarrage
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetInt("seT_System_IndexUnitLength", seT_System_IndexUnitLength) # seT_System_IndexUnitLength
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_System_IndexUnitText", seT_System_IndexUnitText) # seT_System_IndexUnitText
##def displayDView():
## global toolbar1
## global lineEdit
## global lineEdit_ToolBar
## global switch_User_Display_ViewDirection
## global directionViewAsterix
## #global directionView
## global directionViewSTR
## directionViewAsterix = ""
## lineEdit_ToolBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {QPalette.Base}")
## if switch_User_Display_ViewDirection == 1: # ViewDirection
## directionViewAsterix = " *"
## directionViewSTR = ""
## viewBase = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.viewPosition().Base
## vBx = str(round(viewBase.x, seT_User_DecimalValue))
## vBy = str(round(viewBase.y, seT_User_DecimalValue))
## vBz = str(round(viewBase.z, seT_User_DecimalValue))
## viewRotation = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.viewPosition().Rotation.getYawPitchRoll()
## vRx = str(round(viewRotation[0], seT_User_DecimalValue))
## vRy = str(round(viewRotation[1], seT_User_DecimalValue))
## vRz = str(round(viewRotation[2], seT_User_DecimalValue))
## vDBase = "Bx : " + vBx + ", By : " + vBy + ", Bz : " + vBz
## vDRota = "Yaw : " + vRx + ", Pitch : " + vRy + ", Roll : " + vRz
## directionViewSTR = "( " + vDBase + " ) ; ( " + vDRota + " )"
## lineEdit = ""
## lineEdit = "(DView: " + directionViewSTR + ")"
## lineEdit_ToolBar.setText(lineEdit)
##def decodePointColor2DView(x2DView = 0, y2DView = 0):
## # fonctionne mais empeche toute selection
## ##
## view = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView
## vp = view.getViewer().getSoRenderManager().getViewportRegion() # FC ver 0.22
## width = vp.getViewportSizePixels()[0]
## height = vp.getViewportSizePixels()[1]
## ####
## #view.saveImage("C:/Temp/test01.png", width, height, "Current")
## Gui.Selection.clearSelection()
## Gui.Selection.clearPreselection()
## viewGrab = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getViewer() # FC ver 0.22
## img = viewGrab.grabFramebuffer()
## #### Clipboard
## #data = PySide2.QtCore.QMimeData()
## #data.setImageData(img)
## #cb=QtGui.QClipboard()
## #cb.setMimeData(data, mode=PySide2.QtGui.QClipboard.Clipboard)
## #### Clipboard
## #### point color #######
## point = PySide2.QtGui.QPixmap(img)
## ptn2DView = point.toImage()
#### section Observer begin ######################
class SelObserver: # selection Observer
def addSelection(self, document, objet, element, positionx): # Selection
global SubElementName
global objectName
global sel
global selEx
global objs
global sObj
global sketch0selEx
SubElementName = element
objectName = objet
sel = Gui.Selection.getSelection() # object
objs = [selobj.Object for selobj in FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()]
if objs == []:
objs = ["x"]
sketch0selEx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0] # unique objet pour sketch
selEx = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0] # unique objet
except Exception:
selEx = ""
def setPreselection(self,doc,obj,sub): # preselection
global switch_User_Work_With_Preselection
if switch_User_Work_With_Preselection == 1:
global SubElementName
global objectName
global sel
global selEx
global objs
global lineEdit_ToolBar
global sketch0selEx
objs = sel = []
SubElementName = selEx = objectName = ""
SubElementName = sub
objectName = obj
sel = [FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(objectName)] + [",x"]
objs = sel
sketch0selEx = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(objectName)
selEx = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(objectName).getSubObject(SubElementName)
if objs == []:
objs = ["x"]
## def removeSelection(self,doc,obj,sub): # Effacer l'objet selectionne
## print( "removeSelection")
## def setSelection(self,doc): # Selection dans ComboView
## print( "SelObserver quit macro")
## def clearSelection(self,doc): # Si clic sur l'ecran, effacer la selection
## print( "clearSelection") # Si clic sur un autre objet, efface le precedent
FreeCADGui.Selection.addObserver(sTB) # install the function resident mode
#FreeCADGui.Selection.removeObserver(sTB) # desinstalle la fonction residente
global cTB
global oTB
global vTB; vTB=Gui.activeDocument().activeView()
class DocObserver: # document Observer
def slotActivateDocument(self,doc):
global cTB
global oTB
global vTB
vTB.removeEventCallback("SoEvent",cTB) # close event observation
except Exception: None
try: # ajout de ty ... except
oTB = ViewObserver(vTB)
cTB = vTB.addEventCallback("SoEvent",oTB.logPosition)
except Exception: None
FreeCADGui.Selection.removeObserver(obs) # desinstalle la fonction residente
class ViewObserver: # vue souris Observer
def __init__(self, view):
self.view = view
def logPosition(self, info):
global cTB
global oTB
global vTB
global position
global pos2D
objectSurvol = vTB.getObjectInfo(vTB.getCursorPos()) # here for objectSurvol preselected
position = FreeCAD.Vector(float(objectSurvol["x"]),float(objectSurvol["y"]),float(objectSurvol["z"]))# vector on position mouse to objectSurvol
pos2D = info["Position"] # 2D X,Y
except Exception:
#pos2D = info["Position"] # if mouse in 3D view
#position = self.view.getPoint(pos2D) # vector detect on mouse position 3D view
oTB = ViewObserver(vTB)
cTB = vTB.addEventCallback("SoEvent",oTB.logPosition)
#vTB.removeEventCallback("SoEvent",cTB) # close event observation
### section Observer end ######################
mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
tb = mw.findChildren(QtWidgets.QToolBar)
switchtbar = 0
for i in tb:
if str(i.objectName()) == __title__:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(__title__ + " is already open" + "\n")
switchtbar = 1
# if i.isVisible():
# i.setVisible(False) # visible False
# else:
# i.setVisible(True) # visible True
i.setVisible(True) # visible True
if switchtbar == 0:
#toolbar1 = QtWidgets.QToolBar() # place plus haut
if seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width != 0:
if seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height != 0:
toolbar1.setIconSize(QSize(seT_User_sizeIconX, seT_User_sizeIconY))
#### color StyleSheet
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar")
if seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar == "":
FreeCAD_Paramter.SetString("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar", "0")
seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar = "0"
if seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar != "0":
toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {background-color:" + seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar + ";}") #F8E6E0
toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {QPalette.Base}")
# switch_User_Work_With_Preselection = FreeCAD_Paramter.GetBool("switch_User_Work_With_Preselection") # switch yes / no preselection
# if switch_User_Work_With_Preselection == 1:
# switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix= " *"
# toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {QPalette.Base}")
# toolbar1.setStyleSheet("QToolBar {color: black; background-color: #F8E6E0}") # html code #F8E6E0
# else:
# switch_User_Work_With_PreselectionAsterix= ""
#### color
toolbar1.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(Refresh_Icon)), "Refresh after change in Preference"+"\n"+"and activate the modifications", Refresh_Preference)# icone, ToolTip, vers def:
#fontGlobal_08 = QtGui.QFont() # place plus haut
comboBox_ToolBar = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
comboBox_ToolBar.addItem("mm") # 1
QtCore.QObject.connect(comboBox_ToolBar, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), SIGNAL_comboBox_Changed)
##comboBox_ToolBar.setItemIcon(0, QIcon('C:/Users/Mario/AppData/Roaming/FreeCAD/Macro/Qt.png'))
#lineEdit_ToolBar = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # place plus haut
#except Exception:
# FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Not activeView or ..." + "\n")
if switch_User_NotInfoOnBeginning == True:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\n"+"####Configure FCInfo_ToolBar Begin####################################################################" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____Help for configure FCInfo_ToolBar_____" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Go to : Menu > Tools > Edit parameters ... :BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/FCMmacros/FCInfo_ToolBar" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_StyleSheetColorToolBar # False (Default: system) 1 = the size icon user is availlable" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_ToolbarIconSize_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_ToolbarIconSize) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_ToolbarIconSize # 0 = not setStyleSheet (Default)" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" # color in HTML format ex: #F8E6E0" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_sizeIconX_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_sizeIconX) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_sizeIconX # size X of the icon (Default: system)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_sizeIconY_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_sizeIconY) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_sizeIconY # size Y of the icon (Default system)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_DecimalValue_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_DecimalValue) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_DecimalValue # number of decimal value (Default 2)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Width # Width of the ToolBar" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_setFixed_Tool_Bar_Height # heigth of the ToolBar" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_TextHeigthValue_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_TextHeigthValue) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_TextHeigthValue # heigth of the text in the LineEdit" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Work_With_Preselection_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Work_With_Preselection) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Work_With_Preselection # True 1 = () Work With the Preselectiond " + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" # with this option the selection ins not availlable !" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_objectName_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_objectName) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_objectName # True 1 = () display the Object name selected " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_SubElementName_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_SubElementName) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_SubElementName # True 1 = () display the subElement name selected " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_ShapeType_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_ShapeType) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_ShapeType # True 1 = (TyS:) display the Shape Type of the object" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_TypeId_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_TypeId) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_TypeId # True 1 = (TyI:) display the Shape TypeId of the object" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_RadiusObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_RadiusObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_RadiusObject # True 1 = (r:) [D:] display the radius and the diameter (if circle detected) " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_RadiusSurface # True 1 = (rS:) [DS:] display the radius and the diameter of surface (if surface detected) " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_NumberFacesMesh # True 1 = (Nf:) display the number of faces of the Mesh" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_NumberPointsMeshPoints# True 1 = (Np:) display the number of points of the Mesh or Points" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_NumberEdgesMesh # True 1 = (Ne:) display the number of Edges of the Mesh" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_BsplineObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_BsplineObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_BsplineObject # True 1 = (BSpline) display the number of node of the BSpline" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" = (BSrA) BSPline radius approximative first radius of the BSpline" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" = (BSS) BSPline Points Shape number points of the Bspline (case Shape)" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" = (BSc) BSPline Points Sub Object number points of sub object selected (case Edge)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_CentreObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_CentreObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_CentreObject # True 1 = (Ce:)display the center of circle (if detected), face, edge ..." + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" = or BBoxCenter of face, edge ... Sub selection" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_CentreBoundBoxObject # True 1 = (BBCe:) display the center of BoundBox of the object " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_LengthObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_LengthObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_LengthObject # True 1 = (L:) display the Length of the wire, edge, line selected" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(" # (P:) if one face is selected, the Perimeter of the face is displayed" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_SommeAllEdgesObject # True 1 = (Se:) display the Total Length of the edges" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_AreaObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_AreaObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_AreaObject # True 1 = (A:) display the Area of the object selected " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_AreaSubObject # True 1 = (Af:) display the Area of the face selected " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_VolumeObject_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_VolumeObject) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_VolumeObject # True 1 = (V:) display the Volume of the object selected" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_Position_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_Position) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_Position # True 1 = (Pos:) display the coordinate of the click mouse " + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_CAD # True 1 = (Pos: X2D:) display the position XY 2D 0,0 = corner Inferior left (CAD)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("switch_User_Display_Position_2D_BMP # True 1 = (Pos: X2D:) display the position XY 2D 0,0 = corner Superior left (BitMap BMP)" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_UnitSymbolSquare # give the Square character '2' by default" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_UnitSymbolCube_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_UnitSymbolCube) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_UnitSymbolCube # give the Cube character '3' by default" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("_____seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro_____ " + " ")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Actual " + str(seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro) + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("seT_User_UnitSymbolMicro # give the Micro character 'u' by default" + "\n\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("####Configure FCInfo_ToolBar End######################################################################" + "\n\n")
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