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Last active July 26, 2021 00:40
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Matias Ergo Pro Mac keyboard: remap right-control (where "b" should be) to "b"

The Matias Ergo Pro keyboard has a control key where I usually type "b" (I type "b" with my right hand). Here's how to remap that key to a "b".

  1. Download Karabiner:
  2. Install it
  3. Open the app and go to "Misc & Uninstall"
  4. Click "Open private.xml" to open the customization file
  5. Open "private.xml" in TextEdit
  6. Add the following:
  7. Save and go back to Karabiner
  8. Go back to the first tab, Change Key
  9. Click Reload XML (top right)
  10. Find "Remap Right CTRL to B" in the list and enable it
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Remap Right CTRL to B</name>
<autogen>__KeyToKey__ KeyCode::CONTROL_R, KeyCode::B</autogen>
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nubela commented Mar 21, 2016

Cool! Thanks for this :)

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So helpful, thank you very much!

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jenlampton commented Apr 19, 2017

update: I just switched to a new computer (Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4 - 16E195) and Karabiner appears to open and run as it did before, but it's not actually doing anything. My right ctrl key does not work as a B anymore.

edit: Even after uninstalling and reinstalling Karabiner, it still does nothing.

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crisidev commented Jul 8, 2017

For sierra you need to use Karabiner-Elements (

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