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Last active January 31, 2025 19:28
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Save mariovalney/174760f2e4387bdeb4ade32986294cfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pre-commit hook to check code with PHPCS, fix with PHPCBF and check mess with PHPMD
# #
# Initializing #
# #
# You should add all tools as composer dependencies or change this path
# composer require phpmd/phpmd
# composer require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
# Check for PHPCS / PHPCBF
if [ ! -x $PHPCS_BIN ]; then
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] PHP CodeSniffer is not installed locally."
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Please run 'composer install' or check the path: $PHPCS_BIN"
exit 1
if [ ! -x $PHPCBF_BIN ]; then
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer is not installed locally."
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Please run 'composer install' or check the path: $PHPCBF_BIN"
exit 1
# Check for PHPMD
if [ ! -x $PHPMD_BIN ]; then
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] PHP Mess Detect is not installed locally."
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Please run 'composer install' or check the path: $PHPMD_BIN"
exit 1
# #
# Starting #
# #
# All files in staging area (Added | Created | Modified | Renamed)
PROJECT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | grep .php)
if [ "$FILES" != "" ]
# Coding Standards
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Checking PHPCS..."
# You can change your PHPCS command here
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Coding standards errors have been detected."
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Running PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer..."
# You can change your PHPCBF command here
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Checking PHPCS again..."
# You can change your PHPCS command here
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer wasn't able to solve all problems."
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] Run PHPCS manually to check and fix all errors."
exit 1
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] All errors are fixed automatically."
git add $FILES
echo "[PRE-COMMIT] No errors found."
# Mess Detector
echo "\n[PRE-COMMIT] Checking PHPMD...\n"
for FILE in $FILES
# You can change your PHPMD command here
$PHPMD_BIN $PROJECT/$FILE text phpmd.xml
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "\n[PRE-COMMIT] Fix errors before commit."
exit 1
exit $?
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Download and put into .git/hooks directory.

You can do: cp pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

Then, make it executable:
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

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Great hook but I have a difficulties trying to detecting changed files in line
FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | grep core/ | grep .php)
I don't know why maybe it's a operation system issue I tryin launch it on CLI interface in ubuntu 21.04
For me it's work fine when I changed line to
FILES=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | grep \\.php )

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Like already mentioned it's a great hook. But like Oleg mentioned I also have issues with grep core/ because then it fetches no files.
Removing that works for me as well then.

Why do you @mariovalney use that part in the first place, just curious?

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You can check explanation here.

This hook is like a default in my projects and when I published this I copied from a old project when all code were placeded in "core" directory. My mistake. I should copied from a version without this standard.

FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | grep .php)

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Great! Thank you for explanation.

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