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Created January 4, 2022 20:29
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commit 989ecf2db1b2c5aaa21299e7c78108eb29935e11
Author: Marius Eriksen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Jan 4 12:29:12 2022 -0800
acme: acmesrv
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acme.c b/src/cmd/acme/acme.c
index d001a2a8..2ebe5d3d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/acme.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acme.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
/* for generating syms in mkfile only: */
@@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ void shutdownthread(void*);
void acmeerrorinit(void);
void readfile(Column*, char*);
static int shutdown(void*, char*);
+void waitrelaythread(void*);
derror(Display *d, char *errorstr)
@@ -61,10 +64,11 @@ void
threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
- char *p, *loadfile;
+ char *p, *q, *loadfile;
Column *c;
int ncol;
Display *d;
+ Remote *r;
@@ -119,9 +123,35 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
if(winsize == nil)
goto Usage;
+ case 's':
+ racmename = ARGF();
+ if(racmename == nil)
+ goto Usage;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ p = ARGF();
+ if(p == nil)
+ goto Usage;
+ q = strchr(p, ':');
+ if(q == nil)
+ goto Usage;
+ *q++ = 0;
+ for(r=remotes; r != nil; r = r->next)
+ if(strcmp(r->machine, p) == 0)
+ break;
+ if(r == nil){
+ r = emalloc(sizeof *r);
+ r->machine = estrdup(p);
+ r->next = remotes;
+ remotes = r;
+ }
+ r->nprefix++;
+ r->prefix = erealloc(r->prefix, sizeof(char*)*r->nprefix);
+ r->prefix[r->nprefix-1] = cleanname(estrdup(q));
+ break;
- fprint(2, "usage: acme -a -c ncol -f fontname -F fixedwidthfontname -l loadfile -W winsize\n");
+ fprint(2, "usage: acme -a -c ncol -f fontname -F fixedwidthfontname -l loadfile -W winsize -s path -R remotespec\n");
@@ -184,7 +214,7 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
- cwait = threadwaitchan();
+ cvwait = chancreate(sizeof(Vwaitmsg*), 0);
ccommand = chancreate(sizeof(Command**), 0);
ckill = chancreate(sizeof(Rune*), 0);
cxfidalloc = chancreate(sizeof(Xfid*), 0);
@@ -194,10 +224,11 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
cedit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0);
cexit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0);
cwarn = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1);
- if(cwait==nil || ccommand==nil || ckill==nil || cxfidalloc==nil || cxfidfree==nil || cerr==nil || cexit==nil || cwarn==nil){
+ if(cvwait==nil || ccommand==nil || ckill==nil || cxfidalloc==nil || cxfidfree==nil || cerr==nil || cexit==nil || cwarn==nil){
fprint(2, "acme: can't create initial channels: %r\n");
+ chansetname(cvwait, "cvwait");
chansetname(ccommand, "ccommand");
chansetname(ckill, "ckill");
chansetname(cxfidalloc, "cxfidalloc");
@@ -226,7 +257,7 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
if(plumbeditfd < 0)
fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize plumber: %r\n");
- cplumb = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0);
+ cplumb = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0); g
threadcreate(plumbproc, nil, STACK);
plumbsendfd = plumbopen("send", OWRITE|OCEXEC);
@@ -275,6 +306,7 @@ threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
threadcreate(xfidallocthread, nil, STACK);
threadcreate(newwindowthread, nil, STACK);
/* threadcreate(shutdownthread, nil, STACK); */
+ threadcreate(waitrelaythread, nil, STACK);
threadnotify(shutdown, 1);
@@ -364,6 +396,25 @@ shutdownthread(void *v)
+waitrelaythread(void *v)
+ Channel *c;
+ Waitmsg *w;
+ Vwaitmsg *vw;
+ USED(v);
+ c = threadwaitchan();
+ for(;;){
+ w = recvp(c);
+ vw = emalloc(sizeof *vw);
+ vw-> = w->pid;
+ vw->msg = estrdup(w->msg);
+ free(w);
+ sendp(cvwait, vw);
+ }
@@ -374,7 +425,7 @@ killprocs(void)
/* flushimage(display, 1); */
for(c=command; c; c=c->next)
- postnote(PNGROUP, c->pid, "hangup");
+ vpostnote(c->vp, "hangup");
static int errorfd;
@@ -691,9 +742,9 @@ struct Pid
waitthread(void *v)
- Waitmsg *w;
+ Vwaitmsg *vw;
Command *c, *lc;
- uint pid;
+ Vpid vp;
int found, ncmd;
Rune *cmd;
char *err;
@@ -711,8 +762,8 @@ waitthread(void *v)
alts[WKill].c = ckill;
alts[WKill].v = &cmd;
alts[WKill].op = CHANRCV;
- alts[WWait].c = cwait;
- alts[WWait].v = &w;
+ alts[WWait].c = cvwait;
+ alts[WWait].v = &vw;
alts[WWait].op = CHANRCV;
alts[WCmd].c = ccommand;
alts[WCmd].v = &c;
@@ -735,7 +786,7 @@ waitthread(void *v)
for(c=command; c; c=c->next){
/* -1 for blank */
if(runeeq(c->name, c->nname-1, cmd, ncmd) == TRUE){
- if(postnote(PNGROUP, c->pid, "kill") < 0)
+ if(vpostnote(c->vp, "kill") < 0)
warning(nil, "kill %S: %r\n", cmd);
found = TRUE;
@@ -745,10 +796,10 @@ waitthread(void *v)
case WWait:
- pid = w->pid;
+ vp = vw->vp;
lc = nil;
for(c=command; c; c=c->next){
- if(c->pid == pid){
+ if(vpcmp(c->vp, vp)==0){
lc->next = c->next;
@@ -762,10 +813,10 @@ waitthread(void *v)
textcommit(t, TRUE);
if(c == nil){
/* helper processes use this exit status */
- if(strncmp(w->msg, "libthread", 9) != 0){
+ if(vp.sess == nil && strncmp(vw->msg, "libthread", 9) != 0){
p = emalloc(sizeof(Pid));
- p->pid = pid;
- strncpy(p->msg, w->msg, sizeof(p->msg));
+ p->pid =;
+ strncpy(p->msg, vw->msg, sizeof(p->msg));
p->next = pids;
pids = p;
@@ -774,14 +825,18 @@ waitthread(void *v)
textdelete(t, t->q0, t->q1, TRUE);
textsetselect(t, 0, 0);
- if(w->msg[0])
- warning(c->md, "%.*S: exit %s\n", c->nname-1, c->name, w->msg);
+ if(vw->msg[0])
+ warning(c->md, "%.*S: exit %s\n", c->nname-1, c->name, vw->msg);
flushimage(display, 1);
- free(w);
+ free(vw->msg);
+ rclose(vp.sess); /* XXX hack: session management should be better encapsulated.*/
+ free(vw);
- if(c){
+ if(c){
+ if(c->sess)
+ sendp(c->sess->errorc, nil);
sendul(cedit, 0);
@@ -793,8 +848,8 @@ waitthread(void *v)
case WCmd:
/* has this command already exited? */
lastp = nil;
- for(p=pids; p!=nil; p=p->next){
- if(p->pid == c->pid){
+ for(p=pids; c->vp.sess == nil && p!=nil; p=p->next){
+ if(p->pid == c->{
warning(c->md, "%s\n", p->msg);
if(lastp == nil)
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/cmdfs.c b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/cmdfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c11c8662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/cmdfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <9p.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+ BUG: There are too many roundtrips to execute simple commands.
+ Qdir,
+ Qnew,
+ Qcmd,
+ QCctl,
+ QCstdin,
+ QCstdout,
+ QCstderr,
+ QCwait,
+ Ctlerr,
+ Ctlenv,
+ Ctlcmd,
+ Ctldir,
+ Ctlstart,
+ Ctleof,
+ Ctlnote,
+ Ctldel,
+ Ioread,
+ Iowrite,
+ Iowait,
+typedef struct Cmd Cmd;
+typedef struct Env Env;
+typedef struct Dirtab Dirtab;
+typedef struct Xfid Xfid;
+typedef struct Io Io;
+struct Dirtab
+ char *name;
+ uchar type;
+ uint qid;
+ uint perm;
+struct Xfid
+ Cmd *c;
+ Dirtab dir;
+struct Cmd
+ int ref; /* protected by cmdlk */
+ int id;
+ int pid;
+ char *body;
+ char *dir;
+ Env *env;
+ /* stdio pipes: */
+ int stdin[2];
+ int stdout[2];
+ int stderr[2];
+ Channel *waitc;
+ Cmd *next;
+struct Env
+ char *name;
+ char *value;
+ Env *next;
+struct Io
+ Req *r;
+ Channel *waitc;
+ int op;
+ int fd;
+static char *fsowner;
+static Channel *cwait;
+static QLock cmdlk;
+static Cmd *cmdlist;
+static int cmdnum;
+static Dirtab dirtab[] = {
+ {".", QTDIR, Qdir, 0500|DMDIR},
+ {"new", QTDIR, Qnew, 0500|DMDIR},
+/* write commands into ctl, e.g., "start" */
+/* ctl shows status */
+static Dirtab dirtabc[] = {
+ {".", QTDIR, Qdir, 0500|DMDIR},
+ {"ctl", QTAPPEND, QCctl, 0600},
+ {"stdin", QTAPPEND, QCstdin, 0200|DMAPPEND},
+ {"stdout", QTFILE, QCstdout, 0400},
+ {"stderr", QTFILE, QCstderr, 0400},
+ {"wait", QTFILE, QCwait, 0400},
+static void dostat(Xfid*, Dir*, Qid*);
+static Dirtab* finddir(Dirtab*, int, char*);
+static int dodirgen(int i, Dir *d, void *v);
+static void printstr(Req*, char*, ...);
+static int writestr(Req*, char**);
+static char* cmdctl(Cmd*, int, char*);
+static void waitproc(void*);
+static void io(Req*, int, int);
+static void waitio(Req*, Channel*);
+static void xioproc(void*);
+static Cmd* newcmd();
+static Cmd* findcmd(int which);
+static Cmd* findcmdpid(int pid);
+static void decrcmd(Cmd*);
+static void
+fsattach(Req *r)
+ Xfid *xfid;
+ xfid = emalloc(sizeof *xfid);
+ xfid->dir = dirtab[0];
+ r->fid->aux = xfid;
+ dostat(xfid, nil, &r->fid->qid);
+ r->ofcall.qid = r->fid->qid;
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsstat(Req *r)
+ dostat(r->fid->aux, &r->d, nil);
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsopen(Req *r)
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsread(Req *r)
+ Xfid *xfid;
+ xfid = r->fid->aux;
+ switch(xfid->dir.qid){
+ case Qdir:
+ dirread9p(r, dodirgen, xfid);
+ break;
+ case QCctl:
+ printstr(r, "%d %d", xfid->c->id, xfid->c->pid);
+ break;
+ case QCstdout:
+ io(r, xfid->c->stdout[0], Ioread);
+ return;
+ case QCstderr:
+ io(r, xfid->c->stderr[0], Ioread);
+ return;
+ case QCwait:
+ waitio(r, xfid->c->waitc);
+ return;
+ default:
+ respond(r, "bug");
+ return;
+ }
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fswrite(Req *r)
+ Xfid *xfid;
+ char *p, *q, *err;
+ int ctl;
+ xfid = r->fid->aux;
+ p = nil;
+ err = nil;
+ switch(xfid->dir.qid){
+ case QCctl:
+ writestr(r, &p);
+ ctl = Ctlerr;
+ if(strcmp(p, "start") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctlstart;
+ else if(strcmp(p, "eof") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctleof;
+ else if(strcmp(p, "del") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctldel;
+ else{
+ q = strchr(p, ' ');
+ if(q == nil)
+ goto Ctldone;
+ *q++ = 0;
+ if(strcmp(p, "env") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctlenv;
+ else if(strcmp(p, "dir") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctldir;
+ else if(strcmp(p, "cmd") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctlcmd;
+ else if(strcmp(p, "note") == 0)
+ ctl = Ctlnote;
+ }
+ if(ctl == Ctlerr){
+ free(p);
+ respond(r, "bad command");
+ return;
+ }
+ err = cmdctl(xfid->c, ctl, q);
+ free(p);
+ break;
+ case QCstdin:
+ io(r, xfid->c->stdin[0], Iowrite);
+ return;
+ }
+ respond(r, err);
+static char*
+fswalk1(Fid *fid, char *name, Qid *qid)
+ Xfid *xfid;
+ Dirtab *dir;
+ char *q;
+ int i;
+ Cmd *c;
+ xfid = fid->aux;
+ dir = nil;
+ if(strcmp(name, "..") == 0){
+ decrcmd(xfid->c);
+ xfid->c = nil;
+ dir = &dirtab[0];
+ }else if(xfid->c)
+ dir = finddir(dirtabc, nelem(dirtabc), name);
+ else if((dir = finddir(dirtab, nelem(dirtab), name)) != nil){
+ if(dir->qid != Qnew)
+ goto Found;
+ c = newcmd();
+ xfid->c = c;
+ dir = &dirtabc[0];
+ }else{
+ i = strtoul(name, &q, 10);
+ if(q == name)
+ goto Notfound;
+ xfid->c = findcmd(i);
+ if(xfid->c == nil)
+ goto Notfound;
+ dir = &dirtabc[0];
+ }
+ if(dir == nil)
+ goto Notfound;
+ xfid->dir = *dir;
+ dostat(xfid, nil, qid);
+ return nil;
+ return "no such file";
+static char*
+fsclone(Fid *oldfid, Fid *newfid)
+ Xfid *oldxfid, *newxfid;
+ oldxfid = oldfid->aux;
+ newxfid = emalloc(sizeof *newxfid);
+ *newxfid = *oldxfid;
+ if(newxfid->c){
+ qlock(&cmdlk);
+ newxfid->c->ref++;
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ }
+ newfid->aux = newxfid;
+ return nil;
+static void
+fsdestroyfid(Fid *fid)
+ Xfid *xfid;
+ xfid = fid->aux;
+ if(xfid == nil)
+ return;
+ decrcmd(xfid->c);
+ free(xfid);
+static void
+dostat(Xfid *xfid, Dir *d, Qid *q)
+ Qid qid;
+ qid.path = xfid->dir.qid;
+ if(xfid->c)
+ qid.path |= xfid->c->id << 8;
+ qid.type = xfid->dir.type;
+ qid.vers = 0;
+ if(d){
+ d->name = estrdup(xfid->;
+ d->muid = estrdup("muid");
+ d->mode = xfid->dir.perm;
+ d->uid = estrdup(fsowner);
+ d->gid = estrdup(fsowner);
+ d->length = 0;
+ d->qid = qid;
+ }
+ if(q)
+ *q = qid;
+static Dirtab*
+finddir(Dirtab *tab, int n, char *name)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if(strcmp(tab[i].name, name) == 0)
+ return &tab[i];
+ return nil;
+static int
+dodirgen(int i, Dir *d, void *v)
+ Xfid *xfid, dxfid;
+ xfid = v;
+ if(xfid->c){
+ if(i >= nelem(dirtabc))
+ return -1;
+ dxfid.c = xfid->c;
+ dxfid.dir = dirtabc[i];
+ }else{
+ /* TODO: enumerate commands */
+ if(i >= nelem(dirtab))
+ return -1;
+ dxfid.c = nil;
+ dxfid.dir = dirtab[i];
+ }
+ dostat(&dxfid, d, nil);
+ return 0;
+static void
+printstr(Req *r, char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list arg;
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ r->ofcall.count = vsnprint(r->, r->ifcall.count, fmt, arg);
+ va_end(arg);
+ memmove(
+ r->,
+ r-> + r->ifcall.offset,
+ r->ofcall.count - r->ifcall.offset);
+ r->ofcall.count -= r->ifcall.offset;
+static int
+writestr(Req *r, char **p)
+ int n;
+ if(*p)
+ n = strlen(*p);
+ else
+ n = 0;
+ *p = erealloc(*p, n+r->ifcall.count+1);
+ memmove(*p+n, r->, r->ifcall.count);
+ (*p)[n+r->ifcall.count] = 0;
+ r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count;
+ return r->ifcall.count;
+static void
+xioproc(void *v)
+ Io *io;
+ Waitmsg *w;
+ char err[ERRMAX];
+ io = v;
+ switch(io->op){
+ case Ioread:
+ io->r->ofcall.count =
+ read(io->fd, io->r->, io->r->ifcall.count);
+ break;
+ case Iowrite:
+ io->r->ofcall.count =
+ write(io->fd, io->r->, io->r->ifcall.count);
+ break;
+ case Iowait:
+ w = recvp(io->waitc);
+ readstr(io->r, w->msg);
+ sendp(io->waitc, w);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(io->r->ofcall.count < 0){
+ io->r->ofcall.count = 0;
+ rerrstr(err, sizeof(err));
+ respond(io->r, err);
+ }else
+ respond(io->r, nil);
+ free(io);
+static void
+io(Req *r, int fd, int op)
+ Io *io;
+ io = emalloc(sizeof *io);
+ io->r = r;
+ io->fd = fd;
+ io->op = op;
+ proccreate(xioproc, io, 8192);
+static void
+waitio(Req *r, Channel *c)
+ Io *io;
+ io = emalloc(sizeof *io);
+ io->r = r;
+ io->op = Iowait;
+ io->waitc = c;
+ proccreate(xioproc, io, 8192);
+static char*
+cmdctl(Cmd *c, int ctl, char *arg)
+ char *rcarg[4], *q;
+ int cfd[3];
+ Waitmsg *w;
+ Env *env;
+ switch(ctl){
+ case Ctlenv:
+ q = strchr(arg, '=');
+ if(q == nil)
+ return "invalid env";
+ *q++ = 0;
+ for(env=c->env; env && strcmp(env->name, arg)!=0; env=env->next);
+ if(env){
+ free(env->value);
+ env->value = estrdup(q);
+ }else{
+ env = emalloc(sizeof *env);
+ env->name = estrdup(arg);
+ env->value = estrdup(q);
+ env->next = c->env;
+ c->env = env;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Ctlcmd:
+ if(c->body)
+ free(c->body);
+ c->body = estrdup(arg);
+ break;
+ case Ctldir:
+ if(c->dir)
+ free(c->dir);
+ c->dir = estrdup(arg);
+ break;
+ case Ctlstart:
+ rcarg[0] = "rc";
+ rcarg[1] = "-c";
+ rcarg[2] = c->body;
+ rcarg[3] = nil;
+ cfd[0] = c->stdin[1];
+ cfd[1] = c->stdout[1];
+ cfd[2] = c->stderr[1];
+ for(env=c->env; env; env=env->next)
+ putenv(env->name, env->value);
+ c->pid = threadspawnd(cfd, rcarg[0], rcarg, c->dir);
+ if(c->pid < 0){
+ w = emalloc(sizeof *w);
+ w->pid = -1;
+ w->time[0] = w->time[1] = w->time[2] = time(nil);
+ w->msg = "failed to start";
+ close(cfd[0]);
+ close(cfd[1]);
+ close(cfd[2]);
+ sendp(c->waitc, w);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Ctleof:
+ close(c->stdin[0]);
+ break;
+ case Ctlnote:
+ if(postnote(PNGROUP, c->pid, arg) < 0)
+ return "could not kill process";
+ break;
+ case Ctldel:
+ decrcmd(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ return nil;
+static void
+waitproc(void *v)
+ Waitmsg *w;
+ Cmd *c;
+ threadsetname("waitproc");
+ USED(v);
+ for(;;){
+ w = recvp(cwait);
+ c = findcmdpid(w->pid);
+ if(c == nil)
+ continue;
+ sendp(c->waitc, w);
+ decrcmd(c);
+ }
+static Cmd*
+ Cmd *c;
+ c = emalloc(sizeof *c);
+ c->ref = 2; /* one for wait, one for the caller */
+ c->id = ++cmdnum;
+ c->waitc = chancreate(sizeof(Waitmsg*), 1);
+ c->pid = -1;
+ if(pipe(c->stdin) < 0 || pipe(c->stdout) < 0 || pipe(c->stderr) < 0)
+ sysfatal("can't create pipe");
+ qlock(&cmdlk);
+ c->next = cmdlist;
+ cmdlist = c;
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ return c;
+static Cmd*
+findcmd(int id)
+ Cmd *c;
+ if(id == 0)
+ return nil;
+ qlock(&cmdlk);
+ for(c=cmdlist; c; c=c->next)
+ if(c->id == id)
+ break;
+ if(c != nil)
+ c->ref++;
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ return c;
+static Cmd*
+findcmdpid(int pid)
+ Cmd *c;
+ qlock(&cmdlk);
+ for(c=cmdlist; c; c=c->next)
+ if(c->pid == pid)
+ break;
+ if(c != nil)
+ c->ref++;
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ return c;
+static void
+decrcmd(Cmd *c)
+ Cmd **p;
+ Env *e;
+ if(c == nil)
+ return;
+ qlock(&cmdlk);
+ if(--c->ref > 0){
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(p = &cmdlist; *p; p=&(*p)->next)
+ if(*p == c)
+ break;
+ if(*p)
+ *p = (*p)->next;
+ qunlock(&cmdlk);
+ free(c->body);
+ free(c->dir);
+ while(c->env){
+ e = c->env->next;
+ free(c->env);
+ c->env = e;
+ }
+ close(c->stdin[0]);
+ close(c->stdout[0]);
+ close(c->stderr[0]);
+ chanfree(c->waitc);
+ free(c);
+static void
+ cwait = threadwaitchan();
+ proccreate(waitproc, cwait, 8192);
+static Srv fs = {
+ .attach = fsattach,
+ .stat = fsstat,
+ .open = fsopen,
+ .read = fsread,
+ .write = fswrite,
+ .walk1 = fswalk1,
+ .clone = fsclone,
+ .destroyfid = fsdestroyfid,
+ .start = fsstart,
+cmdfsinit(char *owner)
+ fsowner = owner;
+ return &fs;
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/dat.h b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/dat.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1da357da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/dat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#define estrdup estrdup9p
+#define emalloc emalloc9p
+int debug;
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/exportfs.c b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/exportfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd883118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/exportfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <9p.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+struct Efid
+ char *file;
+ int open;
+ int fd;
+struct Dirread
+ long n;
+ Dir *dir;
+typedef struct Efid Efid;
+typedef struct Dirread Dirread;
+char Ename[] = "illegal name";
+static void dircopy(Dir*, Dir*);
+static Efid* newefid(char *file);
+static int dostat(Efid *efid, Qid *qid, Dir *dir);
+static char* pathprint(char *fmt, ...);
+static int dodirgen(int i, Dir *d, void *v);
+static void responderrstr(Req *r);
+static Srv fs;
+static char *fsroot;
+static char *fsowner;
+static void
+fsattach(Req *r)
+ Efid *efid;
+ efid = newefid(fsroot);
+ r->fid->aux = efid;
+ if(dostat(efid, &r->ofcall.qid, nil) < 0){
+ responderrstr(r);
+ return;
+ }
+ r->fid->qid = r->ofcall.qid;
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsstat(Req *r)
+ if(dostat(r->fid->aux, nil, &r->d) < 0){
+ responderrstr(r);
+ return;
+ }
+ respond(r, nil);
+static char*
+fswalk1(Fid *fid, char *name, Qid *qid)
+ Efid *efid;
+ char *file, *err;
+ err = nil;
+ efid = fid->aux;
+ file = pathprint("%s/%s", efid->file, name);
+ if(strlen(file) < strlen(fsroot))
+ strcpy(file, fsroot);
+ free(efid->file);
+ efid->file = file;
+ if(dostat(efid, qid, nil) < 0) {
+ err = "could not walk";
+ }
+ fid->qid = *qid;
+ return err;
+static void
+fsopen(Req *r)
+ int fd;
+ Efid *efid;
+ efid = r->fid->aux;
+ if(efid->open){
+ respond(r, "already open");
+ return;
+ }
+ fd = open(efid->file, r->ifcall.mode);
+ if(fd < 0){
+ respond(r, "can't open file");
+ return;
+ }
+ efid->open = TRUE;
+ efid->fd = fd;
+ r->ofcall.qid = r->fid->qid;
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fscreate(Req *r)
+ Efid *efid;
+ char *file;
+ int fd;
+ efid = r->fid->aux;
+ if(strcmp(r->, ".") == 0 || strcmp(r->, "..") == 0){
+ respond(r, Ename);
+ return;
+ }
+ file = pathprint("%s/%s", efid->file, r->;
+ fd = create(file, r->ifcall.mode, r->ifcall.perm);
+ if(fd < 0){
+ responderrstr(r);
+ return;
+ }
+ free(efid->file);
+ efid->file = file;
+ if(dostat(efid, &r->ofcall.qid, nil) < 0){
+ responderrstr(r);
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ r->fid->qid = r->ofcall.qid;
+ efid->open = TRUE; /* what about ORCLOSE? */
+ efid->fd = fd;
+ respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsread(Req *r)
+ Efid *efid;
+ char *err;
+ int n;
+ Dirread *dr;
+ err = nil;
+ efid = r->fid->aux;
+ if(r->fid->qid.type&QTDIR){
+ n = seek(efid->fd, 0, 0);
+ if(n != 0){
+ err = "could not seek";
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ dr = emalloc(sizeof *dr);
+ dr->n = dirreadall(efid->fd, &dr->dir);
+ if(dr->n < 0){
+ free(dr);
+ err = "could not dirread";
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ dirread9p(r, dodirgen, dr);
+ }else{
+ n = pread(efid->fd, r->, r->ifcall.count, r->ifcall.offset);
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "pread %d %d %d = %d", r->, r->ifcall.count, r->ifcall.offset, n);
+ /* TODO: errstr? */
+ if(n < 0)
+ n = 0;
+ r->ofcall.count = n;
+ }
+ respond(r, err);
+static void
+fswrite(Req *r)
+ Efid *efid;
+ int n;
+ efid = r->fid->aux;
+ if(r->fid->qid.type&QTDIR){
+ respond(r, "cannot write directory");
+ return;
+ }
+ n = pwrite(efid->fd, r->, r->ifcall.count, r->ifcall.offset);
+ if(n < 0){
+ respond(r, "cannot write");
+ return;
+ }
+ r->ofcall.count = n;
+ respond(r, nil);
+static char*
+fsclone(Fid *oldfid, Fid *newfid)
+ Efid *oldefid, *newefid;
+ oldefid = oldfid->aux;
+ if(oldefid == nil)
+ return nil;
+ newefid = emalloc(sizeof *newefid);
+ newefid->open = FALSE;
+ newefid->file = estrdup(oldefid->file);
+ newfid->aux = newefid;
+ return nil;
+static void
+fsdestroyfid(Fid *fid)
+ Efid *efid;
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(2, "destroy fid %d\n", fid->fid);
+ if(fid->aux == nil)
+ return;
+ efid = fid->aux;
+ /* TODO: what happens when you clone an open fid?
+ Is that allowed?
+ */
+ if(efid->open)
+ close(efid->fd);
+ free(efid->file);
+ free(efid);
+exportfsinit(char *root, char *owner)
+ fsroot = root;
+ fsowner = owner;
+ fs.attach = fsattach;
+ fs.walk1 = fswalk1;
+ fs.stat = fsstat;
+ = fsread;
+ fs.write = fswrite;
+ = fsopen;
+ fs.create = fscreate;
+ fs.clone = fsclone;
+ fs.destroyfid = fsdestroyfid;
+ return &fs;
+static void
+dircopy(Dir *dst, Dir *src)
+ *dst = *src;
+ dst->name = estrdup(dst->name);
+ dst->uid = estrdup(dst->uid);
+ dst->gid = estrdup(dst->gid);
+ dst->muid = estrdup(dst->muid);
+static int
+dostat(Efid *efid, Qid *qid, Dir *dir)
+ Dir *d;
+ d = dirstat(efid->file);
+ if(d == nil)
+ return -1;
+ if(qid != nil)
+ *qid = d->qid;
+ if(dir != nil){
+ dircopy(dir, d);
+ if(strcmp(efid->file, fsroot) == 0){
+ free(dir->name);
+ dir->name = estrdup("/");
+ }
+ }
+ free(d);
+ return 0;
+static int
+dodirgen(int i, Dir *d, void *v)
+ Dirread *dr;
+ dr = v;
+ if(i >= dr->n){
+ free(dr->dir);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dircopy(d, &dr->dir[i]);
+ return 0;
+static char*
+pathprint(char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ char *v;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ v = vsmprint(fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ return cleanname(v);
+static Efid*
+newefid(char *file)
+ Efid *efid;
+ efid = emalloc(sizeof *efid);
+ efid->file = estrdup(file);
+ return efid;
+static void responderrstr(Req *r)
+ char err[ERRMAX];
+ rerrstr(err, sizeof err);
+ respond(r, err);
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/fns.h b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/fns.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b4cbbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/fns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Srv* exportfsinit(char *root, char *owner);
+Srv* cmdfsinit(char *owner);
+void* erealloc(void*, uint);
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/main.c b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81e55ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <9p.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+ STACK = 65536,
+QLock writelk;
+void muxin(void*);
+void muxout(void*);
+int post(char *srv);
+void fatal(char *fmt, ...);
+void makedir(char*);
+int muxfds[4];
+ fprint(2, "usage: acmesrv [-D] [-d] [-f] [-p exportfs] [-p cmdfs] [-n namespace]\n");
+ threadexitsall("usage");
+threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
+ char *postname, *ns;
+ Srv *exportfs, *cmdfs, *postfs;
+ int p[2], i, foreground;
+ debug = FALSE;
+ postname = nil;
+ postfs = nil;
+ foreground = FALSE;
+ ns = nil;
+ fmtinstall('D', dirfmt);
+ fmtinstall('M', dirmodefmt);
+ default:
+ usage();
+ case 'D':
+ chatty9p++;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ debug = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ postname = EARGF(usage());
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ foreground = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ ns = EARGF(usage());
+ break;
+ if(argc != 0)
+ usage();
+ if(ns != nil){
+ p9putenv("NAMESPACE", ns);
+ makedir(ns);
+ }
+ exportfs = exportfsinit("/", getuser());
+ cmdfs = cmdfsinit(getuser());
+ if(postname != nil){
+ if(strcmp(postname, "exportfs") == 0)
+ postfs = exportfs;
+ else if(strcmp(postname, "cmdfs") == 0)
+ postfs = cmdfs;
+ else
+ usage();
+ postfs->foreground = foreground;
+ threadpostmountsrv(postfs, postname, nil, MREPL|MCREATE);
+ if(postfs->foreground)
+ threadexitsall(nil);
+ else
+ threadexits(nil);
+ }
+ if(pipe(p) < 0)
+ threadexitsall("pipe");
+ muxfds[0] = p[0];
+ exportfs->nopipe = TRUE;
+ exportfs->infd = p[1];
+ exportfs->outfd = p[1];
+ threadpostmountsrv(exportfs, nil, nil, MREPL|MCREATE);
+ if(pipe(p) < 0)
+ threadexitsall("pipe");
+ muxfds[1] = p[0];
+ cmdfs->nopipe = TRUE;
+ cmdfs->infd = p[1];
+ cmdfs->outfd = p[1];
+ threadpostmountsrv(cmdfs, nil, nil, MREPL|MCREATE);
+ muxfds[2] = post("plumb");
+ muxfds[3] = post("acme");
+ /* ready to go */
+ write(1, "OK", 2);
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(muxfds); i++)
+ proccreate(muxout, (void*)(uintptr)i, STACK);
+ muxin(nil);
+ threadexitsall("EOF");
+muxin(void *v)
+ USED(v);
+ char buf[8192], dest;
+ int n;
+ for(;;){
+ if(readn(0, &dest, 1) != 1)
+ break;
+ if(dest >= nelem(muxfds))
+ threadexitsall("invalid mux");
+ if((n = read9pmsg(0, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0)
+ threadexitsall("invalid 9p message");
+ if(write(muxfds[(int)dest], buf, n) != n)
+ break;
+ }
+ free(buf);
+muxout(void *v)
+ /* args: */
+ int dest;
+ /* end of args */
+ int fd;
+ char buf[8192+1];
+ int n, ret;
+ dest = (uintptr)v;
+ fd = muxfds[dest];
+ for(;;){
+ if((n = read9pmsg(fd, buf+1, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0)
+ threadexitsall("invalid 9p message");
+ buf[0] = dest;
+ qlock(&writelk);
+ ret = write(1, buf, n+1);
+ qunlock(&writelk);
+ if(ret != n+1)
+ break;
+ }
+ free(buf);
+post(char *srv)
+ int p[2];
+ if(pipe(p) < 0)
+ fatal("can't create pipe: %r");
+ if(post9pservice(p[1], srv, nil) < 0)
+ fatal("post9pservice %s: %r", srv);
+ close(p[1]);
+ return p[0];
+erealloc(void *p, uint n)
+ p = realloc(p, n);
+ if(p == nil)
+ sysfatal("realloc failed");
+ setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc(&n));
+ return p;
+fatal(char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list arg;
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf, fmt, arg);
+ va_end(arg);
+ fprint(2, "%s: %s\n", argv0 ? argv0 : "<prog>", buf);
+ threadexitsall("fatal");
+makedir(char *s)
+ int fd;
+ if(access(s, AEXIST) == 0)
+ return;
+ fd = create(s, OREAD, DMDIR | 0777L);
+ if(fd >= 0)
+ close(fd);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/mkfile b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/mkfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98c253ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/mkfile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ exportfs.$O\
+ cmdfs.$O\
+ main.$O
+HFILES=dat.h fns.h
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/slow.acmesrv b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/slow.acmesrv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d353da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/slow.acmesrv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#sleep 10
+/usr/local/plan9/src/cmd/acme/acmesrv/o.acmesrv $*
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/addr.c b/src/cmd/acme/addr.c
index 6aee8993..a5f38815 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/addr.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/addr.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/buff.c b/src/cmd/acme/buff.c
index bb938ca4..2e770e16 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/buff.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/buff.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ bufloader(void *v, uint q0, Rune *r, int nr)
-loadfile(int fd, uint q0, int *nulls, int(*f)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void *arg, DigestState *h)
+loadfile(Vfd fd, uint q0, int *nulls, int(*f)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void *arg, DigestState *h)
char *p;
Rune *r;
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ loadfile(int fd, uint q0, int *nulls, int(*f)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void *ar
* last pass, possibly representing a partial rune.
while(n > 0){
- n = read(fd, p+m, Maxblock);
+ n = vread(fd, p+m, Maxblock);
if(n < 0){
warning(nil, "read error in Buffer.load");
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ loadfile(int fd, uint q0, int *nulls, int(*f)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void *ar
-bufload(Buffer *b, uint q0, int fd, int *nulls, DigestState *h)
+bufload(Buffer *b, uint q0, Vfd fd, int *nulls, DigestState *h)
if(q0 > b->nc)
error("internal error: bufload");
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/cols.c b/src/cmd/acme/cols.c
index 63247a84..7b6330a5 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/cols.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/cols.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/dat.h b/src/cmd/acme/dat.h
index 8a81c97d..4908d2c8 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/dat.h
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/dat.h
@@ -48,14 +48,22 @@ typedef struct Elog Elog;
typedef struct Mntdir Mntdir;
typedef struct Range Range;
typedef struct Rangeset Rangeset;
+typedef struct Remote Remote;
typedef struct Reffont Reffont;
typedef struct Row Row;
typedef struct Runestr Runestr;
+typedef struct Session Session;
typedef struct Text Text;
typedef struct Timer Timer;
+typedef struct Vfd Vfd;
+typedef struct Vpid Vpid;
+typedef struct Vwaitmsg Vwaitmsg;
typedef struct Window Window;
typedef struct Xfid Xfid;
+typedef struct Completion Completion;
struct Runestr
Rune *r;
@@ -105,7 +113,7 @@ struct Buffer
void bufinsert(Buffer*, uint, Rune*, uint);
void bufdelete(Buffer*, uint, uint);
-uint bufload(Buffer*, uint, int, int*, DigestState*);
+uint bufload(Buffer*, uint, Vfd, int*, DigestState*);
void bufread(Buffer*, uint, Rune*, uint);
void bufclose(Buffer*);
void bufreset(Buffer*);
@@ -153,7 +161,7 @@ void fileclose(File*);
void filedelete(File*, uint, uint);
void filedeltext(File*, Text*);
void fileinsert(File*, uint, Rune*, uint);
-uint fileload(File*, uint, int, int*, DigestState*);
+uint fileload(File*, uint, Vfd, int*, DigestState*);
void filemark(File*);
void filereset(File*);
void filesetname(File*, Rune*, int);
@@ -220,6 +228,7 @@ void textreset(Text*);
int textresize(Text*, Rectangle, int);
void textscrdraw(Text*);
void textscroll(Text*, int);
+void xtextscroll(Text*, int);
void textselect(Text*);
int textselect2(Text*, uint*, uint*, Text**);
int textselect23(Text*, uint*, uint*, Image*, int);
@@ -350,14 +359,27 @@ struct Timer
Timer *next;
+struct Vpid
+ Session *sess;
+ int id;
+struct Vwaitmsg
+ Vpid vp;
+ char *msg;
struct Command
- int pid;
+ Vpid vp;
Rune *name;
int nname;
char *text;
char **av;
int iseditcmd;
+ Session *sess;
Mntdir *md;
Command *next;
@@ -463,6 +485,65 @@ struct Expand
int a1;
+ Pexportfs,
+ Pcmdfs,
+ Pplumb,
+ Pacme,
+ Pmax,
+struct Session
+ Remote *r;
+ CFsys *fs;
+ CFsys *cmd;
+ int remotepid;
+ Channel *localc[Pmax];
+ Channel *remotec;
+ Channel *errorc;
+ Channel *refc;
+ Channel *stopc;
+ int localfd[Pmax];
+ int remotefd;
+struct Remote
+ char* machine;
+ int nprefix;
+ char **prefix;
+ Remote *next;
+ QLock lk;
+ Session *sess;
+ Vlocal,
+ Vremote,
+ Vclosed,
+ Verr,
+struct Vfd
+ int which;
+ union{
+ CFid *fid;
+ int fd;
+ };
+ Session *sess;
/* fbufalloc() guarantees room off end of BUFSIZE */
@@ -555,6 +636,8 @@ int messagesize; /* negotiated in 9P version setup */
int globalautoindent;
int dodollarsigns;
char* mtpt;
+char* racmename;
+Remote* remotes;
@@ -563,7 +646,7 @@ enum
Channel *cplumb; /* chan(Plumbmsg*) */
-Channel *cwait; /* chan(Waitmsg) */
+Channel *cvwait; /* chan(Vwaitmsg) */
Channel *ccommand; /* chan(Command*) */
Channel *ckill; /* chan(Rune*) */
Channel *cxfidalloc; /* chan(Xfid*) */
@@ -578,4 +661,9 @@ Channel *cwarn; /* chan(void*)[1] (really chan(unit)[1]) */
QLock editoutlk;
+#ifndef Extern
+#define Extern extern
+Extern Screen *wscreen;
#define STACK 65536
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/disk.c b/src/cmd/acme/disk.c
index c3ada9c3..5e0a30d0 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/disk.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/disk.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/ecmd.c b/src/cmd/acme/ecmd.c
index f7613172..f18d8cb5 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/ecmd.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/ecmd.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "edit.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ e_cmd(Text *t, Cmd *cp)
int i, isdir, q0, q1, fd, nulls, samename, allreplaced;
char *s, tmp[128];
Dir *d;
+ Vfd v;
f = t->file;
q0 = addr.r.q0;
@@ -337,7 +339,10 @@ e_cmd(Text *t, Cmd *cp)
elogdelete(f, q0, q1);
nulls = 0;
- loadfile(fd, q1, &nulls, readloader, f, nil);
+ /* TODO: use vfs. */
+ v.which = Vlocal;
+ v.fd = fd;
+ loadfile(v, q1, &nulls, readloader, f, nil);
@@ -1002,14 +1007,14 @@ filelooper(Text *t, Cmd *cp, int XY)
allwindows(alllocker, (void*)1);
globalincref = 1;
* Unlock the window running the X command.
* We'll need to lock and unlock each target window in turn.
if(t && t->w)
for(i=0; i<loopstruct.nw; i++) {
targ = &loopstruct.w[i]->body;
if(targ && targ->w)
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/edit.c b/src/cmd/acme/edit.c
index 82a19b0d..b4e4c9e3 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/edit.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/edit.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "edit.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/elog.c b/src/cmd/acme/elog.c
index 8a8951fb..7960e7d1 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/elog.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/elog.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "edit.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/exec.c b/src/cmd/acme/exec.c
index 1dd02288..a44ef699 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/exec.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/exec.c
@@ -697,17 +697,18 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
uint n, m;
Rune *r;
- Biobuf *b;
+/* Biobuf *b;*/
char *s, *name;
- int i, fd, q, ret, retc;
+ int i, q, ret, retc;
Dir *d, *d1;
Window *w;
int isapp;
DigestState *h;
+ Vfd fd;
w = f->curtext->w;
name = runetobyte(namer, nname);
- d = dirstat(name);
+ d = vdirstat(name);
if(d!=nil && runeeq(namer, nname, f->name, f->nname)){
if(f->dev!=d->dev || f->qidpath!=d->qid.path || f->mtime != d->mtime)
checksha1(name, f, d);
@@ -723,8 +724,8 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
- fd = create(name, OWRITE, 0666);
- if(fd < 0){
+ fd = vcreate(name, OWRITE, 0666);
+ if(fd.which == Verr){
warning(nil, "can't create file %s: %r\n", name);
goto Rescue1;
@@ -733,12 +734,12 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
// necessary; it works around some buggy underlying
// file systems that mishandle unaligned writes.
- b = emalloc(sizeof *b);
- Binit(b, fd, OWRITE);
+/* b = emalloc(sizeof *b);*/
+/* Binit(b, fd, OWRITE);*/
r = fbufalloc();
s = fbufalloc();
- d = dirfstat(fd);
+ d = vdirfstat(fd);
h = sha1(nil, 0, nil, nil);
isapp = (d!=nil && d->length>0 && (d->qid.type&QTAPPEND));
@@ -753,19 +754,25 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
bufread(&f->b, q, r, n);
m = snprint(s, BUFSIZE+1, "%.*S", n, r);
sha1((uchar*)s, m, nil, h);
- if(Bwrite(b, s, m) != m){
+/* if(Bwrite(b, s, m) != m){*/
+ if(vwrite(fd, s, m) != m){
warning(nil, "can't write file %s: %r\n", name);
goto Rescue2;
if(Bflush(b) < 0) {
warning(nil, "can't write file %s: %r\n", name);
goto Rescue2;
ret = Bterm(b);
- retc = close(fd);
+ ret = 0;
+ retc = vclose(&fd);
b = nil;
if(ret < 0 || retc < 0) {
warning(nil, "can't write file %s: %r\n", name);
goto Rescue2; // flush or close failed
@@ -786,9 +793,9 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
// in case we don't have read permission.
// (The create above worked, so we probably
// still have write permission.)
- fd = open(name, OWRITE);
- d1 = dirfstat(fd);
- close(fd);
+ fd = vopen(name, OWRITE);
+ d1 = vdirfstat(fd);
+ vclose(&fd);
if(d1 != nil){
d = d1;
@@ -813,16 +820,18 @@ putfile(File *f, int q0, int q1, Rune *namer, int nname)
- close(fd);
+ vclose(&fd);
if(b != nil) {
- close(fd);
+ vclose(&fd);
@@ -1501,10 +1510,10 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
char *argaddr;
char *arg;
Command *c;
- Channel *cpid;
+ Channel *cvpid;
int iseditcmd;
/* end of args */
- char *e, *t, *name, *filename, *dir, **av, *news;
+ char *e, *t, *name, *filename, *dir, **av, *news, *p;
Rune r, **incl;
int ac, w, inarg, i, n, fd, nincl, winid;
int sfd[3];
@@ -1516,6 +1525,8 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
void **argv;
CFsys *fs;
char *shell;
+ Remote *rem;
+ Vpid vp;
@@ -1528,23 +1539,38 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
argaddr = argv[5];
arg = argv[6];
c = argv[7];
- cpid = argv[8];
+ cvpid = argv[8];
iseditcmd = (uintptr)argv[9];
+ if(rdir){
+ dir = runetobyte(rdir, ndir);
+ rem = remote(dir);
+ free(dir);
+ dir = nil;
+ }else{
+ rem = nil;
+ }
t = s;
while(*t==' ' || *t=='\n' || *t=='\t')
for(e=t; *e; e++)
if(*e==' ' || *e=='\n' || *e=='\t' )
- name = emalloc((e-t)+2);
+ n = e-t;
+ name = emalloc(e-t+2);
memmove(name, t, e-t);
name[e-t] = 0;
e = utfrrune(name, '/');
memmove(name, e+1, strlen(e+1)+1); /* strcpy but overlaps */
strcat(name, " "); /* add blank here for ease in waittask */
+ if(rem){
+ p = smprint("%s:%s", rem->machine, name);
+ free(name);
+ name = p;
+ }
c->name = bytetorune(name, &c->nname);
pipechar = 0;
@@ -1628,6 +1654,14 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
putenv("acmeaddr", argaddr);
if(acmeshell != nil)
goto Hard;
+ if(rdir != nil){
+ /* TODO: improve */
+ dir = runetobyte(rdir, ndir);
+ rem = remote(dir);
+ free(dir);
+ if(rem)
+ goto Hard;
+ }
if(strlen(t) > sizeof buf-10) /* may need to print into stack */
goto Hard;
inarg = FALSE;
@@ -1670,9 +1704,13 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
dir = runetobyte(rdir, ndir);
ret = threadspawnd(sfd, av[0], av, dir);
if(ret >= 0){
- if(cpid)
- sendul(cpid, ret);
+ if(cvpid){
+ vp.sess = nil;
+ = ret;
+ send(cvpid, &vp);
+ }
/* libthread uses execvp so no need to do this */
@@ -1681,7 +1719,7 @@ runproc(void *argvp)
if(e[0]=='/' || (e[0]=='.' && e[1]=='/'))
goto Fail;
- sprint(buf, "%s/%s", cputype, av[0]);
+ sprint(buf, "%s/%s", cputydpe, av[0]);
procexec(cpid, sfd, buf, av);
sprint(buf, "/bin/%s", av[0]);
@@ -1720,19 +1758,33 @@ Hard:
dir = nil;
if(rdir != nil)
dir = runetobyte(rdir, ndir);
- shell = acmeshell;
- if(shell == nil)
- shell = "rc";
- rcarg[0] = shell;
- rcarg[1] = "-c";
- rcarg[2] = t;
- rcarg[3] = nil;
- ret = threadspawnd(sfd, rcarg[0], rcarg, dir);
- free(dir);
- if(ret >= 0){
- if(cpid)
- sendul(cpid, ret);
- threadexits(nil);
+ if(rem){
+ shell = "remoterc";
+ vp = vshell(rem, sfd, t, dir);
+ if( >= 0){
+ if(cvpid)
+ send(cvpid, &vp);
+ threadexits(nil);
+ }
+ }else{
+ shell = acmeshell;
+ if(shell == nil)
+ shell = "rc";
+ rcarg[0] = shell;
+ rcarg[1] = "-c";
+ rcarg[2] = t;
+ rcarg[3] = nil;
+ ret = threadspawnd(sfd, rcarg[0], rcarg, dir);
+ free(dir);
+ if(ret >= 0){
+ if(cvpid){
+ vp.sess = nil;
+ = ret;
+ send(cvpid, &vp);
+ }
+ threadexits(nil);
+ }
warning(nil, "exec %s: %r\n", shell);
@@ -1742,7 +1794,9 @@ Hard:
if(sfd[2] != sfd[1])
- sendul(cpid, 0);
+ vp.sess = nil;
+ = 0;
+ send(cvpid, &vp);
@@ -1750,19 +1804,19 @@ void
runwaittask(void *v)
Command *c;
- Channel *cpid;
+ Channel *cvpid;
void **a;
a = v;
c = a[0];
- cpid = a[1];
+ cvpid = a[1];
- c->pid = recvul(cpid);
- while(c->pid == ~0);
+ recv(cvpid, &c->vp);
+ while(c-> == ~0); /* TODO: remoting */
- if(c->pid != 0) /* successful exec */
+ if(c-> != 0) /* successful exec */
sendp(ccommand, c);
@@ -1771,7 +1825,7 @@ runwaittask(void *v)
- chanfree(cpid);
+ chanfree(cvpid);
@@ -1779,15 +1833,15 @@ run(Window *win, char *s, Rune *rdir, int ndir, int newns, char *argaddr, char *
void **arg;
Command *c;
- Channel *cpid;
+ Channel *cvpid;
if(s == nil)
arg = emalloc(10*sizeof(void*));
c = emalloc(sizeof *c);
- cpid = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0);
- chansetname(cpid, "cpid %s", s);
+ cvpid = chancreate(sizeof(Vpid), 0);
+ chansetname(cvpid, "cvpid %s", s);
arg[0] = win;
arg[1] = s;
arg[2] = rdir;
@@ -1796,12 +1850,12 @@ run(Window *win, char *s, Rune *rdir, int ndir, int newns, char *argaddr, char *
arg[5] = argaddr;
arg[6] = xarg;
arg[7] = c;
- arg[8] = cpid;
+ arg[8] = cvpid;
arg[9] = (void*)(uintptr)iseditcmd;
threadcreate(runproc, arg, STACK);
/* mustn't block here because must be ready to answer mount() call in run() */
arg = emalloc(2*sizeof(void*));
arg[0] = c;
- arg[1] = cpid;
+ arg[1] = cvpid;
threadcreate(runwaittask, arg, STACK);
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/file.c b/src/cmd/acme/file.c
index e1eddc46..6cd9bb7d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/file.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/file.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ fileunsetname(File *f, Buffer *delta)
-fileload(File *f, uint p0, int fd, int *nulls, DigestState *h)
+fileload(File *f, uint p0, Vfd fd, int *nulls, DigestState *h)
if(f->seq > 0)
error("undo in file.load unimplemented");
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/fns.h b/src/cmd/acme/fns.h
index 969db417..4994e2ce 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/fns.h
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/fns.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void clearmouse(void);
void allwindows(void(*)(Window*, void*), void*);
uint seqof(Window*, int);
-uint loadfile(int, uint, int*, int(*)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void*, DigestState*);
+uint loadfile(Vfd, uint, int*, int(*)(void*, uint, Rune*, int), void*, DigestState*);
void movetodel(Window*);
Window* errorwin(Mntdir*, int);
@@ -107,3 +107,27 @@ Range range(int, int);
#define runemove(a, b, c) memmove((a), (b), (c)*sizeof(Rune))
int ismtpt(char*);
+Remote* remote(char*);
+Session* rconnect(Remote*);
+void rclose(Session*);
+void serror(Session*, char*, ...);
+Vfd vopen(char *file, int omode);
+Dir* vdirfstat(Vfd fd);
+long vdirread(Vfd fd, Dir **d);
+long vdirreadall(Vfd fd, Dir **d);
+int vclose(Vfd *fd);
+long vread(Vfd fd, void *buf, long nbytes);
+long vwrite(Vfd fd, void *buf, long n);
+Dir* vdirstat(char *file);
+Vfd vcreate(char *file, int omode, ulong perm);
+int vaccess(char *file, int mode);
+Completion* vcomplete(char*, char*);
+int vpostnote(Vpid vp, char *note);
+int vpcmp(Vpid vp1, Vpid vp2);
+Vpid vshell(Remote *r, int fd[3], char *cmd, char *dir);
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/fsys.c b/src/cmd/acme/fsys.c
index d9d4b30d..3b68084d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/fsys.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/fsys.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -346,8 +347,8 @@ fsysattach(Xfid *x, Fid *f)
Mntdir *m;
char buf[128];
- if(strcmp(x->fcall.uname, user) != 0)
- return respond(x, &t, Eperm);
+ //if(strcmp(x->fcall.uname, user) != 0)
+ // return respond(x, &t, Eperm);
f->busy = TRUE;
f->open = FALSE;
f->qid.path = Qdir;
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/logf.c b/src/cmd/acme/logf.c
index 562026c9..0f6a1085 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/logf.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/logf.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/look.c b/src/cmd/acme/look.c
index a7172b50..a0b824f4 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/look.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/look.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <9pclient.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ includefile(Rune *dir, Rune *file, int nfile)
m = runestrlen(dir);
a = emalloc((m+1+nfile)*UTFmax+1);
sprint(a, "%S/%.*S", dir, nfile, file);
- n = access(a, 0);
+ n = vaccess(a, 0);
if(n < 0)
return runestr(nil, 0);
@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ expandfile(Text *t, uint q0, uint q1, Expand *e)
if(w != nil)
goto Isfile;
/* if it's the name of a file, it's a file */
- if(ismtpt(e->bname) || access(e->bname, 0) < 0){
+ if(ismtpt(e->bname) || vaccess(e->bname, 0) < 0){
e->bname = nil;
goto Isntfile;
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/mkfile b/src/cmd/acme/mkfile
index 18bea9e0..adf30aa8 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/mkfile
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/mkfile
@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ OFILES=\
+ remote.$O\
+ vcomplete.$O\
+ vfs.$O\
+ vproc.$O\
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/regx.c b/src/cmd/acme/regx.c
index ec574563..93b027ba 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/regx.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/regx.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/remote.c b/src/cmd/acme/remote.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f94205e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/remote.c
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include <mouse.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <frame.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <plumb.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+typedef struct Emsg Emsg;
+static void readerproc(void *v);
+static void writerproc(void *v);
+static void runwriter(Session *sess, char *name, Channel *c, int fd);
+static void rundemuxer(Session *sess, char *name, int fd, int nc, Channel **c);
+static void runmuxer(Session *sess, char *name, int fd, Channel *c, int dest);
+static void watchdogproc(void*);
+static void sendcommandproc(void *v);
+static void* srecvp(Session *s, Channel *c);
+static int ssendp(Session *s, Channel *c, void *p);
+static int dial9p(char *srv);
+static Emsg* eget();
+static void eput(Emsg*);
+/* can be overriden by acme -s */
+char* racmename = "acmesrv";
+static int debug = 0;
+static int dfd = -1;
+static char *Psrv[Pmax] = {
+ "exportfs",
+ "cmdfs",
+ "plumb",
+ "acme"
+ Msize = 8192,
+struct Emsg
+ char port;
+ int n;
+ char buf[Msize];
+ Emsg *free;
+static QLock elk;
+static Emsg *elist;
+remote(char *path)
+ Remote *r;
+ int i;
+ int len;
+ len = strlen(path);
+ /* This is not quite right; we should make sure the path is exactly the prefix, or
+ else contains / after. */
+ for(r=remotes; r; r=r->next)
+ for(i=0; i < r->nprefix; i++)
+ if(strlen(r->prefix[i]) <= len && memcmp(r->prefix[i], path, strlen(r->prefix[i])) == 0)
+ return r;
+ return nil;
+rconnect(Remote *r)
+ char *av[8];
+ int ac, i, srvfd, ret, remotefd;
+ int sfd[3], p[2];
+ char buf[2];
+ char *name;
+ Command *c;
+ Session *sess;
+ if(debug && dfd < 0)
+ dfd = create("/tmp/acme.remote.debug", OWRITE, 0664);
+ qlock(&r->lk);
+ if((sess = r->sess) != nil){
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1);
+ qunlock(&r->lk);
+ return sess;
+ }
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(dfd, "acme: connect: %s\n", r->machine);
+ warning(nil, "remote: connecting %s\n", r->machine);
+ ac = 0;
+ av[ac++] = "ssh";
+ av[ac++] = r->machine;
+ av[ac++] = racmename;
+ av[ac++] = "-n";
+ av[ac++] = "/tmp/ns.acmesrv";
+/* av[ac++] = "-D";*/
+ av[ac++] = nil;
+ if(debug){
+ int i;
+ fprint(dfd, "exec");
+ for(i = 0; av[i]; i++)
+ fprint(dfd, " %s", av[i]);
+ fprint(dfd, "\n");
+ }
+ if(pipe(sfd) < 0){
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: can't create pipe: %r\n", r->machine);
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ remotefd = sfd[0];
+ sfd[0] = dup(sfd[1], -1);
+/* sfd[2] = dup(2, -1);*/
+ /* Have to use this otherwise we're attached to the same
+ process group as acme itself. */
+ sfd[2] = dup(erroutfd, -1);
+ /* TODO: dial local services first, then use this to determine
+ of them should be part of the session. */
+ if((ret = threadspawn(sfd, av[0], av)) < 0){
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: can't create remote proc\n", r->machine);
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ /* Wait until we reach the remote, then initialize session control. */
+ if(read(remotefd, &buf[0], 1) != 1){
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: EOF\n", r->machine);
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ for(;;){
+ if(read(remotefd, &buf[1], 1) != 1){
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: EOF\n", r->machine);
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ /* TODO: print out bytes before "OK". Buffer these and put them in a warning. */
+ if(strncmp(buf, "OK", 2) == 0)
+ break;
+ buf[0] = buf[1];
+ }
+ /* Now we're ready to establish a session and monitor it. */
+ sess = emalloc(sizeof *sess);
+ sess->r = r;
+ sess->remotepid = ret;
+ sess->remotefd = remotefd;
+ sess->errorc = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 0);
+ sess->stopc = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0);
+ sess->remotec = chancreate(sizeof(Emsg*), 1);
+ sess->refc = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0);
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(sess->localfd); i++)
+ sess->localfd[i] = -1;
+ /* Register the command so that it shows up in the top
+ and also so that it can be killed. */
+ c = emalloc(sizeof *c);
+ c->vp.sess = nil;
+ c-> = sess->remotepid;
+ name = smprint("%s:remote ", r->machine);
+ c->name = bytetorune(name, &c->nname);
+ free(name);
+ c->text = estrdup("");
+ c->sess = sess;
+ /* HACK ALERT: we send the command asynchronously to avoid
+ * a deadlock between the sending the command and displaying
+ * errors in the output. This is because we may hold the
+ * while connecting. Fix this.
+ */
+ /* sendp(ccommand, c); */
+ threadcreate(sendcommandproc, c, STACK*2);
+ /* Monitor the session and provide proper teardown. */
+ threadcreate(watchdogproc, sess, STACK*2);
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1); /* ssh proc */
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(sess->localc); i++){
+ sess->localc[i] = chancreate(sizeof(Emsg*), 1);
+ switch(i){
+ default:
+ /* TODO: just start a proc that returns errors */
+ if((srvfd = dial9p(Psrv[i])) < 0){
+ serror(sess, "could not connect service %s", Psrv[i]);
+ sess = nil; /* so it doesn't get freed */
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ sess->localfd[i] = srvfd;
+ break;
+ case Pexportfs:
+ case Pcmdfs:
+ if(pipe(p) < 0)
+ error("can't create pipe");
+ srvfd = p[0];
+ sess->localfd[i] = p[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ runwriter(sess, smprint("mux->%s", Psrv[i]), sess->localc[i], srvfd);
+ runmuxer(sess, smprint("%s->mux", Psrv[i]), srvfd, sess->remotec, i);
+ }
+ rundemuxer(sess, estrdup("remote->mux"), sess->remotefd, nelem(sess->localc), sess->localc);
+ runwriter(sess, estrdup("mux->remote"), sess->remotec, sess->remotefd);
+ /* Setup services on top of the session.
+ * Note: there's a race between potential session errors from the setup
+ * code above, and setting up here. We should have some sort of lock
+ * that gates teardown (and also protects sess->fs here.)
+ */
+ sess->fs = fsmount(sess->localfd[Pexportfs], nil);
+ if(sess->fs == nil){
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1); /* hack to make teardown work */
+ serror(sess, "could not connect exportfs");
+ sess = nil;
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ sess->cmd = fsmount(sess->localfd[Pcmdfs], nil);
+ if(sess->cmd == nil){
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1); /* hack to make teardown work */
+ serror(sess, "could not connect cmdfs");
+ sess = nil;
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: connected \n", r->machine);
+ r->sess = sess;
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1); /* returned session */
+ qunlock(&r->lk);
+ return sess;
+ qunlock(&r->lk);
+ free(sess);
+ return nil;
+rclose(Session *sess)
+ if(sess == nil)
+ return;
+ sendul(sess->refc, -1);
+serror(Session *s, char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list arg;
+ char *msg;
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ msg = vsmprint(fmt, arg);
+ if(msg == nil)
+ error("malloc");
+ sendp(s->errorc, msg);
+ va_end(arg);
+readerproc(void *v)
+ /* args: */
+ Session *sess;
+ char *name;
+ int fd;
+ int wrap;
+ int nc;
+ Channel **c;
+ /* end of args */
+ void **a;
+ Emsg *e;
+ char port;
+ a = v;
+ sess = a[0];
+ name = a[1];
+ fd = (uintptr)a[2];
+ wrap = (uintptr)a[3];
+ nc = (uintptr)a[4];
+ c = (Channel**)&a[5];
+ for(;;){
+ e = eget();
+ if(wrap >= 0){
+ port = 0;
+ e->port = wrap;
+ }else if(readn(fd, &port, 1) != 1){
+ break;
+ }
+ if((e->n = read9pmsg(fd, e->buf, sizeof(e->buf))) <= 0)
+ break;
+ if(debug && wrap >= 0)
+ fprint(dfd, "%s: read n:%d port:%d\n", name, e->n, e->port);
+ else if(debug)
+ fprint(dfd, "%s: read n:%d port:%d\n", name, e->n, port);
+ if(port >= nc){
+ eput(e);
+ warning(nil, "remote: invalid destination\n");
+ }else if(ssendp(sess, c[(int)port], e) != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ serror(sess, "%s: read error: %r", name);
+ eput(e);
+ free(a);
+ free(name);
+static void
+rundemuxer(Session *sess, char *name, int fd, int nc, Channel **c)
+ void **a;
+ a = emalloc(sizeof(void*)*5+sizeof(Channel*)*nc);
+ a[0] = sess;
+ a[1] = name;
+ a[2] = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
+ a[3] = (void*)(uintptr)-1;
+ a[4] = (void*)(uintptr)nc;
+ memcpy(&a[5], c, sizeof(Channel*)*nc);
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1);
+ proccreate(readerproc, a, STACK*2);
+static void
+runmuxer(Session *sess, char *name, int fd, Channel *c, int port)
+ void **a;
+ a = emalloc(sizeof(void*)*6);
+ a[0] = sess;
+ a[1] = name;
+ a[2] = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
+ a[3] = (void*)(uintptr)port;
+ a[4] = (void*)(uintptr)1;
+ a[5] = c;
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1);
+ proccreate(readerproc, a, STACK*2);
+writerproc(void *v)
+ /* args: */
+ Session *sess;
+ char *name;
+ int fd;
+ Channel *c;
+ /* end of args */
+ void **a;
+ Emsg *e;
+ a = v;
+ sess = a[0];
+ name = a[1];
+ fd = (uintptr)a[2];
+ c = a[3];
+ free(a);
+ for(;;){
+ if((e = srecvp(sess, c)) == nil)
+ break;
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(dfd, "%s: write n:%d port:%d\n", name, e->n, e->port);
+ if(e->port >= 0 && write(fd, &e->port, 1) != 1)
+ break;
+ if(write(fd, e->buf, e->n) != e->n)
+ break;
+ eput(e);
+ }
+ serror(sess, "%s: write error: %r", name);
+ eput(e);
+ free(name);
+static void
+runwriter(Session *sess, char *name, Channel *c, int fd)
+ void **a;
+ a = emalloc(sizeof(void*)*4);
+ a[0] = sess;
+ a[1] = name;
+ a[2] = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
+ a[3] = c;
+ sendul(sess->refc, 1);
+ proccreate(writerproc, a, STACK*2);
+static void
+watchdogproc(void *v)
+ Session *s;
+ char *msg, err[ERRMAX];
+ enum { Wref, Werror, Wstop, N };
+ int ref, x, stopping, i;
+ Alt alts[N+1];
+ s = v;
+ stopping = FALSE;
+ ref = recvul(s->refc);
+ while(ref){
+ alts[Wref].c = s->refc;
+ alts[Wref].v = &x;
+ alts[Wref].op = CHANRCV;
+ alts[Werror].c = s->errorc;
+ alts[Werror].v = &msg;
+ alts[Werror].op = CHANRCV;
+ alts[Wstop].op = stopping ? CHANSND : CHANEND;
+ alts[Wstop].v = &stopping;
+ alts[Wstop].c = s->stopc;
+ alts[N].op = CHANEND;
+ switch(alt(alts)){
+ case Wref:
+ ref += x;
+ break;
+ case Werror:
+ ref--;
+ if(stopping){
+ free(msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ qlock(&s->r->lk);
+ if(s->r->sess == s)
+ s->r->sess = nil;
+ qunlock(&s->r->lk);
+ if(msg == nil){
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: remoting process died\n", s->r->machine);
+ }else{
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: %s\n", s->r->machine, msg);
+ free(msg);
+ if(postnote(PNGROUP, s->remotepid, "kill") < 0){
+ rerrstr(err, sizeof err);
+ if(strcmp(err, "No such process") != 0)
+ warning(nil, "remote: %s: could not kill remoting process: %r\n", s->r->machine);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(s->localfd); i++)
+ if(s->localfd[i] >= 0)
+ close(s->localfd[i]);
+ stopping = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(s->fs != nil)
+ fsunmount(s->fs);
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(s->localc); i++)
+ chanfree(s->localc[i]);
+ chanfree(s->remotec);
+ chanfree(s->errorc);
+ chanfree(s->refc);
+ chanfree(s->stopc);
+ free(s);
+static void
+sendcommandproc(void *v)
+ sendp(ccommand, v);
+static void*
+srecvp(Session *s, Channel *c)
+ Alt alts[3];
+ void *v;
+ v = nil;
+ alts[0].c = c;
+ alts[0].v = &v;
+ alts[0].op = CHANRCV;
+ alts[1].c = s->stopc;
+ alts[1].v = nil;
+ alts[1].op = CHANRCV;
+ alts[2].op = CHANEND;
+ alt(alts);
+ return v;
+static int
+ssendp(Session *s, Channel *c, void *p)
+ Alt alts[3];
+ alts[0].c = c;
+ alts[0].v = &p;
+ alts[0].op = CHANSND;
+ alts[1].c = s->stopc;
+ alts[1].v = nil;
+ alts[1].op = CHANRCV;
+ alts[2].op = CHANEND;
+ return alt(alts);
+static int
+dial9p(char *srv)
+ char *addr;
+ int fd;
+ addr = smprint("unix!%s/%s", getns(), srv);
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(dfd, "dial9p: %s\n", addr);
+ fd = dial(addr, 0, 0, 0);
+ if(fd < 0){
+ if(debug)
+ fprint(dfd, "dial9p: %s error: %r\n", addr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+/* fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FD_CLOEXEC);*/
+ return fd;
+static Emsg*
+ Emsg *e;
+ e = nil;
+ qlock(&elk);
+ if(elist){
+ e = elist;
+ elist = e->free;
+ e->free = nil;
+ }
+ qunlock(&elk);
+ if(e == nil)
+ e = emalloc(sizeof *e);
+ e->n = 0;
+ e->port = -1;
+ return e;
+static void
+eput(Emsg *e)
+ if(e == nil)
+ return;
+ qlock(&elk);
+ e->free = elist;
+ elist = e;
+ qunlock(&elk);
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/rows.c b/src/cmd/acme/rows.c
index 7a64fabf..81363c31 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/rows.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/rows.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <bio.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ rowdump(Row *row, char *file)
0, 0,
- }else if((w->dirty==FALSE && access(a, 0)==0) || w->isdir){
+ }else if((w->dirty==FALSE && vaccess(a, 0)==0) || w->isdir){
dumped = FALSE;
t->file->dumpid = w->id;
Bprint(b, "f%11d %11d %11d %11d %11.7f %s\n", i, w->id,
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/scrl.c b/src/cmd/acme/scrl.c
index 6504699d..7cf84795 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/scrl.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/scrl.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/text.c b/src/cmd/acme/text.c
index 09422dda..8c1a308b 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/text.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/text.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include <complete.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
@@ -194,12 +195,13 @@ textload(Text *t, uint q0, char *file, int setqid)
Rune *rp;
Dirlist *dl, **dlp;
- int fd, i, j, n, ndl, nulls;
+ int i, j, n, ndl, nulls;
uint q, q1;
Dir *d, *dbuf;
char *tmp;
Text *u;
DigestState *h;
+ Vfd fd;
if(t->ncache!=0 || t->file-> || t->w==nil || t!=&t->w->body)
@@ -211,12 +213,14 @@ textload(Text *t, uint q0, char *file, int setqid)
warning(nil, "will not open self mount point %s\n", file);
return -1;
- fd = open(file, OREAD);
- if(fd < 0){
+ fd = vopen(file, OREAD);
+ if(fd.which == Verr){
warning(nil, "can't open %s: %r\n", file);
return -1;
- d = dirfstat(fd);
+ d = vdirfstat(fd);
if(d == nil){
warning(nil, "can't fstat %s: %r\n", file);
goto Rescue;
@@ -241,7 +245,7 @@ textload(Text *t, uint q0, char *file, int setqid)
dlp = nil;
ndl = 0;
dbuf = nil;
- while((n=dirread(fd, &dbuf)) > 0){
+ while((n=vdirread(fd, &dbuf)) > 0){
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
dl = emalloc(sizeof(Dirlist));
j = strlen(dbuf[i].name);
@@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ textload(Text *t, uint q0, char *file, int setqid)
t->file->mtime = d->mtime;
t->file->qidpath = d->qid.path;
- close(fd);
+ vclose(&fd);
rp = fbufalloc();
for(q=q0; q<q1; q+=n){
n = q1-q;
@@ -313,7 +317,7 @@ textload(Text *t, uint q0, char *file, int setqid)
return q1-q0;
- close(fd);
+ vclose(&fd);
return -1;
@@ -635,7 +639,7 @@ textcomplete(Text *t)
s = smprint("%.*S", nstr, str);
dirs = smprint("%.*S",, dir.r);
- c = complete(dirs, s);
+ c = vcomplete(dirs, s);
if(c == nil){
warning(nil, "error attempting completion: %r\n");
@@ -664,6 +668,32 @@ textcomplete(Text *t)
return rp;
+xtextscroll(Text *t, int n)
+ uint q0;
+ if(n == 0)
+ return;
+ if(t->what == Tag){
+ if(n<0)
+ texttype(t, Kscrolloneup);
+ else
+ texttype(t, Kscrollonedown);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(n < 0){
+ n = -n;
+ q0 = t->org+frcharofpt(&t->fr, Pt(t->fr.r.min.x, t->fr.r.min.y+n*t->fr.font->height));
+ textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE);
+ }else{
+ q0 = textbacknl(t, t->org, n);
+ textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE);
+ }
texttype(Text *t, Rune r)
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/time.c b/src/cmd/acme/time.c
index 38d70579..136ca93e 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/time.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/time.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/util.c b/src/cmd/acme/util.c
index c153f8c1..b6857a3f 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/util.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/util.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/vcomplete.c b/src/cmd/acme/vcomplete.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d3df71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/vcomplete.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include <mouse.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <frame.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <plumb.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
+#include <complete.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+static int
+longestprefixlength(char *a, char *b, int n)
+ int i, w;
+ Rune ra, rb;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i+=w){
+ w = chartorune(&ra, a);
+ chartorune(&rb, b);
+ if(ra != rb)
+ break;
+ a += w;
+ b += w;
+ }
+ return i;
+static int
+strpcmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
+ char *a, *b;
+ a = *(char**)va;
+ b = *(char**)vb;
+ return strcmp(a, b);
+vcomplete(char *dir, char *s)
+ long i, l, n, nfile, len, nbytes;
+ int minlen;
+ Vfd fd;
+ Dir *dirp;
+ char **name, *p;
+ ulong* mode;
+ Completion *c;
+ if(strchr(s, '/') != nil){
+ werrstr("slash character in name argument to complete()");
+ return nil;
+ }
+ fd = vopen(dir, OREAD);
+ if(fd.which == Verr)
+ return nil;
+ n = vdirreadall(fd, &dirp);
+ if(n <= 0){
+ vclose(&fd);
+ return nil;
+ }
+ /* find longest string, for allocation */
+ len = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+ l = strlen(dirp[i].name) + 1 + 1; /* +1 for / +1 for \0 */
+ if(l > len)
+ len = l;
+ }
+ name = malloc(n*sizeof(char*));
+ mode = malloc(n*sizeof(ulong));
+ c = malloc(sizeof(Completion) + len);
+ if(name == nil || mode == nil || c == nil)
+ goto Return;
+ memset(c, 0, sizeof(Completion));
+ /* find the matches */
+ len = strlen(s);
+ nfile = 0;
+ minlen = 1000000;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ if(strncmp(s, dirp[i].name, len) == 0){
+ name[nfile] = dirp[i].name;
+ mode[nfile] = dirp[i].mode;
+ if(minlen > strlen(dirp[i].name))
+ minlen = strlen(dirp[i].name);
+ nfile++;
+ }
+ if(nfile > 0) {
+ /* report interesting results */
+ /* trim length back to longest common initial string */
+ for(i=1; i<nfile; i++)
+ minlen = longestprefixlength(name[0], name[i], minlen);
+ /* build the answer */
+ c->complete = (nfile == 1);
+ c->advance = c->complete || (minlen > len);
+ c->string = (char*)(c+1);
+ memmove(c->string, name[0]+len, minlen-len);
+ if(c->complete)
+ c->string[minlen++ - len] = (mode[0]&DMDIR)? '/' : ' ';
+ c->string[minlen - len] = '\0';
+ c->nmatch = nfile;
+ } else {
+ /* no match, so return all possible strings */
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+ name[i] = dirp[i].name;
+ mode[i] = dirp[i].mode;
+ }
+ nfile = n;
+ c->nmatch = 0;
+ }
+ /* attach list of names */
+ nbytes = nfile * sizeof(char*);
+ for(i=0; i<nfile; i++)
+ nbytes += strlen(name[i]) + 1 + 1;
+ c->filename = malloc(nbytes);
+ if(c->filename == nil)
+ goto Return;
+ p = (char*)(c->filename + nfile);
+ for(i=0; i<nfile; i++){
+ c->filename[i] = p;
+ strcpy(p, name[i]);
+ p += strlen(p);
+ if(mode[i] & DMDIR)
+ *p++ = '/';
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ }
+ c->nfile = nfile;
+ qsort(c->filename, c->nfile, sizeof(c->filename[0]), strpcmp);
+ Return:
+ free(name);
+ free(mode);
+ free(dirp);
+ vclose(&fd);
+ return c;
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/vfs.c b/src/cmd/acme/vfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3f2decf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/vfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include <mouse.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <frame.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <plumb.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
+#include <complete.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+vopen(char *file, int omode)
+ Remote *r;
+ Session *sess;
+ Vfd v;
+ v.which = Verr;
+ if((r = remote(file)) != nil){
+ sess = rconnect(r);
+ if(sess == nil)
+ goto Done;
+ /* TODO: strip prefix */
+ v.fid = fsopen(sess->fs, file, omode);
+ v.sess = sess;
+ if(v.fid != nil)
+ v.which = Vremote;
+ }else{
+ v.fd = open(file, omode);
+ if(v.fd >= 0)
+ v.which = Vlocal;
+ }
+ return v;
+vdirstat(char *file)
+ Remote *r;
+ Session *sess;
+ Dir *d;
+ if((r = remote(file)) == nil)
+ return dirstat(file);
+ if((sess = rconnect(r)) == nil)
+ return nil;
+ d = fsdirstat(sess->fs, file);
+ rclose(sess);
+ return d;
+vcreate(char *file, int omode, ulong perm)
+ Remote *r;
+ Session *sess;
+ Vfd v;
+ v.which = Verr;
+ if((r = remote(file)) == nil){
+ v.fd = create(file, omode, perm);
+ if(v.fd >= 0)
+ v.which = Vlocal;
+ return v;
+ }
+ if((sess = rconnect(r)) != nil){
+ v.fid = fscreate(sess->fs, file, omode, perm);
+ if(v.fid != nil){
+ v.which = Vremote;
+ v.sess = sess;
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+vdirfstat(Vfd fd)
+ switch(fd.which){
+ default:
+ return nil;
+ case Vlocal:
+ return dirfstat(fd.fd);
+ case Vremote:
+ return fsdirfstat(fd.fid);
+ }
+vdirread(Vfd fd, Dir **d)
+ switch(fd.which){
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ case Vlocal:
+ return dirread(fd.fd, d);
+ case Vremote:
+ return fsdirread(fd.fid, d);
+ }
+vdirreadall(Vfd fd, Dir **d)
+ switch(fd.which){
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ case Vlocal:
+ return dirreadall(fd.fd, d);
+ case Vremote:
+ return fsdirreadall(fd.fid, d);
+ }
+/* TODO: pass by pointer is a hack here. */
+vclose(Vfd *fd)
+ switch(fd->which){
+ case Vlocal:
+ fd->which = Vclosed;
+ return close(fd->fd);
+ case Vremote:
+ fd->which = Vclosed;
+ fsclose(fd->fid);
+ rclose(fd->sess);
+ fd->sess = nil;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+vread(Vfd fd, void *buf, long nbytes)
+ switch(fd.which){
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ case Vlocal:
+ return read(fd.fd, buf, nbytes);
+ case Vremote:
+ return fsread(fd.fid, buf, nbytes);
+ }
+vwrite(Vfd fd, void *buf, long n)
+ switch(fd.which){
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ case Vlocal:
+ return write(fd.fd, buf, n);
+ case Vremote:
+ return fswrite(fd.fid, buf, n);
+ }
+vaccess(char *file, int mode)
+ Remote *r;
+ Session *sess;
+ int rv;
+ if((r = remote(file)) == nil)
+ return access(file, mode);
+ if((sess = rconnect(r)) == nil)
+ return -1;
+ rv = fsaccess(sess->fs, file, mode);
+ rclose(sess);
+ return rv;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/vproc.c b/src/cmd/acme/vproc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43c2c592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/vproc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#include <cursor.h>
+#include <mouse.h>
+#include <keyboard.h>
+#include <frame.h>
+#include <fcall.h>
+#include <plumb.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
+#include <complete.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+ Fd2fid,
+ Fid2fd,
+static Vpid
+ Vpid vp = { nil, -1 };
+ return vp;
+static void
+inrelayproc(void *v)
+ /* args: */
+ CFid *fid;
+ int fd;
+ /* end of args */
+ void **a;
+ char buf[256];
+ int n;
+ a = v;
+ fid = a[0];
+ fd = (uintptr)a[1];
+ free(a);
+ for(;;){
+ if((n = fsread(fid, buf, sizeof buf)) <= 0)
+ break;
+ if(write(fd, buf, n) != n)
+ break;
+ /* TODO: report unexpected failures */
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ fsclose(fid);
+static void
+inrelay(CFid *fid, int fd)
+ void **a;
+ a = emalloc(sizeof(void*)*2);
+ a[0] = fid;
+ a[1] = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
+ proccreate(inrelayproc, a, STACK);
+static void
+outrelayproc(void *v)
+ /* args: */
+ int fd;
+ CFid *fid;
+ CFid *ctl;
+ /* end of args */
+ void **a;
+ char buf[1024];
+ int n;
+ a = v;
+ fd = (uintptr)a[0];
+ fid = a[1];
+ ctl = a[2];
+ free(a);
+ for(;;){
+ n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+ if(n <= 0)
+ break;
+ if(fswrite(fid, buf, n) != n)
+ break;
+ }
+ fsprint(ctl, "eof");
+ close(fd);
+ fsclose(fid);
+ fsclose(ctl);
+static void
+outrelay(int fd, CFid *fid, CFid *ctl)
+ void **a;
+ a = emalloc(sizeof(void*)*3);
+ a[0] = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
+ a[1] = fid;
+ a[2] =ctl;
+ proccreate(outrelayproc, a, STACK);
+static void
+waitproc(void *v)
+ Vpid *vp;
+ Vwaitmsg *vw;
+ CFid *fid;
+ char buf[128];
+ int n;
+ vp = v;
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d/wait", vp->id);
+ fid = fsopen(vp->sess->cmd, buf, OREAD);
+ if(fid == nil){
+ warning(nil, "can't wait for remote process: %r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if((n=fsread(fid, buf, sizeof buf-1)) < 0){
+ strcpy(buf, "unknown");
+ n = strlen(buf);
+ }
+ buf[n] = 0;
+ vw = emalloc(sizeof *vw);
+ vw->vp = *vp;
+ vw->msg = estrdup(buf);
+ sendp(cvwait, vw);
+ free(vp);
+static int
+vputenv(CFid *ctl, char *env)
+ int rv;
+ char *p;
+ p = getenv(env);
+ if(p == nil)
+ return 0;
+ rv = fsprint(ctl, "env %s=%s", env, p);
+ free(p);
+ return rv;
+vpostnote(Vpid vp, char *note)
+ char buf[128];
+ CFid *fid;
+ int ret;
+ if(vp.sess == nil)
+ return postnote(PNGROUP,, note);
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d/ctl",;
+ fid = fsopen(vp.sess->cmd, buf, OWRITE);
+ if(fid == nil)
+ return -1;
+ ret = fsprint(fid, "note %s", note);
+ fsclose(fid);
+ return ret < 0 ? -1 : 0;
+vpcmp(Vpid vp1, Vpid vp2)
+ if(vp1.sess == vp2.sess)
+ if( <
+ return -1;
+ else if( >
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ else if(vp1.sess < vp2.sess)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 1;
+vshell(Remote *r, int fd[3], char *cmd, char *dir)
+ Session *sess;
+ CFsys *fs;
+ CFid *ctl, *fid[3];
+ Vpid vp, *vpp;
+ int id, n;
+ char buf[128];
+ sess = nil;
+ ctl = nil;
+ fid[0] = fid[1] = fid[2] = nil;
+ sess = rconnect(r);
+ fs = sess->cmd;
+ ctl = fsopen(fs, "new/ctl", ORDWR);
+ if(ctl == nil){
+ rclose(sess);
+ return errorvp();
+ }
+ n = fsread(ctl, buf, sizeof buf-1);
+ if(n <= 0)
+ goto Error;
+ buf[n] = 0;
+ id = atoi(buf);
+ if(fsprint(ctl, "cmd %s", cmd) <= 0)
+ goto Error;
+ /* TODO: set this up in a single ctl message to
+ * avoid the unnecessary roundtrips. These are noticeable
+ * in high-latency connections. */
+ if(vputenv(ctl, "%") < 0)
+ goto Error;
+ if(vputenv(ctl, "samfile") < 0)
+ goto Error;
+ if(vputenv(ctl, "acmeaddr") < 0)
+ goto Error;
+ if(vputenv(ctl, "winid") < 0)
+ goto Error;
+ if(dir && fsprint(ctl, "dir %s", dir) <= 0)
+ goto Error;
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d/stdin", id);
+ fid[0] = fsopen(fs, buf, OWRITE);
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d/stdout", id);
+ fid[1] = fsopen(fs, buf, OREAD);
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d/stderr", id);
+ fid[2] = fsopen(fs, buf, OREAD);
+ if(fid[0] == nil || fid[1] == nil || fid[2] == nil)
+ goto Error;
+ if(fsprint(ctl, "start") <= 0)
+ goto Error;
+ outrelay(fd[0], fid[0], ctl);
+ inrelay(fid[1], dup(fd[1], -1));
+ inrelay(fid[2], dup(fd[2], -1));
+ close(fd[1]);
+ close(fd[2]);
+ vp.sess = sess;
+ = id;
+ vpp = emalloc(sizeof *vpp);
+ *vpp = vp;
+ proccreate(waitproc, vpp, STACK);
+ return vp;
+ rclose(sess);
+ fsclose(ctl);
+ fsclose(fid[0]);
+ fsclose(fid[1]);
+ fsclose(fid[2]);
+ return errorvp();
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/wind.c b/src/cmd/acme/wind.c
index 98c97368..8db71859 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/wind.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/wind.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
diff --git a/src/cmd/acme/xfid.c b/src/cmd/acme/xfid.c
index e7d9f4cb..32ba30d4 100644
--- a/src/cmd/acme/xfid.c
+++ b/src/cmd/acme/xfid.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <fcall.h>
#include <plumb.h>
#include <libsec.h>
+#include <9pclient.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
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