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Created August 21, 2012 11:46
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More template sequence helpers
package views.html.helper
import play.api.templates.Html
// Executes the first block if non-empty, the second otherwise
// Passes the entire seq (as in defining)
object ifEmptyOrElse {
def apply[T <: Seq[_]](t: T)(nonEmptyBlock: (T) => Html)(emptyBlock: => Html) = {
if (t.nonEmpty) nonEmptyBlock(t) else emptyBlock
// Executes the first block if non-empty, the second otherwise
// Maps each element
object mapOrElse {
def apply[T](t: Seq[T])(nonEmptyBlock: (T) => Html)(emptyBlock: => Html) = {
if (t.nonEmpty) else emptyBlock
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