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Last active March 16, 2018 17:34
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I'm trying to write a program that replaces a scss function call and doubles the input e.g.


.color {
  margin: spacing(1.5);

.test {
  margin: spacing(2) spacing(3);


.color {
  margin: spacing(3);

.test {
  margin: spacing(4) spacing(6);

This almost works

gawk '{
  line = $0
  if (match(line, /spacing\(/)) {
    print gensub(/spacing\(([0-9\.]+)\)/, "spacing(\\1 * 2)", "g", line)
  } else {
    print line
}' ./test.scss > ./test2.scss
// test2.scss

.color {
  margin: spacing(1.5 * 2);

.test {
  margin: spacing(2 * 2) spacing(3 * 2);
  • Can you multiply by two rather than appending " * 2" to the match?
  • How can you run on all **/*.scss files and replace them?
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markbrown4 commented Mar 16, 2018

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