- make teams with 3 - 5 members
- GitHub account:
- I recommend using the personal email address for the main email address, and the FMI one as secondary
- Register for Student Developer Pack. You need the FMI email address for this.
- inspiration for app ideas:
- website: frontend, backend
- game: game engine, C++, JS - in browser, etc
- JS package manager npm
- Python Package Manager pypi
- Chrome extensions
- Atom packages
- VSCode extensions
- awesome-python
- etc
- repository on GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/etc.
- Personal recommendation: GitHub
- Continuous Integration: Travis - free for private repos too, via GitHub Student Developer Pack.
- use Issues, PRs, add labels, assign task to team members.
- you can add me as collaborator to your team repository. I might make some code reviews if I am added as a reviewer for your app's PRs, or even make small PRs.
- it is important to see that the team members have activity on GitHub, send PRs, make discussions on PRs/Issues, discuss ideas, changes, and if I am added as collaborator, I can see these on your repository.
- add Issues and Project tasks in your repository, assign them to team members. Use labels for PRs, Issues.
- important: In order to be able to evaluate 30% of the project's demo, the documentation has to be provided first, to know what to expect from the project and to appreciate the percentage.
- you can use any tool for writing it: GitHub Wiki, Google Docs, etc, or written by hand, although last one is highly discouraged.
- for diagrams, etc, you can use: draw.io, google draw, etc.
- must contain topics presented at course lectures.
- in either English or Romanian.
Grupa 234
Echipa: Activity
Membri: Matei Cristina, Jipa Teodora, Tudorache Andrei, Chicarosa Denisa
-joc nou
-Numar echipe
-Pentru fiecare echipa se seteaza nume, culoare pion, numele membrilor
-Se afiseaza numele jucatorului care urmeaza sa traga o carte de joc.
-Jucatorul trebuie sa dea click pe unul dintre pachetele de joc ( 3, 4, sau 5 puncte)
-Apare cartea cu highlight pe campurile care pot fi jucate (desenat, vorbit sau mimat)
-Langa carte este un buton de start
-Dupa ce a dat start, porneste cronometrul si se activeaza butonul de oprire (poate fi apasat doar daca echipa a ghicit )
-Dupa jucarea cartii, se trece la urmatoarea echipa si se reia acelasi procedeu.