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Last active October 9, 2020 12:43
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psyntur source code
ansur <- read_csv("")
describe <- function(data, by = NULL, ...){
if (is.null(enexpr(by))){
summarise(data, ...)
} else {
summarise(group_by(data, across({{ by }})), ..., .groups = 'drop')
describe_across <- function(data, variables, functions, by = NULL, pivot = FALSE){
if (!is.null(enexpr(by))){
data <- group_by(data, across({{ by }}))
if (!pivot){
results <- data %>%
summarise(across({{ variables }}, functions), .groups = 'drop')
} else {
results <- data %>%
summarise(across({{ variables }}, functions, .names = "{.fn}_____{.col}"), .groups = 'drop') %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = contains('_____'),
names_to = c('.value', 'variable'),
names_sep = '_____')
sum_xna <- function(...) base::sum(..., na.rm = TRUE)
mean_xna <- function(...) base::mean(..., na.rm = TRUE)
median_xna <- function(...) stats::median(..., na.rm = TRUE)
iqr_xna <- function(...) stats::IQR(..., na.rm = TRUE)
sd_xna <- function(...) stats::sd(..., na.rm = TRUE)
var_xna <- function(...) stats::var(..., na.rm = TRUE)
scatterplot <- function(x, y, data, by = NULL, best_fit_line = FALSE){
if (is.null(enexpr(by))) {
the_aes <- aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }})
} else {
the_aes <- aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }}, colour = {{ by }})
p1 <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = the_aes ) + geom_point()
if (best_fit_line){
p1 <- p1 + stat_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE, fullrange = TRUE, formula = 'y ~ x')
p1 + theme_classic() + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")#ggthemes::scale_colour_colorblind()
tukeyboxplot <- function(y, x, data,
by = NULL,
jitter = FALSE,
box_width = 1/3,
jitter_width = 1/5){
# If `x` is missing, and so we have one boxplot, use an empty `x` variable
# with x = ''.
if (missing(x)){
the_aes <- aes(x = '', y = {{ y }})
} else {
the_aes <- aes(x = {{ x }}, y = {{ y }})
# If we have a `by`, set that as the "colour" aesthetic
if (!is.null(enexpr(by))) {
the_aes$colour <- enexpr(by)
# If we have a continuous `x` variable, we need to use aes(group = ...)
if (!missing(x)){
# If we have a `by` variable, we need to group by an interaction
if (!is.null(enexpr(by))) {
the_aes$group <- quo(interaction(!!enexpr(x), !!enexpr(by)))
} else {
the_aes$group <- enexpr(x)
# The basic plot
p1 <- ggplot(data, mapping = the_aes)
# With jitter,
# the jitter
# Set jitter to a fraction of box_width.
if (jitter) {
# outliers should be removed as they will be shown in the jitter
p1 <- p1 + geom_boxplot(width = box_width, outlier.shape = NA)
if (!is.null(enexpr(by))) {
p1 <- p1 + geom_jitter(position = position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = box_width, jitter.width = box_width * jitter_width/2), size = 0.85, alpha = 0.75)
} else {
p1 <- p1 + geom_jitter(width = box_width * jitter_width/2, size = 0.85, alpha = 0.75)
} else {
p1 <- p1 + geom_boxplot(width = box_width, outlier.size = 0.75)
# If `x` is missing, we don't want any ticks or labels on 'x' axis.
if (missing(x)) p1 <- p1 + xlab(NULL) + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())
p1 + theme_classic() + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")
histogram <- function(x, data, by = NULL, position = 'stack', facet = NULL, facet_type = 'wrap', bins = 10, alpha = 1.0){
if (is.null(enexpr(by))) {
the_aes <- aes(x = {{ x }})
} else {
the_aes <- aes(x = {{ x }}, fill = {{ by }})
p1 <- ggplot(data, mapping = the_aes) + geom_histogram(bins = bins,
colour = 'white',
position = position,
alpha = alpha)
if (!is.null(enexpr(facet))) {
# this monstrosity to deal with unquoted, possibly vector, arguments
# to facet
facet_expr <- enexpr(facet)
if(length(facet_expr) == 1) {
facet_vars <- as.list(facet_expr)
} else {
facet_vars <- as.list(facet_expr)[-1]
quoted_facet_vars <- sapply(facet_vars, rlang::quo_name)
if (facet_type == 'wrap'){
p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(quoted_facet_vars, labeller = label_both)
} else if (facet_type == 'grid'){
p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(quoted_facet_vars, labeller = label_both)
} else {
stop(sprintf('facet_type should be "wrap" or "grid" not %s', facet_type))
# minimal looks better than classic in a faceted plot
if (is.null(enexpr(facet))) {
p1 + theme_classic() + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")
} else {
p1 + theme_minimal() + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")
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