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Last active December 21, 2023 04:55
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JMESPath and JQ Examples
aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[PrivateIpAddress, MetadataOptions]' --instance-ids <ids>
# Find all EIPs in a region which doesn't have an Association Id
aws ec2 describe-addresses --public-ips | jq '[.Addresses[] | select(.AssociationId == null)'
# Loops through subobjects of a given parent object when the names are dynamic. Basically getting a list of keys and then going through each key to get the required data.
jq '[.[].namedSubObjects | keys[] as $k | .[$k].data]' sample.queries
# Creates a new key for an object
jq '.[] | {newNameofSubObjects: .namedSubObjects}' sample.queries
# Loops through some objects and for .data provides a new key
jq '[.[].namedSubObjects | keys[] as $k | .[$k] | {newName: .data}]' sample.queries
# Get some Batch Job information, strips of the 3 last digits (for an epoch time), converts and calculates the differences between the end and start of the run in minutes
jq '[.[].Jobs[] | {JobId: .JobId, StartedAt: .StartedAt[:-3], StoppedAt: .StoppedAt[:-3], JobRunTimeInMins: (((.StoppedAt[:-3] | tonumber) - (.StartedAt[:-3] | tonumber)) / 60)}]' sample.queries
# Scan a DDB table to get data, such as: aws dynamodb scan --table-name <table> --query "Items[*]" > data.json and convert to csv in a specific order
jq -r 'map([
.date.S] | join(",")) | join("\n")' data.json > data.csv
# Calls inbuilt date function and creates a new list of objects from a subset object attributes of details in the source data
jq '[{
date: now | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
Jobs: [ .[].Jobs[] | {
JobId: .JobId,
StartedTime: .StartedAt
}]' sample.queries
"namedSubObjects": {
"1": {
"data": "abcd"
"b": {
"data": "efgh"
"yea": {
"data": "ijkl"
"Jobs": [
"JobId": "jobId1",
"StartedAt": "1587635574131",
"StoppedAt": "1587678738881"
"JobId": "jobId3",
"StartedAt": "1587635574131",
"StoppedAt": "1587678738881"
"JobId": "jobId2",
"StartedAt": "1587635574131",
"StoppedAt": "1587678738881"
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