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Created September 21, 2015 04:19
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Source code to video game at
<!DOCTYPE html>
canvas#canvas { background-color: #000; }
h1 {color: white;}
<canvas id="canvas" height="700" width="1200">
<ul id="results"></ul>
function extend(destination, source) {
for (var k in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
destination[k] = source[k];
return destination;
window.requestAnimFrame = function(){
return (
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(/* function */ callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);}
var Game = function () {
this.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Loading screen
this.ctx.font = "20pt Arial";
this.ctx.fillStyle = "white";
this.ctx.fillText("Now loading images...just a few seconds...I do hope you enjoy my fish", 10, 30);
this.bufferCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.bufferCanvasCtx = this.bufferCanvas.getContext("2d");
this.bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width = this.ctx.canvas.width;
this.bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height = this.ctx.canvas.height;
this.intervals = [];
this.gameLoop = {cancelAnimationFrame : true};
this.time = 0;
this.startTime = 0;
this.currentLevel = ""; = [];
this.score = 0;
this.lives = 3;
this.img = {};
this.imgArray = [
Game.prototype = {
loadImage : function loadImage(i) { // naming this function makes it accessible only for self-reference; it is not globally accessible
i = (typeof i !== 'undefined') ? i : 0;
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'images/' + game.imgArray[i] + '.png';
img.onload = function(e) {
window['game']['img'][game.imgArray[i]] = img;
if (i < game.imgArray.length) {
loadImage(i); // see, that was painless
} else {
// <!-- Move this into a script later
window.spaceFishData = {
startScreen : {
"type" : "startScreen",
"background" : "startScreenWInstructions",
"flashText" : {
x: 500,
y: 625,
content: "Click to continue",
font: "20pt Arial",
color: "white"
"events" : [
"event" : "mousedown",
"action" : function() {game.loadGameLoop("One");}
One : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "seasky",
"timer" : 20,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Bill", "Sam"],
"win" : "Two"
Two : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "planetview",
"timer" : 25,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Bill", "Sam", "Luciano"],
"win" : "Three"
Three : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "planets",
"timer" : 30,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Sam", "Luciano", "Darren"],
"win" : "Four"
Four : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "blackhole",
"timer" : 35,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Darren", "Homer"],
"win" : "Five"
Five : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "alienaudience",
"timer" : 40,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Homer", "Frank"],
"win" : "Six"
Six : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "trippyeyeballs",
"timer" : 45,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Frank", "Crabcakes"],
"win" : "Seven"
Seven : {
"type" : "sideScrollLevel",
"background" : "AGHeads",
"timer" : 50,
//"timer" : 5,
"opponents": ["Sam", "Luciano", "Darren", "Homer", "Frank", "Crabcakes"],
"win" : "winScreen"
winScreen : {
"type" : "basicSplashScreen",
"background" : "youWin",
"flashText" : { x: 500, y: 600, content: "Click to start over", font: "20pt Arial", color: "white"},
"events" : [
{"event" : "mousedown",
"action" : function() {game.loadGameLoop("startScreen");}}
loseScreen : {
"type" : "basicSplashScreen",
"background" : "youLose",
"flashText" : { x: 500, y: 600, content: "Click to start over", font: "20pt Arial", color: "white"},
"events" : [
{"event" : "mousedown",
"action" : function() {game.initialize();}}
// --> move this into a script later
initialize : function() {
game.lives = 5;
game.score = 0;
loadGameLoop : function(gameLoopType) {
// stop the current gameLoop, otherwise the previous loop will keep rendering
game.gameLoop.cancelAnimationFrame = true;
// initialize gameLoop variables
var gameLoopType = (typeof gameLoopType === "undefined")? "startScreen" : gameLoopType;
game.currentLevel = gameLoopType;
game.startTime = String(new Date().getTime()).substring(10);
game.gameLoop = new GameLoop();
// remove all the event handlers and empty
if ( > 0) {
for (var i=0,; i<=len; i++) {
// load and add handlers
if ( == 0) {
// load from game data
if (spaceFishData[gameLoopType].hasOwnProperty('events')) {
for (var i=0; i<=spaceFishData[gameLoopType]['events'].length-1; i++) {[] = spaceFishData[gameLoopType]['events'][i];
// load from level function
if (window[spaceFishData[gameLoopType].type].hasOwnProperty('events')) {
for (var i=0; i<=window[spaceFishData[gameLoopType].type].events.length-1; i++) {[] = window[spaceFishData[gameLoopType].type]['events'][i];
// assign members to game.gameLoop from levelData
for (var key in spaceFishData[gameLoopType]) {
game.gameLoop[key] = spaceFishData[gameLoopType][key];
// extend an invoked function with an object
extend(game.gameLoop, window[spaceFishData[gameLoopType].type]); // TODO: fix the extend function, remember to search
// clear all the existing intervals
if (typeof game.intervals[0] !== 'undefined') {
for (var i=0; i<=game.intervals.length-1; i++) {
// start this shit
// run the animation loop
var GameLoop = function() {
var self = this;
this.cancelAnimationFrame = false;
this.initialize = function() {};
this.clearScreen = function() {};
this.update = function() {};
this.render = function() {};
this.drawbuffer = function() {
game.ctx.drawImage(game.bufferCanvas, 0, 0, game.bufferCanvas.width, game.bufferCanvas.height);
this.animate = function(time) {
game.time = time;
if (self.cancelAnimationFrame == false) {
* GameLoop Types
var basicSplashScreen = {
"clearScreen" : function() {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.drawImage(window['game']['img'][this.background], 0, 0);
"update" : function() {
var d = new Date();
var n = String(d.getTime());
if (n.substring(10) > 500) {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.font = this.flashText.font;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = this.flashText.color;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText(this.flashText.content, this.flashText.x, this.flashText.y);
var startScreen = {
"initialize" : function () {
game.lives = 3;
game.score = 0;
extend(startScreen, basicSplashScreen); // TODO: fix this gay ass function
var sideScrollLevel = {
"initialize" : function() {
//splash screen
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "red";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, game.bufferCanvas.width, game.bufferCanvas.height);
game.startTime = +new Date();
game.elapsedTime = undefined;
game.levelTime = window.spaceFishData[game.currentLevel].timer * 1000;
game.backgroundShift = 0; // TODO: fix this gayness
game.playerArray = [];
game.playerProjectileArray = [];
game.opponentProjectileArray = [];
game.opponentArray = [];
game.itemArray = [];
game.effectArray = [];
game.displayArray = [];
game.objectArrays = [
"name" : "playerArray",
"collidesWith" : "opponentArray",
"action" : function(a, b, i, j) {if (a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w && a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h) { a.getHit(i); game.opponentArray.splice(j,1);}}
"name" : "playerProjectileArray",
"collidesWith" : "opponentArray",
"action" : function (a, b, i, j) {if (a.x + a.radius > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w && a.y + a.radius > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h) {b.getHit(j); game.playerProjectileArray.splice(i,1);}}
"name" : "opponentProjectileArray",
"collidesWith" : "playerArray",
"action" : function (a, b, i, j) {if (a.x + a.radius > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w && a.y + a.radius > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h) {b.getHit(j); game.opponentProjectileArray.splice(i,1);}}
"name" : "opponentArray"
"name" : "itemArray",
"collidesWith" : "playerArray",
"action" : function(a, b, i, j) {if (a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w && a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h) { /*game.itemArray[i].action();*/ game.playerArray[0].loadItem(game.itemArray[i]); game.itemArray.splice(i,1);}}
"name" : "effectArray"
"name" : "displayArray"
// Create the player
game.playerArray[game.playerArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Player({ x : 0, y : canvas.height/2, w : 120, h : 60 });
// Create the main display
game.displayArray[game.displayArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Display({"level" : game.currentLevel, "score" : game.score, "time" : 30, "lives" : game.lives,
"update" : function() {},
"render" : function() {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.font = "20pt Arial";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "white";
var ymargin = 30;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText("Level: " + game.currentLevel, 20, ymargin);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText("Score: " + game.score, 300, ymargin);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText("Time: " + game.currentTime.substr(0,2), 500, ymargin);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText("Lives: " + game.lives, 800, ymargin);
// Generate Opponents
game.intervals[game.intervals.length] = setInterval(function() { // Generate opponents at random
game.opponentArray[game.opponentArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Opponent(sideScrollLevel['OpponentData'][spaceFishData[game.currentLevel]['opponents'][Math.floor(Math.random() * spaceFishData[game.currentLevel]['opponents'].length)]]);
}, 1000);
"clearScreen" : function() {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "black";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, game.bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width, game.bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.drawImage(game['img'][window.spaceFishData[game.currentLevel].background], game.backgroundShift, 0);
"update" : function() {
// shift background
game.backgroundShift -= .2;
// update game time
game.currentTime = String(game.levelTime - (+new Date() - game.startTime));
while (game.currentTime.length !== 5) {
var zero = "0";
game.currentTime = zero.concat(game.currentTime);
if (isNaN(Number(game.currentTime))) game.loadGameLoop(window.spaceFishData[game.currentLevel].win);
// update object arrays
for (var k=0; k<=game.objectArrays.length-1; k++) {
if (typeof game[game.objectArrays[k].name][0] !== "undefined") {
for (var i=0; i<=game[game.objectArrays[k].name].length-1; i++) {
// DetectRemoval will switch the terminate value to true, which wipes it out below.
// Collision detection
var a = game[game.objectArrays[k].name][i];
if (typeof game.objectArrays[k].collidesWith !== "undefined") {
for (var j=0; j<=game[game.objectArrays[k].collidesWith].length-1; j++) {
var b = game[game.objectArrays[k].collidesWith][j];
game.objectArrays[k].action(a, b, i, j);
// Remove blasts from projectileArray when they fly off the screen
for (var i=0; i<=game[game.objectArrays[k].name].length-1; i++) {
if (game[game.objectArrays[k].name][i].terminate == true) {
"render" : function() {
for (var k=0; k<=game.objectArrays.length-1; k++) {
if (typeof game[game.objectArrays[k].name] !== "undefined") {
for (var i=0; i<=game[game.objectArrays[k].name].length-1; i++) {
var modeHeight = 0;
if (game.playerArray[0] !== "peaShooter") {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = game.playerArray[0].weapon.color;
var startX = (game.bufferCanvas.width/2) - ((game.playerArray[0].weapon.endTime - game.playerArray[0].weapon.currentTime) / (game.playerArray[0].weapon.endTime - game.playerArray[0].weapon.startTime)) * (game.bufferCanvas.width/2);
var endX = ((game.playerArray[0].weapon.endTime - game.playerArray[0].weapon.currentTime) / (game.playerArray[0].weapon.endTime - game.playerArray[0].weapon.startTime)) * (game.bufferCanvas.width/2) * 2;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(startX, game.bufferCanvas.height-50, endX, 50);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.font = "20pt Arial";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "white";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText(game.playerArray[0].weapon.title, game.bufferCanvas.width/2 - 50, game.bufferCanvas.height - 15);
modeHeight += 50;
if (game.playerArray[0] !== "normal") {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = game.playerArray[0].mode.color;
var startX = (game.bufferCanvas.width/2) - ((game.playerArray[0].mode.endTime - game.playerArray[0].mode.currentTime) / (game.playerArray[0].mode.endTime - game.playerArray[0].mode.startTime)) * (game.bufferCanvas.width/2);
var endX = ((game.playerArray[0].mode.endTime - game.playerArray[0].mode.currentTime) / (game.playerArray[0].mode.endTime - game.playerArray[0].mode.startTime)) * (game.bufferCanvas.width/2) * 2;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(startX, game.bufferCanvas.height-(50+modeHeight), endX, 50);
game.bufferCanvasCtx.font = "20pt Arial";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "white";
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText(game.playerArray[0].mode.title, game.bufferCanvas.width/2 - 50, game.bufferCanvas.height - (15+modeHeight));
"events" : [
{"event" : "mousedown", "action" : function() {
{"event" : "mousemove", "action" : function(e) {
if (typeof game.playerArray[0] !== "undefined") {
game.playerArray[0].y = e.pageY;
* Game Object Prototypes
"GameObject" : {
"terminate" : false,
"name" : "",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"velx" : 0,
"vely" : 0,
"w" : 30,
"h" : 15,
"update" : function () {this.x += this.velx; this.y += this.vely;},
"detectRemoval" : function () {if (this.x < -(this.w) || this.x > canvas.width) {this.terminate = true;}},
"render" : function (updateObject) {
img = updateObject.img;
// toggles the opponent image
if (updateObject.hasOwnProperty('imgb')) {
img = (Number(String( > 5)? updateObject.img : updateObject.imgb;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.drawImage(game['img'][img], updateObject.x, updateObject.y, updateObject.w, updateObject.h);
"GameObjectInit" : function (self, argData) {
for (var key in sideScrollLevel.GameObject) {if (!self.hasOwnProperty(key)) self[key] = sideScrollLevel.GameObject[key];}
for (var key in argData) {self[key] = argData[key];}
"Player" : function (argData) {
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData); = "player"; = 1;
this.img = "spaceShipA";
this.imgb = "spaceShipB";
this.weapon = {"name" : "peaShooter", "color" : "white", "title" : "Pea Shooter", "startTime" : 0, "endTime" : 0, "currentTime" : 0 };
this.mode = {"name" : "normal", "color" : "white", "title" : "Normal", "startTime" : 0, "endTime" : 0, "currentTime" : 0 };
this.update = function () {
if ( !== "peaShooter") {
this.weapon.currentTime = +new Date();
if (this.weapon.currentTime > this.weapon.endTime) this.changeWeapon({"weapon" : "peaShooter"});
if ( !== "normal") {
this.mode.currentTime = +new Date();
if (this.mode.currentTime > this.mode.endTime) this.changeMode({"mode" : "normal"});
this.getHit = function () { //TODO: create a more robust, dynamic way of involving items
if ( == "mega") {
self.changeMode({"mode" : "normal"});
} else if ( == "drill") {
// nothing happens!
} else if ( == "normal") { -= 1;
this.die = function () {
game.effectArray[game.effectArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Effect({
"x" : self.x,
"y" : self.y,
"img" : "explosionSprite",
"update" : function() { += 100;
if ( >= 600) { = 0; += 100;
} if ( > 600) {
this.terminate = true;
game.lives -= 1;
var levelToLoad = game.lives > 0 ? game.currentLevel : "loseScreen";
"render" : function() {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.drawImage(game['img'][this.img],,, 100, 100, this.x, this.y, 200, 200)
this.loadItem = function(itemData) {
if (itemData.hasOwnProperty("weapon")) {
} else if (itemData.hasOwnProperty("mode")) {
this.changeWeapon = function (itemData) { = itemData.weapon;
this.weapon.startTime = +new Date();
this.weapon.endTime = this.weapon.startTime + (itemData.duration * 1000);
this.weapon.color = itemData.color;
this.weapon.title = itemData.title;
this.changeMode = function(itemData) {
var modes = sideScrollLevel.PlayerModes;
for (var key in modes[itemData.mode]) {
if (modes[itemData.mode].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key === "mode") { = modes[itemData.mode][key]; // TODO: make polymorphic? Maybe?
} else {
self[key] = modes[itemData.mode][key];
if (itemData.mode !== "normal") {
self.mode.startTime = +new Date();
self.mode.endTime = self.mode.startTime + (modes[itemData.mode].duration * 1000);
self.mode.color = modes[itemData.mode].color;
self.mode.title = itemData.mode;
"Blast" : function (argData) {
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData);
this.source = typeof argData.source !== "undefined" ? argData.source : "player";
this.x = typeof argData.x !== "undefined" ? argData.x : game.playerArray[0].w;
this.y = typeof argData.y !== "undefined" ? argData.y : game.playerArray[0].y + game.playerArray[0].h/2;
this.radius = typeof argData.radius !== "undefined" ? argData.radius : 10;
this.color = typeof argData.color !== "undefined" ? argData.color : "white";
this.detectRemoval = typeof argData.detectRemoval !== "undefined" ? argData.detectRemoval : function() {
if (this.x > canvas.width || this.x < this.radius) this.terminate = true;
this.render = typeof argData.render !== "undefined" ? argData.render : function (updateObject) {
game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = updateObject.color;
game.bufferCanvasCtx.arc(updateObject.x, updateObject.y, updateObject.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
"Effect" : function(argData) {
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData); = typeof !== "undefined" ? 0; = typeof !== "undefined" ? 0;
this.opacity = typeof argData.opacity !== "undefined" ? argData.opacity: 0;
this.text = typeof argData.text !== "undefined" ? argData.text : "";
"Display" : function(argData) {
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData);
this.text = typeof argData.text !== "undefined" ? argData.text : "";
"Opponent" : function (argData) {
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData);
this.score = typeof argData.score !== 'undefined' ? argData.score : 0;
this.x = typeof argData.x !== 'undefined' ? argData.x : canvas.width;
this.y = typeof argData.y !== 'undefined' ? argData.y : Math.random() * (canvas.height - this.h);
this.detectRemoval = typeof argData.detectRemoval !== "undefined" ? argData.detectRemoval : function() {
if (this.x < -(this.w)) {
this.terminate = true;
this.getHit = typeof argData.getHit !== 'undefined' ? argData.getHit : function(i) {
// Generate item by default
var argData = sideScrollLevel['ItemData'][sideScrollLevel['OpponentData'][]["item"]];
argData.x = self.x;
argData.y = self.y + self.h/2;
// Draw the score
game.score += self.score;
game.effectArray[game.effectArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Effect({"x" : self.x + self.w/2, "y" : self.y, "opacity" : 1, "text" : self.score, "update" : function() {this.y -= 2; this.opacity -= .02; if (this.opacity <= 0) {this.terminate = true;}}, "render" : function() {game.bufferCanvasCtx.font = "20pt Arial"; game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255," + this.opacity + ")"; game.bufferCanvasCtx.fillText(this.text, this.x, this.y);}});
game.itemArray[game.itemArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Item(argData);
this.explode = function () {
game.effectArray[game.effectArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Effect({"x" : self.x, "y" : self.y, "img" : "explosionSprite", "update" : function() { += 100; if ( >= 600) { = 0; += 100;} if ( > 600) {this.terminate = true;}}, "render" : function() {game.bufferCanvasCtx.drawImage(game['img'][this.img],,, 100, 100, this.x, this.y, 200, 200)}});
"Item" : function(argData) { // TODO: make this dynamic so that it is called by the opponent
var self = this;
this.init = sideScrollLevel.GameObjectInit(self, argData);
this.w = 40; // TODO: change this to a radius maybe
this.h = 40;
this.velx = -4;
* Game Object Data
"PlayerModes" : {
"normal" : {
"mode" : "normal",
"h" : 60,
"w" : 120,
"color" : "white",
"health" : 1,
"img" : "spaceShipA",
"imgb" : "spaceShipB"
"mega" : {
"mode" : "mega",
"h" : 80,
"w" : 120,
"color" : "green",
"duration" : 10,
"health" : 2,
"img" : "spaceShipMegaA",
"imgb" : "spaceShipMegaB"
"drill" : {
"mode" : "drill",
"h" : 60,
"w" : 145,
"color" : "orange",
"duration" : 2,
"health" : 1,
"img" : "spaceShipShieldA",
"imgb" : "spaceShipShieldB"
"OpponentData" : {
"Bill" : {
"name" : "Bill",
"score" : 100,
"w" : 300,
"h" : 150,
"velx" : 15,
"img" : "bigBloaterA",
"imgb" : "bigBloaterB",
"item" : "mega",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx;}
"Sam" : {
"name" : "Sam",
"score" : 200,
"w" : 150,
"h" : 75,
"velx" : 20,
"img" : "speedyBlueA",
"imgb" : "speedyBlueB",
"item" : "dualLaser",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx;}
"Luciano" : {
"name" : "Luciano",
"score" : 300,
"w" : 200,
"h" : 300,
"velx" : 25,
"img" : "sinusoidSwimmerA",
"imgb" : "sinusoidSwimmerB",
"item" : "shockWave",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx; var sin = Math.sin(this.x * 2.5) * 80; this.y += sin;}
"Homer" : {
"name" : "Homer",
"score" : 400,
"w" : 230,
"h" : 115,
"velx" : 35,
"img" : "homingFishA",
"imgb" : "homingFishB",
"item" : "homingMissile",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx; this.y += ((this.y + this.h/2) > game.playerArray[0].y)? -10 : 10;}
"Darren" : {
"name" : "Darren",
"score" : 500,
"w" : 250,
"h" : 250,
"velx" : 15,
"img" : "splitFishBigA",
"imgb" : "splitFishBigB",
"item" : "dualLaser",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx;}, "getHit" : function(i) {
for (var k=-5; k<=5; k+=5) {
var dylanData = sideScrollLevel['OpponentData']['Dylan'];
dylanData.x = game.opponentArray[i].x; dylanData.y = game.opponentArray[i].y; dylanData.vely = k;
game.opponentArray[game.opponentArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Opponent(dylanData);
"Dylan" : {
"name" : "Dylan",
"score" : 500,
"w" : 125,
"h" : 75,
"velx" : 25,
"img" : "splitFishSmallA",
"imgb" : "splitFishSmallB",
"item" : "bouncyBalls",
"update" : function() {this.x -= this.velx; this.y -= this.vely;}
"Frank" : {
"name" : "Frank",
"score" : 600,
"w" : 300,
"h" : 150,
"velx" : 15,
"img" : "spitFireFishA",
"imgb" : "spitFireFishB",
"item" : "drill",
"update" : function() {
this.x -= this.velx;
if (this.x >700 && this.x < 720) {
game.opponentProjectileArray[game.opponentProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"name" : "Heroin",
"source" : "opponent",
"x" : this.x,
"y" : this.y + this.h/2,
"velx" : -20,
"vely" : 0,
"update" : function () {this.x += this.velx},
"radius" : 10,
"color" : "orange"
"CrabCakes" : {
"name" : "CrabCakes",
"score" : 700,
"w" : 200,
"h" : 200,
"velx" : 20,
"vely" : 4,
"img" : "crabCakesA",
"imgb" : "crabCakesB",
"item" : "hellFire",
"update" : function() {
this.x -= this.velx;
if (this.x < 0) this.velx = -this.velx;
if (this.x + this.w > canvas.width && this.velx < 0) this.velx = -this.velx;
this.y -= this.vely;
if (this.y < 0) this.vely = -this.vely;
if (this.y + this.h > canvas.height && this.vely < 0) this.vely = -this.vely;
"ItemData" : {
"mega" : {
"title" : "Mega",
"mode" : "mega",
"img" : "orbmega",
"color" : "green",
"duration" : 20
"dualLaser" : {
"title" : "Dual Laser",
"weapon" : "dualLaser",
"img" : "orblaser",
"color" : "purple",
"duration" : 2
"shockWave" : {
"title" : "Shock Wave",
"weapon" : "shockWave",
"img" : "orbshock",
"color" : "yellow",
"duration" : 3
"homingMissile" : {
"title" : "Homing Missile",
"weapon" : "homingMissile",
"img" : "orbhoming",
"color" : "red",
"duration" : 4
"bouncyBalls" : {
"title" : "Bouncy Balls",
"weapon" : "bouncyBalls",
"img" : "orbbouncy",
"color" : "blue",
"duration" : 5
"drill" : {
"title" : "Drill",
"mode" : "drill",
"img" : "orbdrill",
"color" : "orange",
"duration" : 6
"hellFire" : {
"title" : "Hell Fire",
"weapon" : "hellFire",
"img" : "orbhellfire",
"color" : "black",
"duration" : 7
"WeaponData" : { // TODO: figure out whether to put this with itemData, not sure yet
"peaShooter" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Placebo",
"velx" : 10,
"vely" : 0,
"color" : "white"
"dualLaser" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Speed",
"y" : (game.playerArray[0].y + game.playerArray[0].h/2)-15,
"velx" : 10,
"vely" : 0,
"radius" : 7,
"color" : "red"
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Speed",
"y" : (game.playerArray[0].y + game.playerArray[0].h/2)+15,
"velx" : 10,
"vely" : 0,
"radius" : 7,
"color" : "red"
"shockWave" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Molly",
"velx" : 10,
"vely" : 0,
"update" : function () {this.x += this.velx; var sin = Math.sin(this.x * 2.5) * 8; this.y += sin;},
"color" : "yellow"
"homingMissile" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Coke",
"velx" : 5,
"vely" : 0,
"update" : function () {
if (game.opponentArray.length > 0) {
this.y += (game.opponentArray[game.opponentArray.length-1].y - this.y) * .05;
this.x += this.velx;
"radius" : 20,
"color" : "red"
"bouncyBalls" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "LSD",
"velx" : 10,
"vely" : Math.round(Math.random()*2 - 1) * 10,
"update" : function () {
this.x += this.velx;
this.y += this.vely;
if (this.y < 0) this.vely = -this.vely;
if (this.y + this.radius > canvas.height) this.vely = -this.vely;
"color" : "purple"
"hellFire" : {
"fire" : function() {
game.playerProjectileArray[game.playerProjectileArray.length] = new sideScrollLevel.Blast({
"title" : "Party",
"velx" : Math.round(Math.random()*20 - 10),
"vely" : Math.round(Math.random()*20 - 10),
"update" : function () {
this.x += this.velx;
if (this.x < 0) this.velx = -this.velx;
if (this.x + this.radius > canvas.width && this.velx > 0) this.velx = -this.velx;
this.y -= this.vely;
if (this.y < 0) this.vely = -this.vely;
if (this.y + this.radius > canvas.height && this.vely < 0) this.vely = -this.vely;
"color" : "red"
if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
alert("Sorry, this game is not optimized for mobile devices");
var game = new Game();
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