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Last active April 1, 2022 21:13
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An idea for putting imports inside of Julia functions
using Profile
@dynamic import Foo[: bar, baz, ...]
Allows you to put an import inside of a function. The package won't be
loaded until the first time the function gets run. Note that, in order
to avoid world-age errors, the function is effectively "restarted from
the top" after the first time a given `@dynamic` is encountered, so be
careful not to modify a global state or do costly work inside the
function before the import. The function containing the import will no
longer be inferrable.
macro dynamic(import_statement)
@assert Base.is_expr(import_statement, :import)
# every `import Foo[: bar]` gets a `import Foo: eval as
# ##Foo_eval` so we can check if the module's functions are
# callable in the current world, and without polluting the module
# namespace
imported_modules = Base.is_expr(import_statement.args[1], :(:)) ? [import_statement.args[1].args[1]] : import_statement.args
module_evals = [gensym("$(join(ex.args,"_"))_eval") for ex in imported_modules]
imported_module_evals = [
Expr(:import, Expr(:(:), mod, Expr(:as, Expr(:(.), :eval), eval)))
for (mod,eval) in zip(imported_modules, module_evals)
# always do the imports incase new functions have been imported
@eval begin
# check if we have access to all the imported modules'
# functions (using the modules' eval as a proxy)
if !$(Expr(:&&, [:(try $eval(true); catch; false; end) for eval in module_evals]...))
locals = Base.@locals()
# figure out what method we're in. in the case of a
# closure, need to reconstruct the callable object
# including closed over variables
def = last(Profile.lookup(first(backtrace()))).linfo.def
func_type = def.sig.parameters[1]
if hasproperty(func_type, :instance)
func = func_type.instance
unwrapped_func_type = Base.unwrap_unionall(func_type)
closed_over_vars = [
T == Core.Box ? Core.Box(locals[p]) : locals[p]
for (p,T) in zip(
closed_over_var_types = [
for p in Base.unwrap_unionall(unwrapped_func_type).parameters
func = eval(Expr(:new, func_type{closed_over_var_types...}, closed_over_vars...))
# figure out the original arguments of the current method-call
args = []
for (name, T) in Base.arg_decl_parts(def)[2][2:end]
if name == ""
push!(args, eval(Meta.parse(T)).instance)
elseif endswith(name, "...")
append!(args, locals[Symbol(name[1:end-3])])
push!(args, locals[Symbol(name)])
# then call back into the same method with invokelatest so
# were in a new enough world that we see the imports
return Base.invokelatest(func, args...)
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