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Last active May 20, 2019 14:20
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LOAD DATA from file to Database
* Adding data to table using CSV data
* Using WPDB in WordPress but you can use any PHP...
* @link
global $wpdb;
$table_name = 'example_table';
$csv_file = '/path/to/file/csv_file.csv';
if ( ! file_exists( $csv_file ) ) exit;
// Load file to table
$insert_query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$csv_file' INTO TABLE $table_name ";
// In CSV we use ',' to separate fields (enclosing string with '"') and each line is a row
// If first line is the header, ignore it
$insert_query .= "IGNORE 1 LINES ";
// Set column schema as you wish
$insert_query .= "(@field_as_var_but_not_used, column2, @field_as_var) ";
// If using variables, set the coluns as you need (in this example we are converting to DECIMAL)
$insert_query .= "SET column3 = CAST(@field_as_var AS DECIMAL(9,2))";
// Then run it
$wpdb->query( $insert_query );
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